Tag Archives: attorneys

Cole & Van Note Announces Mon Health Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Monongalia Health System, Inc. on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with Monongalia Health System, Inc., your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at sec@colevannote.com or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address: sec@colevannote.com
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

Cole & Van Note Announces Sedgwick CMS Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at sec@colevannote.com or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address: sec@colevannote.com
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

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Cole & Van Note Announces SAC Health System Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of SAC Health System on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with SAC Health System, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at sec@colevannote.com or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address: sec@colevannote.com
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

Via EPR Network
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Cole & Van Note Announces FPI Management Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of FPI Management on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with FPI Management, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at sec@colevannote.com or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address: sec@colevannote.com
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

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Desert Knolls Convalescent Hospital Reported For “Infection Control Issues” and “Safety Hazards” Following Operation Guardian Surprise Inspection

In March of 2011, members of the Operation Guardians program visited the Desert Knolls Convalescent Hospital in Victorville, California to perform a surprise inspection. The inspectors noted a number of potential health code violations and conditions that may contribute to health and medical treatment complications.

Operation Guardian was launched by the State Department of Justice in the year 2000. Investigation participants perform on-site inspections of nursing home facilities without giving prior notification of their arrival. It was not until recently that these reports had been made available to the public.

Among the numerous unfavorable reports, investigators noted instances of potential maltreatment in which the Desert Knolls “facility’s inaccurate documentation of resident’s wounds may be preventing the resident from receiving the correct wound care treatment.”There were also reports of residents being unable to easily summon assistance, due to their positioning away from staff call buttons.

Additional observation found that Desert Knolls Convalescent Hospital’s Resident Abuse Investigation Policy and Procedures was not in compliance with California State law.

Estimates provided by the American Psychological Association (APA) have found that 2.1 million senior Americans fall victim to psychological, physical, or other forms of neglect and abuse. The APA also reports that elders who have been abused tend to die earlier than those who are not abused.

John Bisnar, California elder abuse attorney, has assisted a number of victims and distributes resources to help raise awareness for seniors who suffer maltreatment. “There are several nursing homes throughout the state of California that fail to provide their guests with adequate care, but rarely do they receive the press that is required to increase efforts to prevent them.”

“Hopefully, Operation Guardian’s reports will create enough awareness to spur our politicians into creating safer environments for our loved ones. Our parents and grandparents deserve to live out the remainder of their lives with more respect than many of these facilities provide.”Says Mr. Bisnar.

Victims of elder abuse are encouraged to contact their local law enforcement officials immediately following instances of maltreatment.

Via EPR Network
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BlueStar Case Solutions Develops EDD Toolkit E-Discovery App

Chicago based litigation support services provider launches free e-discovery calculator application for smartphones.

BlueStar Case Solutions, Inc. (BlueStar), a litigation support services provider and consultancy, recently launched EDD Toolkit, a free e-discovery application (app) for smartphones. The app features a Cost Estimator, Time Estimator, Conversion Table and Glossary for common e-discovery questions with regards to ESI (electronically stored information) processing, document review and production. The EDD Toolkit e-discovery app is a useful application for attorneys, paralegals, in-house counsel and litigation support staff who quickly need answers about a particular e-discovery project.

“We are very excited about all the positive reviews we have gotten so far, including the enthusiastic comments we received last week at LegalTech New York,” says Desiree Salomon, BlueStar’s Marketing Manager. “It’s the ultimate e-discovery ‘cheat sheet.’”

The EDD Toolkit provides valuable reference resources and quickly estimates how much e-discovery may cost and how long the process may take. Along with a glossary of terms and a data-to-documents or pages conversion calculator, the application is quickly becoming an essential tool for the e-discovery practitioner.

EDD Toolkit e-discovery app’s full list of features includes:

Cost Estimator
E-Discovery, and the costs associated with it are a large portion of a client’s litigation spend. Using industry averages, BlueStar’s EDD Toolkit Cost Estimator estimates how much a user defined amount of data or number of documents for review could cost.

Time Estimator
The Time Estimator will estimate how long the ESI processing and review steps may take in litigation, and also has the ability to calculate how long it can take to scan paper documents into an electronic format.

Conversion Table
The Conversion Table calculates how many documents or pages may be found in a user defined amount of data. Broken down by common email and document formats, the user can easily estimate how much data exists in a tangible measurement, by the number of documents or pages.

E-Discovery terminology and jargon can be perplexing to paralegals, attorneys, and anyone involved in litigation support, therefore the Glossary feature provides definitions for most common e-discovery related terms via a quickly accessible interface.

The EDD Toolkit is currently available for iPhone and Android, while BlackBerry and Windows 7 versions are scheduled for release later this month. To learn more or to download the EDD Toolkit app for free visit: http://www.bluestarcs.com/resources/app-support.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Mayor Slay In Bed With Big Law Firm

Mayor Slay In Bed With Big Law Firm. Missouri Tax Payers To Be Taken To Cleaners By Lewis Rice & Fingersh.

