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WestLB Apologies And Pays Undisclosed Amount to Balli Group

Bloomberg Markets has carried an article confirming that WestLB paid undisclosed damages and issued a letter of apology to Vahid Alaghband and Balli Group plc.

Former WestLB CEO Alexander Stuhlmann told Vahid Alaghband the bank regretted the hardships to him and Balli.

“You have always acted professionally and honourably in your dealings with WestLB,” Stuhlmann said in a letter that Alaghband received in November. “From our point of view, there are no obstacles to establishing business relations with your group.”

The ‘Alaghband’s Nightmare Ends’ article states that in November 2008, WestLB offered an undisclosed financial settlement and agreed to withdraw allegations of credit fraud levelled at Balli Group in connection with its takeover of Kloeckner & Co AG in 2001. The WestLB allegations led to the arrest and investigative custody of Alaghband in 2003 by German authorities. He was released after 11 months without charge.

Bloomberg states that Vahid Alaghband, Chairman of Balli Group Plc, had to wait seven years to close the book on his failed takeover of German steel trader Kloeckner & Co. and to try to put the acquisition that cost him 11 months in jail behind him.

Balli Steel, Alaghband’s London-based steel trading company, bought Kloeckner for 1.1 billion euros ($1.42 billion) in 2001.

Alaghband’s partner in the deal, WestLB AG, Germany’s third-biggest state-owned bank, filed a criminal complaint accusing Alaghband of fraud. He was jailed in Zurich in 2003 and then transferred to Duisburg where Kloeckner was based. In May 2003, while he was behind bars and couldn’t repay a €212.5 million loan, WestLB bought Kloeckner. BLOOMBERG MARKETS reported on the ordeal in “The Long Nightmare of Vahid Alaghband” (May 2005).

Following the reconciliation at the end of 2008, a joint statement was issued which said, “Kloeckner & Co Beteiligungs GmbH and the Balli Group of Companies are pleased to announce that they have reached an amicable settlement to the disputes with WestLB AG which arose from the sale of Kloeckner & Co AG to Balli by E.ON in 2001.”

Balli is delighted that the seven year saga of misunderstandings and legal proceedings involving German trade unions, central and regional German state politicians, a plethora of international banking, investment and accounting consultants, and steel-trading tycoons – has now been settled and put to rest.

Vahid Alaghband, Chairman of Balli Group, commented: “We are pleased with the outcome of this case, from which many lessons were learnt. This settlement is proof yet again of the wisdom that most business litigations launched on grounds of receiving justice and litigating on issues of principal eventually become a means for reaching the inevitable pragmatic peace. We believe that the financial settlement is a good one for us and avoids the need for the continuation of a costly multi-jurisdictional litigation by us. Most importantly for us as a family business with a long tradition of trading over three generations, we feel that the WestLB admission has finally set the record straight and confirms our contention throughout that we have always acted honourably and professionally in our dealings with our counterparts.”

Case number: Landgericht Düsseldorf Gz.: 40 O 61 /05

About Balli Holdings
Balli Holdings, established in 1982 is a private, multi-national corporation, headquartered in London, with offices around the world. Headed by Vahid, Hassan and Nasser Alaghband, Balli operates a number of affiliated companies specialising in commodity trading, industrial, real estate and private equity with operations in over 20 countries. Balli’s acquisition from utility company E.ON in 2000 of Germany’s Kloeckner Steel Trade GmbH led, in 2001, to Balli’s offer – with the financial backing of Credit Suisse and WestLB – for “senior” company Kloeckner & Co AG. Goldman Sachs had acted as M&A adviser Balli on the deal.

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What’s Been Sleeping In Your Bed?

FROM:George Rust/561-644 4128 /

While animal rights’ activists tossed Ringling Bros.[Feld Entertainment] into a legal ring in Washington D.C federal court this month., another case is soon to pounce on Busch Entertainment Corp – – the theme-park subsidiary of InBev/Anheuser-Busch.

The Florida case, however, is more than a contest over cruel and inhumane treatment of animals “on display.” It raises serious health issues for the travelling public.

According to filed court documents, Cuban-born Arlin Valdez-Castillo, a 40-something chambermaid at Boykin’s Miami airport Hampton Inn was assigned to conduct her housekeeping duties in hotel rooms occupied with an unusual clientele: lemurs, spider monkeys, a tropical parrot, and a five-year-old, five-foot long alligator named Bob. Although the rooms smelled like a zoo, according to members of the hotel staff, Arlin did her duty … retrieving feathers and fecal matter left by the untidy exotics. Arlin didn’t know about zoonoses [the medical term for diseases spread from animals to humans] until she fell seriously ill, was hospitalized for two weeks with angry lesions spontaneously erupting all over her body.

That was 2004. Next month, after five years of reoccurring skin lesions, diagnosed by a prominent Miami immunologist to have been caused by exposure to the exotic animals, a federal judge will weigh the evidence between man and beast. Recently, a Miami neurologist, who will testify at the upcoming trial, opined that the initial zoonotic infection has spread to Arlin’s nervous system, causing her severe pain in some extremities which he diagnosed as RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy).

Unable to work, Arlin’s cause of action for payment of her mounting medical bills –- now calculated to exceed $450,000 with no end in sight – and sufficient funds to sustain a modest lifestyle and provide for future care, has been stymied at every turn by Busch lawyers, who claim “it’s her fault” that she had allergies.

Such outrage does not stop with Arlin. Conservation Ambassadors, formerly Wild on Wheels formerly Zoo-to-You, a California company which claims to promote animal conservation and provide an educational experience to curious townsfolk across America. It is no coincidence that Conservation Ambassadors appears to have a single client – Busch – to promote the corporation’s revenue-producing theme parks, including Busch Gardens – Tampa.

But does dragging helpless wild animals cross country, submitting them to the dark, frigid cargo-holds of Boeing’s best for 5+ hours really teach respect for wildlife? Or does it smack of high-powered publicity stunts to lure visitors out of shopping malls into theme parks to pump up the corporate bottom line?

Tourists and truckers should inquire of roadside innkeepers: What was sleeping in my bed before booking their motel rooms. Unwary folks may be exposing themselves to serious infectious diseases. These animals of the wild may not leave the light on for the weary traveler, but deposit dangerous microscopic organisms on the welcome mat in their wake.

Additional information/substantiation available at:
PACER (Public Access Court Electronic Records)
Southern District of Florida Case # 1:06-cv-20772-WPD

Previous coverage: as follows
Hotel Online (9/08)

Hotel Online
News for the Hospitality Executive

A Hampton Inn Miami-Airport West Housekeeping Attendant Claims Health

Woes After Cleaning Up for Two Lemurs, a Monkey and an Alligator
By Douglas Hanks, The Miami HeraldMcClatchy-Tribune Regional News
Sep. 24, 2008 – There’s no doubt some guests at the Hampton Inn Miami Airport West behaved like animals during their stay four years ago. They had an excuse, though — being lemurs, a spider monkey, an alligator and a parrot.

The menagerie — stars of a traveling zoo exhibition — lies at the heart of a lawsuit by a maid who cleaned rooms rented by the animals’ handlers for eight days in February 2004. Arlin Valdez-Castillo blames chronic medical problems on exposure to bird feces, monkey dander and other alleged hazards from the exotic guests.

The case, being heard in federal court in Miami, will force a judge to weigh the legal protections for employees, employers and beasts when all three land in close quarters.

Defense lawyers want Judge Shelby Highsmith to throw out the case partly based on court precedents that animal owners face liability only if their charges attack (such as a dog bite) rather than simply perform natural functions (such as spider monkey droppings).

“Plantiff’s alleged allergic reaction was not due to the dangerous propensities of the wild animals,” attorneys for Busch Gardens, which hired the animals for a local publicity tour, wrote in a motion. “Rather, the allergic reaction was due to Plaintiff’s own immune system.”

The case also reveals some of the complications involved when business travel includes the furry and the feathered.

Lawyers submitted as evidence a Busch Gardens manual for traveling with animals. Among the tips: Book a room near an ice machine when on the road with penguins and always put the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door when leaving an animal alone in a hotel room.

According to court documents, the messy dispute began in February 2004, when Busch Gardens booked a South Florida publicity blitz for its safari theme park in Tampa. It hired the traveling Wildlife on Wheels animal troupe run by Conservation Ambassadors, a nonprofit in California’s wine country.

On Feb. 9, Maya the spider monkey, Bob the alligator, Tango the Macaw and lemurs Zuri and Rufio were loaded into containers and flown from California to Miami on an American Airlines flight.

They joined Busch Gardens workers for performances at Miami Heat and Miami Hurricanes basketball games, a Florida Panthers hockey game, and school and television appearances.

At night the animals and their Wildlife on Wheels handlers slept at the Hampton Inn, at 3620 NW 79th Ave. in West Miami-Dade.

Valdez claims her superiors forced her to clean the rooms once the handlers and animals left for the day.

Lawyers and executives for the hotel declined to comment.

Alan Landsberg, a Fort Lauderdale lawyer representing Conservation Ambassadors, said: “We believe the plaintiff has no case.”

In her deposition, Valdez said she made contact with hair, feathers, urine and feces while cleaning the rooms.

“When you walked into the room, it was like being in a zoo,” Valdez said Tuesday afternoon through a translator in the Coral Gables office of her lawyer, John Hess.
But Migdalia Gonzalez, another Hampton Inn maid, said in a deposition that she encountered an “unpleasant” smell and plenty of feathers and bird food while cleaning up the rooms, but no feces, fur or visible urine.

Five hours into her 2006 deposition, Valdez also recounted being kidnapped two weeks earlier from outside her suburban Miami home by two men she claims took her to a cemetery and warned her to drop the lawsuit. Hess said a police report was filed, but no arrests have been made.

Valdez’s suit claims the animal exposure left her with physical and emotional problems, including skin lesions throughout her body, headaches and depression.

A University of Miami doctor, Nancy Klimas, wrote in a 2005 report that Valdez developed severe animal allergies “through a prolonged and dramatic exposure of animal dander and excrements during those 2 1/2 weeks” at the Hampton Inn.

Becca Bides, a spokeswoman for Busch Gardens and its sister park, Sea World, declined to comment directly on the suit but said: “We have been conducting animal interaction programs in our parks, and all over the world, for 45 years. And we have never had a history of such an occurrence.”

The suit says Boykin Management, the Ohio company that owns and manages the Hampton Inn franchise, forced Valdez, 42, out after she complained of health problems from the animal exposure.

But in court filings, Boykin denied making Valdez clean the rooms and rejected allegations she came into contact with feces, dander or other animal substances.
The Busch Gardens travel guide states animals may “roam” in hotel rooms, but all “feces, urine and marking excretions should be properly cleaned if this occurs during playtime.”

Busch Gardens, in a court filing, suggests Valdez brought on the problems herself.

“Plaintiff so carelessly and negligently conducted herself as to cause or contribute to the occurrence of the incident,” the theme park’s lawyers wrote.

But Valdez said she only cleaned the rooms as best she could, scooping up feathers by hand from the sink and scraping droppings off the carpet.

“I did what I had to do,” she said Tuesday.
To see more of The Miami Herald or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to
Copyright (c) 2008, The Miami Herald
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.

Contact Details:
Plaintiff’s counsel:
Michael M. Tobin, Esq.
Tel: 305-445-5475

John P. Hess, Esq.
Tel: 305-445-9525

Bryan J. Yarnell, Esq.
561-622-1252 x178

Defendants’ counsel:
Robert Blank, Esq. [Defendant Busch]
Tel: 813-223-4253

James E. Mitchell, Esq. [Defendant Conservation]
Alan L. Landsberg, Esq.
Tel: 954-761-8600

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Schillings Will Be Delivering The Closing Keynote Address At This Year’s Trust & Estates Litigation Forum

Schillings, one of the UK’s top law firms dedicated to protecting the reputations of international corporations, brands and celebrities, will be delivering the closing keynote address at this year’s Trust & Estates Litigation Forum.

Rod Christie-Miller, a partner at Schillings, will deliver the closing speech at the Legal Week-sponsored conference, which will discuss and offer advice on managing disputes amid market turbulence to a target audience of lawyers, banks and other financial companies.

With the world’s financial markets having been in the grip of a debilitating crisis since mid-2008, this has inevitably affected the work of trust and estate litigators. The 2009 Trust and Estates Litigation conference programme will examine the impact of this turmoil along with some of the key issues surrounding the current contentious trust markets.

Rod Christie-Miller’s closing address will highlight how the press will report on commercial litigation in the next year and what can be done about it. The press have always been interested in reporting on publicly available Court documents and public testimony as an easy and quick news source and recent commercial and legal developments mean that is going to be increasingly prevalent. Rod will look at the reasons behind this trend, and also outline how the law can be used to counteract that threat.

Rod Christie-Miller is a litigator and leading expert in using the law of defamation, privacy and breach of confidence to protect clients who find themselves in the media spotlight. He specialises in reputation management for companies and their senior executives, public figures, overseas investors, high-net worth individuals and entrepreneurs particularly from the UK and the former Soviet states.

The Legal Week Trust & Estates Forum will take place from the 26th – 28th February at the Four Seasons Resort Provence at Terre Blanche, France, in association with The American Lawyer and principally sponsored by Legal Week and RBC Wealth Management, with Blackberry, Appleby and Carey Olsen also offering their sponsorship to the event.

For further information about the event please contact Steve Hands on 020 7316 9602 or

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution is second to none.

Defamation privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

Schillings clients include Lord Browne of Madingley, Las Vegas Sands Casino owner Sheldon Adelson, supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling as well as corporations such as GlaxoSmithKline, Kaupthing bank, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Legal Networking Sites Help Lawyers and Law Firms Achieve Far Greater Reach

It looks like the dot com bust of the year 2000 is well and truly behind us if the number of web start-ups in the past three years is anything to go by. F r o m online retail stores to social networking sites, many web based companies have come up and they are not only surviving but actually showing profits with huge valuations against their name.

But it seems in the year of 2007 and 2008 the real winners are the legal networking that provide valuable legal expertise to their visitors and allow registered users to post their problems or legal requirements on their sites. Lawyers can then advise these users on what to do next and even pursue taking up their cases. The fact that these sites have made the common man more comfortable with their legal issues and overall handling of the law, have made them an absolute favourite with users.

Richard Susskind predicted just this back in 1996 who is now in Toronto promoting his new book called ‘The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services’ to Toronto Lawyers. He argues that not so in the distance future majority of the Lawyers and Law Firms will start offering the legal services online while those who are slower to adopt the use of technology to increase their reach online will falter. “I’m seeing a whole wave of new technologies emerging, which are allowing clients to gain cheap and new access to legal services and advice. The classic interface between lawyers and clients is disappearing because online services are replacing it” Mr. Susskind said.

Lawyer Ahead Inc founded in 2007 is one of the most popular legal networking sites that have learnt f r o m the mistakes of their predecessors and now concentrate on offering the best value proposition for their lawyers. They make sure that their users experience is something that they genuinely value and at the same time make it as easy as possible for them to use the facilities of the website. Through compelling offerings to lawyers to encourage them to sign up – not only are they showing profits with huge valuations, they have also made the lawyers understand the importance of harnessing the power of web as a tool for effective advertising. Recent Neilson study shows that 3 out 4 people are now online looking for a lawyer and that number continues to grow month over month. “Lawyerahead services are an inexpensive way to gain internet exposure.”

Said Christopher Hicks, a Criminal Lawyer and a Partner with Hicks Blocks and Adam LLP. “We have received several inquiries f r o m Day 1, their customer focus in number 1 and they do a wonderful job promoting their lawyers as top lawyers. It’s a no brainer.”

It’s no wonder Mr. Susskind has raised quite a stir about his new book. He expects thistrend to continue, he expects continued shakeups in the legal industry, and believes that if a lawyer or law firm is to continue its success in the legal space they are going to have to change also.

About the company
Lawyer Ahead Inc. aims to help consumers find lawyers with the right experience for theirlegal needs. Often choosing a lawyer is an important and difficult task for any consumer.

Lawyer Ahead Inc, narrows the gap here by providing a simple, guided process for consumers to present their legal matters online and then by connecting those consumers to lawyers in an efficient and effective manner. Unlike the yellow pages, gives consumers multiple selections of lawyers to choose f r o m as it stands by that giving the consumers the option is a valuable tool when selecting the right lawyer.’s community is constantly sharing their own legal experiences allowing new consumers to learn f r o m their insights and learning f r o m another who has already been there. Lawyer Ahead, Inc also operates under to better serve its Canadian consumers looking for legal help for their legal needs.

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California Holistic Lawyer Duane Light Has Introduced A Leading Edge “Flexible Fee” Policy For His New Marin County Law Practice

Clients often open legal bills with dread – afraid of being surprised with costs that are hundreds or even thousands of dollars more than expected. A new, consumer-friendly, win-win approach to fair billing has found its way to the San Francisco Bay Area.

California Holistic Lawyer Duane Light has introduced a leading edge “Flexible Fee” policy for his new Marin County Law Practice. He and the client sit down together, discuss goals and options, and together create a fee structure that is fair, manageable and predictable.

Mr. Light found in the past that client uncertainty about legal fees created stress for them as well as for him. With this more open approach to fees, his clients feel empowered in the process, certain of costs, and more satisfied overall with their legal experiences.

Some attorneys and law firms nationwide have begun to adopt alternative billing practice, where in effect they toss their standard hourly rate out the window. The goal is to give the client more certainty in costs, as well as exactly what the attorney will be doing and in what time frame. In a first, no-cost consultation with Mr. Light, if both he and the client decide to move forward they take a holistic view of the client’s needs and payment options.

Common questions might include:

(1) What are the larger goals that led to a legal consultation? Are there simple and cost-effective ways to achieve those goals?

(2) What is the desired budget and what can be accomplished within that budget?

(3) Are there alternative ways to provide compensation such as creative exchange, bonus, or a percentage-of-recovery fee?

(4) Are there low-cost alternative resources such as self-help books or forms that could lower legal costs?

(5) Are there non-legal approaches to a situation where the attorney would primarily be a guide and advisor?

(6) Can payment be made on a stage-by-stage basis, where client and attorney review the case periodically to decide the most efficient and cost-effective next steps?

(7) Can a fixed fee be set for a certain task or representation so the client can have complete confidence in the cost?

Mr. Light became a holistic lawyer in the mid-1990’s, limiting his practice to people who wish to invoke their highest principals, and create more personally and spiritually fulfilling legal experiences. He immediately found that client satisfaction improved, and cases generally ran more smoothly and more often resulted in win-win outcomes. With Flexible Fees, another avenue has been created for clients to have a more satisfying experience with legal services.

Mr. Light’s website is, and he can be reached at or 877-275-5444.

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Field Fisher Waterhouse has recovered more than £250,000 in compensation at the High Court on behalf of a widow whose husband died from mesothelioma

Law firm, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, has recovered more than £250,000 in compensation at the High Court on behalf of a widow whose husband died from mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer.

Mr John Lambie of Spalding in Lincolnshire died in November 2006 at just 62. He died from mesothelioma – a cancer of the lining of the lung caused by exposure to asbestos. He was exposed to asbestos between 1965 and 1970 when he worked for New Century Group Ltd, based in Harlesden, London, as an industrial cleaner, cleaning factories and bakeries all over the South East. His job involved cleaning the asbestos corrugated roofs of factories and cleaning pipes lagged with asbestos.

His widow, Jane Beesley, who has now re-married, nursed him during his illness at home. In addition to general damages, the Judge awarded £25,000 compensation to Mrs Beesley for the care and assistance she gave to her dying husband which is the highest ever award for care and assistance in a mesothelioma claim.

Harminder Bains, lawyer in the Asbestos Claims Group at Field Fisher Waterhouse, was instructed to claim compensation from New Century Group Ltd on behalf of Mrs Beesley. The total award, which included interest, was £253,310. This includes the sum of £72,000 for pain and suffering, one of the highest awards for this type of case, and £25,000 for the care and assistance given by Mrs Beesley, which is the highest ever award for this item in a mesothelioma case.

Harminder Bains, the lawyer who dealt with the case, at Field Fisher Waterhouse said: “Mrs Beesley attended to all of her dying husband’s needs in an attempt to give him some comfort. I am satisfied that in this case the Court recognised the extraordinary effort it takes to look after a dying man. I hope it is recognised in future cases.”

Court number for this case – HQ 08X02073

In 2008, the Asbestos Claims Group at Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP recovered over £16 million in compensation for victims of asbestos-related diseases in 124 successful cases. The lawyers in the firm’s Asbestos Claims Group have recovered over £132 million in 2025 successful claims.

About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims, personal injury, brain damage cases, clinical negligence, public sector and tax.

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Injury Compensation Advice Company Accident Advice Helpline Has Launched Its New Website Detailing How Prospective Claimants Could Win Compensation For Their Personal Injuries

The new website intends to make clear the intention of Accident Advice Helpline to assist people with genuine claims discover what compensation they may be entitled to and includes information on the compensation claim process, how to claim online, a FAQ section and company news.

Accident Advice Helpline’s updated site also includes case studies, a 30 second “how much is your claim worth?” calculator and information about different types of injury compensation claims that can be made.

Prospective claimants are invited to visit the new website to read about what is available to them, but Accident Advice Helpline also encourages victims of personal injuries to phone them on a 24 hour free helpline offering legal advice.

From its new website, Accident Advice Helpline offers a no-win no-fee service to clients who have experienced a personal injury through no fault of their own. From traffic accidents to work accidents, Accident Advice Helpline can help victims of personal injury gain compensation. The injury compensation expert specialises in hassle free online and offline service, with no forms to fill.

For those who have suffered accidents at work, road incidents or other accidents, Accident Advice Helpline can provide round the clock assistance and advice – all free of charge on its legal advice helpline.

About Accident Advice Helpline
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.

The injury compensation specialist is the UK’s leading company of its kind and prides itself on quick and effective claims processing with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level of customer satisfaction Accident Advice Helpline is known for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen’s continued support for the company, which she has steadily provided since 2003.

Accident Advice Helpline Direct Ltd
Registered in England & Wales: No: 5107417
Registered Office: Quadrant House (Floor 6), 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW

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2008 – Record Year For Asbestos Claims

In 2008, the Asbestos Claims Group at law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP recovered record levels of compensation for victims of asbestos-related diseases in 124 successful cases, resulting in over £16 million. Over the years, the lawyers in the firm’s Asbestos Claims Group have recovered a total of £132 million in 2025 successful claims.

Some of the significant asbestos claims cases over the past year have included:

– Negotiating an award of £703,000 for the widow and family of a 52 year old partner in an engineering firm who died from mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos at work. This is amongst only a handful of awards exceeding £500,000 across England and Wales.

– Winning £100,000 damages (plus legal costs) for a retired teacher who developed mesothelioma by using drawing pins to pin children’s work to the walls of her prefab classroom, which contained asbestos.

– In a landmark case the firm recovered £12,500 for the value of hospice care as part of a £170,000 settlement for a man who worked with asbestos in 1963 and contracted mesothelioma in 2005. The funding of hospice care is almost exclusively by charitable donation and this is thought to be the first time a firm of solicitors has recovered the cost of care in this way.

– Field Fisher Waterhouse acted for the family of a 75 year old man who died due to mesothelioma, and who used to take care of his grandchildren after school in term times. The defendants initially denied that this was compensatable, since there was no reported precedent for it, however the firm recovered£109,352 at a High Court hearing including £27,960 for the grandchildren’s care.

The FFW team of asbestos lawyers has also been actively lobbying the House of Commons, requesting that the Government overturn the House of Lords ruling that pleural plaques – a scarring of the lining of the lungs as a result of exposure to asbestos – is not a compensatable disease. The team also responded to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on the Law Lords’ pleural plaques ruling.

Asbestos-related diseases affect thousands of people in the UK each year. Factory workers and labourers are amongst those who are commonly affected, but Field Fisher Waterhouse has also acted on behalf of professionals such as doctors, nurses and teachers who have been exposed to asbestos through their work. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a leader in the field of Asbestos Claims.

Rodney Nelson-Jones, head of the Asbestos Claims group at Field Fisher Waterhouse, said: “I am delighted that in 2008 we were able to win over £16 million in compensation for the victims of these terrible diseases. It is crucial that sufferers and their families receive the compensation they deserve.”

About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims and mesothelioma claims, personal injury, spinal injury cases and medical negligence, public sector and tax.


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Schillings announce briefing to businesses on protecting investor value in a downturn

Following on from the success of the previous BITESized briefings Schillings, one of Britain’s top law firms, dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and reputations of international corporations, celebrities and high-profile business people, has announced the subject of the latest event to be held on 28th January.

These information events by Schillings are intended to help their clients and PR professionals keep up to date with how to use the law as a tool in protecting reputations and this event will cover the extremely pertinent and important subject of protecting investor value in a downturn.

Previous Schillings BITESized briefings were extremely well received and covered subjects such as handling social media threats, legal tools for crisis management, the importance of HR in averting media crisis, executive Reputation Management, cleaning up and restoring an online reputation and brand management

The upcoming event is intended to help businesses prevent and deal with scurrilous rumours which can badly damage investor confidence, in turn causing serious problems for companies and their directors. Subjects being addressed include finding out how to act quickly to identify and quell the sources of harmful false allegations before they do more harm, and the steps that can be taken to prevent these allegations from crossing into the mainstream media.

This briefing forms just part of the wide ranging regular calendar of Schillings events and seminars for specific interest groups where people come together to learn about how the law can be used to help protect both personal and corporate reputations.

Registrations are already being taken for the event and based on previous briefings, places are expected to fill up quickly.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases, as well as dispute resolution is second to none.

Defamation, privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, leading investment bank Kaupthing, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Russell Jones and Walker report NHS patient left scarred after incorrect diagnosis

Russell, Jones and Walker, a leading UK firm of solicitors, has reported that a mother of two, who was left with multiple scars following surgery after being incorrectly diagnosed with skin cancer, has been awarded £15,000 in compensation.

Kate Andreou, 28 from Harlow in Essex, was referred to the Democracy Department of Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust after expressing concerns regarding a mole on her shin. Following an examination the mole was duly removed for further investigation on the advice of her doctor.

Following the removal and examination of the mole, Mrs Andreou was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma in July 2007 and was subsequently referred to the Department of Plastic Surgery at Mid-Essex Hospital NHS Trust. Mrs Andreou was advised to have a further six moles removed from her leg, chest, arm and back – surgery she was told was necessary. She underwent the operation in September 2007.

The news of the diagnosis came as a double blow to Mrs Andreou who had just been informed that her grandmother was terminally ill with cancer. Believing that she had skin cancer, Mrs Andreou went through the trauma of informing her family of the diagnosis and advised them that they too would need to be checked for cancer. However, it later emerged that the diagnosis was incorrect and that her pathology report was not finalised and subject to further review from Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital.

James Bell, solicitor from Russell, Jones and Walker said: “Had Mrs Andreou known that her pathology slide was under review, she would not have proceeded with the excision of the six other moles until a definite diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma.

“The incorrect diagnosis of the mole as a melanoma represents an unacceptable error which breached the duty of care to Mrs Andreou.

“Not only has Mrs Andreou experienced entirely unacceptable treatment from the NHS, but her entire extended family has also undergone unnecessary trauma after being advised to be tested for skin cancer.”

Mrs Anreou said: “The past year has been very difficult for me, my children and the rest of my family. Not only were we all going through tough times with my terminally ill grandmother, but we then had to face up to the fact that I too had cancer and would require treatment.

“The surgery that I had to remove seven moles left me with red scars, making me very self conscious about exposing my arms and legs. The scars have now faded but the whole experience will stay with me for a very long time.”

About Russell Jones & Walker:
Russell, Jones & Walker employs over 360 staff (over 160 lawyers) and is renowned as the leading national firm of solicitors in protecting the rights and legal interest of individuals and those who represent them. RJ&W has a network of regional offices and includes those in the following centres: London, Birmingham, Bristol, Wakefield, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Cardiff and Edinburgh.

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Field Fisher Waterhouse Wins Substantial Compensation For Premature Girl Left With Brain Damage Following Dextrose Overdose

Law firm, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP has won substantial compensation for Romy Smith, a seven year old girl who was given an excessive dose of dextrose shortly after birth and suffered severe and permanent brain damage as a result. Romy will receive damages that could add up to more than £10 million over her lifetime.

Romy Smith was born prematurely at 29 weeks in 2001 at the Ipswich General Hospital and was transferred to the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, where she was given a “grossly excessive dose” of the sugar dextrose. This resulted in perfusion brain injury, which caused severe learning difficulties and autism. Romy’s communication and social skills are very limited, she needs constant care and will remain totally dependent on carers for the rest of her life.

Romy, however, has a special talent for music, which is her primary means of enjoyment. In addition to her care, the payment will also cover the cost of music therapy.

The East and North Herfordshire NHS Trust, which had previously admitted liability, will pay Romy an initial sum of £2.36 million and a series of index-linked “periodical payments” to cover Romy’s lifetime care expenses.

Paul McNeil, clinical negligence partner at Field Fisher Waterhouse, was instructed by Romy’s mother to represent her in the claim.

After the case, Romy’s parents, Sally and Tim Smith said: “We are absolutely delighted at the settlement that Paul McNeil has secured for our daughter. Throughout the whole time that Paul has worked with us, we have found him to be very caring, extremely skilled and highly organised. He has kept our family’s best interests at heart at all times and has always answered any concerns we may have had calmly, quickly and efficiently. We are enormously grateful to him for the way in which he conducted our case and we cannot praise him enough. We would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone.”

Paul McNeil, clinical negligence partner at Field Fisher Waterhouse said: “Although nothing can be done to undo the mistake made in the special care baby unit, there is a lot that can be done to maximise Romy’s potential. The payments guaranteed to Romy will ensure her needs are covered for life. Those close to Romy were delighted that the judge supported the need to have access to music therapy.”

Claim number HQ06X01206

About Field Fisher Waterhouse

Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims,personal injury, brain damage cases, clinical negligence, public sector and tax.

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Jim Adler, An ATV Injury Lawyer Whose Warning Exposes The Hidden Dangers Of ATVs, Especially The Yamaha Rhino

“If you hand people a gun that shoots backwards, don’t act shocked at what happens.”

That’s ATV injury lawyer Jim Adler talking about ATV manufacturers and their deceptive advertising. The advertising says that ATVs are a great way to have fun. But this personal injury attorney is hearing from people all over the United States who have been seriously injured in ATV accidents.

2008 case files at the Adler law firm reveal the grim reality that manufacturers don’t talk about: The ATV can cause life-altering accidents at low speeds with no warning, especially in the Yamaha Rhino.

• A Florida woman began having severe headaches two months after an accident in a Yamaha Rhino. An MRI showed a skull fracture and scar fragments sticking into her brain. The Yamaha Rhino passenger had two brain surgeries.

• An Arizona honor student was taken by life-flight to a hospital with a broken right leg, a fractured neck, broken ribs, a broken collarbone and punctured lungs. He has dropped out of school due to brain damage from bleeding in the brain.

Callers from 18 states this year have been telling Adler similar tales. Some injuries aren’t life threatening: a broken foot or leg. But all needed a doctor’s attention. Many required hospitalization. Some have permanent disabilities. And one died from head injuries.

What makes the ATV, particularly the Yamaha Rhino, so dangerous? Its design flaws and lack of safety equipment. ATVs have a narrow wheelbase and high center of gravity. That makes them “tippy.” The two-seater Yamaha Rhino lacks doors, safety handles and other safety equipment. It is particularly dangerous since it is larger and heavier than most ATVs.

Victims of ATV accidents report rollovers at low speeds – at two to three miles per hour one client said – when they tried to make a turn. Some ATVs have flipped suddenly, landing on arms and legs, crushing them. Videos show ATVs jerking and bouncing over sand dunes and on back trails heading to hunting cabins, deer stands and duck blinds. YouTube is full of daredevil stunts on ATVs in contests and exhibitions. Sales of the recreational sports vehicles are a fast growing-component of the automotive market. That worries Yamaha rhino injury attorney Jim Adler.

“The rates of death and injury to kids in ATVs would knock your socks off and the companies that make ATVs know it,” Adler says.

In 2005, an emergency room doctor with the American Academy of Pediatrics called ATVs the “perfect recipe for tragedy” given their unstable design. “Safe Kids Worldwide, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Consumer Federation of America, have been calling for a ban on kids under 16 in ATVs since 1987 because they know how deadly they are.”

An ATV crash is “…12 times as likely to kill a child as an accident with a bicycle,” according to Safe Kids. Adler is a member of several Safe Kids coalitions in large U.S. cities. The coalitions work to reduce preventable accidents – the number one killer of children 14 and under.

The deadly design of the early ATVs prompted the Justice Department to file suit against the manufacturers, claiming that they violated the Consumer Product Safety Act. In 1987, major ATV manufacturers and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission approved a 10-year Consent Decree, which among several provisions agreed to stop making the deadly three-wheeled ATV. Makers began manufacturing ATVs with four wheels but many three-wheelers remain in use.

The Wall Street Journal slammed the ATV industry in an article in February 2004, pointing out federal statistics showing that in 2002 more than 110,000 ATV riders were injured seriously enough to require emergency department treatment and that one-third of these were under the age of 16. In 2007, this number has increased to over 150,000 with 27% occurring in children.

About the Company:
Jim Adler is a lawyer with 30 years experience in all types of personal injury cases. He is also a TV and radio personality who has served the public for 25 years on TV and radio talk shows, in newspaper interviews and on civic group panels discussing the legal rights of accident victims. His law firm, Jim S. Adler & Associates represents the seriously and catastrophically injured in Texas and other states.

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Quadriplegic Man Awarded $10 Million in Bad Faith Case

In January 2002, Atlantic Mutual had a chance to settle a quadriplegic personal injury case for $1 million but chose to “roll the dice.” The jury awarded a $16 million verdict and the injured party sued for bad faith. Today, a LA jury found that Atlantic committed bad faith.

A Los Angeles jury today awarded a quadriplegic man $10 million in a bad faith case against Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company. The jury found that Atlantic Mutual acted despicably and with malice and oppression in wrongfully refusing to settle his personal injury case in 2002. Lawyers return tomorrow to deliver closing arguments in the second phase of the trial to determine whether plaintiff is entitled to $5 million in attorneys’ fees.

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Schillings to discuss privacy and reputation management issues at Legal Weeks Private Client Forum

Schillings, one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and reputations of international corporates, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people, will be represented by senior partner Keith Schilling at Legal Week’s Private Client Forum. The main theme will be “Assessing Risk in a Volatile World”, which will be looking at changes the international wealth market has faced in 2008 and the new risks brought about in an ever increasingly volatile market.

Keith Schilling, senior partner at Schillings, will participate in a panel discussion on the topics of privacy, reputation management and human rights and will discuss, along with fellow panelists, how the world’s high-net worth individuals are in a constant battle with the media to protect their own privacy and reputations.

The conference will examine the major issues that have arisen following the advent of the credit crunch and the economic strain currently being suffered on a global scale. Increased pressure from regulatory authorities in Europe and the US government also spell uncertain times for the world’s financial safe havens.

These developments and more will provide the basis for a three day programme for the world’s leading private client lawyers.

The first day of the conference will offer a view of the impact of the credit crunch and how the shift of wealth globally has brought about new risks in wealth management.

The second day will feature a Q & A style debate on the future of international financial centers and a discussion assessing the effects of new US exit tax laws which will form a wider discussion on the reach of exit, gift and inheritance taxes globally.

The third day will see Keith Schilling, recently voted one of the 1000 most influential people in London, join a European panel discussion on privacy and reputations. His fellow panelists include Basile Ader from the French law firm Ader, Amigues et Jolibois; Professor Dr. Matthias Prinz from the German law firm Prinz Neidhardt Engelschall and Jennifer McDermott from Withers in the UK. The panel will outline the differences in privacy laws across a number of jurisdictions and the steps to take to avoid unwanted media attention and what to do if it arises.

Keith Schilling said about the conference, “At this time of volatile market conditions, the threat of a global recession and fears about the security of individuals’ wealth, the media are increasingly focusing on the private wealth of high-profile people. We are seeing a trend in the media towards ‘money being the new celebrity’ and we are working with our high-net worth clients to advise them how to protect their reputations and manage their own and their families private lives. This conference is on at a time of unprecedented financial turmoil and proves just how important an issue it is.”

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases, as well as
dispute resolution is second to none.

Defamation, privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

The firm uses the law to protect the reputations, privacy and confidentiality of clients by helping them and their PR advisers to manage what is published and broadcast about them. It is their ability to adapt to the threats posed by the ever changing media landscape which keeps them at the forefront of this specialist area.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, leading investment bank Kaupthing, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Schillings Image Rights Specialist Simon Smith Is Set To Release A New Book – The 2nd Edition Of Image, Persona And The Law

Schillings partner Simon Smith is set to release the latest edition of “Image, Persona and the Law” this winter, with the book providing a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the law in England and Wales regarding the protection of name, image and other aspects of persona.

The second edition of the book will also go into detail on both the specific context of commercial exploitation without the individual’s consent and in the separate context of invasion of privacy. The book also presents a detailed analysis of the numerous developments which have occurred in relation to the right to privacy in the UK.

Using the knowledge and experience gained as a litigator specialising in protecting and restoring the reputations of high profile individuals, entrepreneurs and corporate organisations, Simon Smith’s book will assist entertainment and media lawyers in the UK and US who represent celebrities and other personalities in the media, enabling them to advise their clients on their right to privacy and the right to publicity in the UK.

The book has a number of key features that will benefit entertainment lawyers looking into the areas of reputation management and discusses the numerous significant decisions which have occurred since the previous edition of the book was released in 2001 as well as examining the leading privacy decisions which have been brought, together with an analysis of the Data Protection Act 1998, including the Douglas-Zeta Jones and Murray (JK Rowling’s son) decisions, the later being brought to action by Schillings recently.

Simon Smith is a Partner at Schillings and specialises in defamation, privacy, image endorsement, confidence and contracts. Considered to be one of the best in the area according to the Chambers and Partners directory, he has pursued many successful High Court libel cases for Hollywood’s ‘A’-List stars on high profile libel actions brought in England.

He is regularly asked to comment on live TV and radio and writes in the national press and legal reviews on media related matters in addition to speaking at international legal conferences and in Parliament on media issues. He is also a member of a specialist global group of leaders in their field investigating and researching image rights.

About Schillings :
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases is second to none.

Defamation, privacy, copyright and dispute resolution are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

The firm uses the law to protect the reputations, privacy and confidentiality of clients by helping them and their PR advisers to manage what is published and broadcast about them. It is their ability to adapt to the threats posed by the ever changing media landscape which keeps them at the forefront of this specialist area.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, leading investment bank Kaupthing, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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The bankruptcy laws require the utility company to restore the service of any utility that was terminated prior to the filing

Immediately upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition, no creditor may pursue or commence an action against the debtor (person filing the petition). It’s the law. Therefore, after the filing, a utility company may not terminate the debtor’s service, even though there may be substantial arrears. Also, in the event that the debtor’s service was terminated prior to the filing, the service must be restored, upon notifying the utility provider after the filing. Generally, the provider will restore the service within 24 to 48 hours after the filing.

New Jersey residents can obtain answers to questions regarding foreclosure resolution and bankruptcy laws by visiting

The bankruptcy code states that within 20 days after the filing, the debtor must pay a security deposit to establish a new account. Each utility company may apply a different criteria in determining the deposit amount. The utility companies generally apply the following criteria to determine the amount of the security deposit: 1. average monthly usage for the 12 months prior to the filing; 2. average of the highest two months of usage during the 12 months prior to the filing; 3. twice the average monthly usage for the 12 months prior to the filing.

Is the debtor required to pay the pre-bankruptcy debt owed to the utility provider? If the debtor has filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and meets all of the requirements for a discharge, the debt is eliminated without any payment. After a debtor has established a new account, subsequent to a chapter 7 discharge, the utility company may terminate the service for payment arrears, based on their typical standards.

New Jersey residents can obtain answers to questions regarding foreclosure resolution and bankruptcy laws by visiting

The following pertains to chapter 13 protection. An individual may file a chapter 13 case for numerous reasons that are unrelated to utility issues. A chapter 13 typically requires the debtor to make monthly payments to a trustee (bankruptcy administrator) over a 36 to 60 month period. The trustee payments may be paid to various creditors based on the debtor’s financial position and desires. Utility debt is classified as unsecured. The debtor may be required to pay none, some, or all of their unsecured debt, based on the following factors: personal and household income; personal and household expenses; real and personal property values; amount of arrears on secured debt; and, to some extent, the debtor’s desires. A chapter 13 may permit the debtor to eliminate the entire utility balance, without payment.

Similar to a chapter 7, in the event that a debtor falls behind with the utility payments after the chapter 13 filing and the establishment of a new account, the company may terminate the service, based on their typical standards relating to payment default.

For more information on bankruptcy laws in New Jersey, visit

Robert Manchel is a New Jersey, Board Certified Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney, whose practice is limited to foreclosure resolution and bankruptcy law. For more information, please contact Mr. Manchel at (856) 797-1500, 1(866) –503-5655 or go to his web site at

Robert Manchel handles cases from the following counties: Cumberland, Atlantic, Salem, Gloucester, Camden, Burlington, Hunterdon, Somerset, Middlesex, Ocean, Mercer, Monmouth, and Philadelphia.

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RJW Has Reported On The Latest Hearing In The Sofa Burns Group Litigation

RJW, a leading national firm of solicitors, has reported on the latest hearing in the ‘sofa burns’ group litigation which took place at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

So far around 3000 people have been affected by the sofa rash and other allergic skin reactions and burns after purchasing sofas containing the anti-mould agent Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF) and are pursuing claims against Argos, Land of Leather and Walmsley’s Furnishing, as well as a number of other retailers.

It was ruled that further investigation into the medical evidence was necessary and that more clarity over affected sofa models and batch numbers was needed for those seeking sofa rash compensation.

It was also revealed that a major advertising campaign would hit the press and continue throughout October, in order to alert the public to the potential link between skin injury and rashes and affected sofas.

In addition, those who have already brought sofa rash claims through a solicitor should expect to receive a postal questionnaire in the next couple of months which must be returned as soon as possible in order to assess the viability of their claim.

Richard Langton, the RJW partner in charge of the sofa litigation said; “The judge has made it clear he wants all the defendants to clarify their position on accepting liability. We should then be able to make good progress towards settling cases so consumers get proper financial redress as soon as possible. Anyone who thinks they may have been affected needs to join in the proceedings urgently if they want to get the benefit of the group action.”

The next hearing in the case is due to take place in December.

About Russell Jones & Walker
Russell Jones & Walker is a leading national firm of solicitors dedicated to upholding the legal rights of individuals. From the firms foundation in the 1920s the focus has and continues to be, people and those who represent them.

The firm has grown from its trade union roots into a respected national organisation with nine offices across England and Wales, and an associated office in Scotland.

The reputation of Russell Jones & Walker is built on the range of expertise offered by its partners and staff and on the scope of their practical experience.

RJW Solicitors represents clients across a range of areas from personal injury work to commercial and criminal litigation; from employment to defamation and reputation management; and from clinical negligence to family law.

Case Number 604759.2

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Field Fisher Waterhouse Has Recovered Compensation For A 33 Year Old Man In South London Who Was Left With Brain Injuries Following A Serious Fall On A Poorly Maintained Road

Law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP has recovered compensation from Homes for Haringey Ltd on behalf of Kyle Bullock, a 33 year old from South London, who suffered severe brain damage following a serious fall on a poorly maintained road.

It was the Claimant’s case that Kyle was walking with friends in North London one evening in July 2007, when they called for him to catch them up. Kyle then broke into a gentle jog and tripped in a deep pothole in Lightfoot Road. He stumbled and lost balance, falling heavily and rolling down the steep hill striking his head on the edge of a second pothole. It was subsequently apparent that the road was in a poor state with multiple pot holes present.

Kyle was taken to Whittington Hospital and was later transferred to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London. He suffered severe traumatic brain injury; with damage to the frontal lobes and multiple skull fractures requiring surgery and changes to his personality leading to the breakdown of his relationship and inability to work. Kyle has since been through rehabilitation but still requires help and assistance.

Jill Greenfield, partner in the Personal Injury Group at Field Fisher Waterhouse, represented Kyle and brought a claim against Homes for Haringey Ltd, a subsidiary of Haringey Council, which was set up in 2006 to manage Haringey’s council housing and was responsible for the maintenance of the road. While the Defence admitted the road was poorly maintained, they refused to admit that it was the road surface that caused the accident. A trial was due to take place in November 2008.

After negotiations the organisation accepted the majority of responsibility, 72.5%. Kyle has received an initial £75,000 interim payment but expects to receive a substantial award once the claim has been fully quantified.

Amanda Bailey his litigation friend and ex partner said, “Kyle’s accident left him with serious brain damage and changed our lives forever. This money is there to assist Kyle with his financial and rehabilitation needs. Money can never bring back what he has lost but it will allow Kyle to live as good a life as possible, getting access to therapy in Australia and helping him to build his life.”

Jill Greenfield, personal injury partner at Field Fisher Waterhouse said, “My client was simply returning home after a night out with friends when he fell and suffered brain damage. My initial inspection of this road made it clear to me that it was poorly maintained, with deep potholes. It was our case that a pot hole had caused the fall. The road should never have been left in this state and I felt Kyle had a strong case. The compromise represents the fact that Kyle could be seen to be partially at fault and the fact that the Defence was disputing the fact that the poorly maintained road was the cause of the accident. I am pleased that we have been able to recover compensation for Kyle so that he is able to join his family in Australia and begin to rebuild his life.”

About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims , personal injury cases and clinical negligence, public sector and tax.

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Free Webcast With Question And Answer Period To Focus On Issues Of Aging And How To Plan For It

AARP has joined forces with NAELA (The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys) to present a free Webcast entitled “AGING IN AMERICA – HOW TO PLAN FOR IT.” Elder Law attorney and NAELA member, Ronald Fatoullah has been selected as one of two elder law attorneys to host the live-streamed discussion which can be viewed at: on October 30, from 1-2PM, ET. All public attendance will be via the Internet.

William Stoner, AARP’s Associate State Director, will moderate the discussion, featuring insights from Ronald Fatoullah of Ronald Fatoullah & Associates, of Long Island and Queens, and Bernard A. Krooks, of Littman Krooks, on what families should do now to prepare for the future. During the program, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

From living quarters to living wills, the three experts will help educate the audience on available options related to senior housing and medical decisions. Other topics might include maintaining a financial legacy for children, and how to talk with aging parents about long-term care options, and key documents to have in place for proper health-care decision making.

To attend the Webinar, visit and click on the “AGING IN AMERICA” webcast registration button. You may also call the offices of Ronald Fatoullah & Associates for further information at 1-877 ELDERLAW. There is no charge to attend but registration is limited.

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Schillings Lawyers Are Set To Speak The 2008 International Bar Association Conference, Held In Buenos Aires

Schillings, one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of corporate organisations and high profile business people is set to be represented at the 2008 International Bar Association Conference to be held in Buenos Aries.

Rachel Atkins, Partner at Schillings and the IBA’s Programme Officer of the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee, will be taking part in an international panel discussion on Protection of Information in different jurisdictions around the world.

The panel will deal with issues such as cross-border protection of information and sanctions for its misuse, the extent of solicitor/client privilege, especially in the context of multi jurisdiction litigation, and also consider what other advisers can take advantage of such privilege/confidence.

Discussions regarding sanctions for breach will also take place as well as the examination of scenarios where different jurisdictions give conflicting decisions as to disclosure and privacy of the same information. Specific attention will also be given to the impact of privacy law in identifying cyber-counterfeiters with or without the help of judicial or criminal authorities.

Speaking about the conference, Rachel Atkins said, “At this time of volatile market conditions international commercial disputes are on the increase. It is particularly exciting to be involved in a panel which is at the forefront of considering how advice given in one jurisdiction can have such a dramatic effect on a client position in another”.

The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, has a membership of 30000 lawyers and 195 bar associations & law societies. The IBA has considerable expertise in providing assistance to the global legal community. The 2008 International Bar Association Conference will take place in Buenos Aries, Argentina from the 12 – 17th of October.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms specialising in reputation management as it relates to international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases is second to none.

Defamation, privacy law and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

The firm uses the law to protect the reputations, privacy and confidentiality of clients by helping them and their PR advisers to manage what is published and broadcast about them. It is their ability to adapt to the threats posed by the ever changing media landscape which keeps them at the forefront of this specialist area.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, leading investment bank Kaupthing, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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