Another disgrace is taking place with your tax dollars. The City of St.Louis has unanimously approved a $300,000.00 loan that is forgivable and does not need to be re-paid so that the millionaire attorneys from a 200 person St.Louis law firm of Lewis Rice and Fingersh can buy new fancy desks for themselves in a move to new offices. See St.Louis Business Journal Article dated Friday, October 16th, 2009. The City through its St.Louis Development Corp. decided it must have too much money, federal money that is, and decided to spread the wealth, but the wrong way. It is not giving to the poor, the needy, the hungry, but to rich attorneys to help them move. Now the City of St.Louis on behalf of Lewis, Rice and Fingersh (Lewis & Rice) wants to petition to Missouri Development Finance Board, a State agency, to approve over $5 million of tax payer money to help the law firm move to fancy new offices at One City Center and you the tax payer will be paying for that.

This is absurd injustice at its greatest. This is insulting to the tax payers of the City of St.Louis and all the residents of the Great State of Missouri and to all tax payers throughout the country. Media should take note of this and help stop this abuse. Lewis Rice & Fingersh has donated thousands of dollars to city and State officials and now its pay back time with your tax dollars. County Executive Charley Dooley received a $10,000.00 political contribution this year. The City of St.Louis Mayor received a $5,000.00 this year alone in contributions as well. There is a conflict here. Its politics the old fashioned way, the corrupt way.

How can you get in on some of these favors with Mayor Slay, well, give him a $10,000.00 political contribution (is that what its called) and he will give you back $300,000.00 and ask the State for $5 million, thats how. You scratch Mayor Slay’s back and he will more then scratch your back. So what else did the chairman of Lewis Rice & Fingersh Jack Pruellage have to say or do for the Mayor to get such special treatment. Mr. Jack Pruellage who takes home a seven figure income needs tax payers to buy him new furniture for his new offices and he prefers the tax payers pay for his fancy new furniture and for his move. Why should he pay for it when he has Mayor Slay for a friend.

Think of all the homeless, the hungry and the needy there are out there. Think of how many blankets and bologna sandwiches can be bought with that money. But Mayor Slay found a better home for it, in the pockets of Lewis Rice & Fingersh attorneys and Jack Pruellage, its chairman. The Missouri Development Finance Board meeting to hear the proposal to provide $5 million to One City Center building so that the law firm can move and have fancy new offices, will be held at 8:30 AM, Tuesday October 20th at the Rennaissance Grand Suites at 827 Washington Ave., Lennox Room, St.Louis, MO.

Action must be taken to stop abuse and waste of tax payers dollars to enrich millionaire attorneys at your tax payers expense. The partners at Lewis and Rice make $400,000 to $600,000 per year and the chairman Jack Pruellage makes millions per year and Missouri tax payers will help him get richer. No wonder they say its a “Great Country America”. Sure is, but great for who ? Officials on the take with public money, thats for who. Politics Chicago style no doubt, right here in Missouri.

Call Governor Jay Nixon to voice your objection at 573-751-3222 and your local State Representative’s office. You should also call the Missouri Development Finance Board at 573-751-8479 to complain about the proposal and tell them not to do it. Call the Mayor Francis Slay at 314-622-3201 and make him aware that receiving political contributions and then using tax payers money to buy furniture for Lewis Rice & Fingersh is plain wrong.

Submitted by Citizens Against Waste, a non for profit organization aiming at stopping waste and abuse of tax payers money. Phones 314-226-2808 or 314-226-2146.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Quigal Launches New Search Site for High-Achieving Attorneys

Quigal, LLC announced today that it was launching its attorney search web site for residents of Massachusetts. Quigal’s site allows the public to search for attorneys who have impressive educational backgrounds or substantial work experience in complex legal matters and allows users to communicate with multiple attorneys quickly and easily. During the initial launch period, attorneys authorized to practice law in Massachusetts are invited to register with the site free of charge until April 1, 2010.

For Quigal attorney members, a unique feature of the web site is that the number of attorneys who can register is limited to ten per zip code, which increases each registered attorney’s visibility vis-à-vis potential clients.

The inspiration for Quigal came from attorneys and clients who complained about the poor quality of existing directory services, both online and print, recalled Renate Harrison, Quigal co-founder. “My colleagues complained that existing directories contained so many lawyers that the odds of engaging a client were too low to justify the expense, while users felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of attorneys they had to choose from and the multiple pages of information they had to fill out,” Harrison noted. “So I asked what I thought was a simple question: how can we improve the way clients find lawyers online? I believe Quigal is the answer.”

As of today, Massachusetts residents can begin using Quigal. Quigal is built on the idea that users should have confidence in the quality of attorneys made available to them on attorney search sites, and that the number of registered attorneys should be limited, so that each attorney has a realistic opportunity to engage clients. Key features of Quigal include:

• Search: Quigal enables the public to search for attorneys by zip code, city, state, practice area, or law school attended. Quigal also permits potential clients to search for attorneys who are available for a live chat.

• Exclusivity: Quigal attorney members who subscribe to a zip code always appear on the first page search results for that zip code. A maximum of ten attorneys can register for each zip code.

• Quality: Quigal only registers attorneys who have graduated from a top-tier law school or who have substantial work experience managing complex legal matters.

• Ease of Use: Quigal offers several options for potential clients to contact attorney members. A simple online query form and attorney profiles with full contact information appear on every search results page. Also, a live chat option allows potential clients to chat real-time with attorneys. Quigal also allows its registered attorneys to link to their social and professional networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.).
In the coming months, Quigal will be rolling out its web site nationally, as well as introducing new site features.

Are you interested in registering with Quigal? Please visit Quigal’s website at www.quigal.com. For more information about Quigal, please contact Renate Harrison.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases