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Preston Solicitor Welcomes Tough Line From Justice Ministry in Rooting Out Rogue Accident Claim Firms

Preston Solicitor Welcomes Tough Line From Justice Ministry in Rooting Out Rogue Accident Claim Firms.

Ten times more accident claims handling specialists were forced to close for breaching the rules regulating their trade in 2010/11 than in the previous year, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has announced.

Licences were withdrawn from 349 firms in 12 months, compared to 35 the year before.

Some had been shut down for serious transgressions, such as fraud, and using misleading marketing and aggressive sales techniques, according to Kevin Rousell, from the Ministry’s claims management regulation unit.

And the tough line has been welcomed by Preston-based personal injury solicitor Craig Porter, of PHC Law.

He said: “It is disappointing to learn that there are so many companies who are in breach of the regulations on our business which are intended to safeguard the interests of our clients.

“We deal with many personal injury victims on a daily bases, and for some of these the consequences are very severe.

“The overriding objective of any reputable, genuine firm is to attend to the needs of the person who has sustained an injury as a result of someone else’s negligence.

“We therefore believe that action needs to be taken against companies which breach the rules and regulations of the MoJ.”

PHC Law receives most of its work through referrals and recommendations, and as Craig Porter points out: “What distinguishes personal injury solicitors like PHC Law from claims management companies is our experience, expertise, and our client care – but, most importantly, we, along with many other firms, are regulated to the most stringent of standards.”

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Access Legal From Shoosmiths Secures Law Society CQS Status

Access Legal from Shoosmiths has secured the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS), making it the largest law firm in England and Wales to do so.

The Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) requires practices to undergo a strict assessment, compulsory training, self-reporting, random audits and annual reviews in order to maintain CQS status. It is open only to members of the Law Society who meet the demanding standards set by the scheme, and has the support of the Council of Mortgage Lenders, the Building Societies’ Association, Legal Ombudsman, and the Association of British Insurers.

Desmond Hudson, Chief Executive at the Law Society said: “Access Legal from Shoosmiths’ accreditation illustrates that CQS is an initiative that is suitable for firms of all sizes.

“Firms that have gone through the CQS application and assessment process have gained the quality mark in recognition of the high standards they have met in residential conveyancing. CQS is the benchmark for the conveyancing sector, and Access Legal from Shoosmiths’ commitment to securing it is further acknowledgement of the high standards the scheme embodies.”

David Parton, partner at Access Legal from Shoosmiths added: “We’re delighted to have secured CQS accreditation, which is recognition that this particular consumer service meets the benchmark for conveyancing set by the Law Society.

“It enables our current and future residential conveyancing clients to identify the excellent service level we provide, at what is often a stressful time for many people.

“Our clients receive a reliable, efficient service, which is at the heart of our ethos and the CQS standard.”

Access Legal from Shoosmiths assists clients in preparing to move house and provide legal advice for whatever issues they may encounter. Its solicitors are experts in the conveyancing process and its services are available on a no-move no-fee basis.

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PHC Law Secures £9,000 Compensation For Ladder Fall Victim

A barman who fell from a ladder while taking down a promotional banner has secured £9,000 in damages for his injuries.

With the help of expert personal injury solicitors from Preston-based company PHC Law, the man won the settlement after negotiations which took place following the man issuing legal proceedings against his employer.

During those negotiations it emerged that the accident, in which the man broke his right heel bone, happened despite his immediate superior being stood at the bottom of the ladder at the time watching the work being done.

As he climbed down the ladder, the victim reached for the banner, but slipped and fell to the ground.

When the case was brought, his employers tried to reduce their liability by claiming that the man’s negligence had contributed to the accident, and that he was aware of the risk of an accident happening.

But his legal representative, John Cooper, successfully argued that the man had been simply following the instructions given by his supervisor, and the bar’s manager.

Mr Cooper said that the employer had been right to admit liability, and added: “It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their employees at all times and in this case, they were found to be negligent.

“The claimant’s employers were ultimately responsible for accessing, planning and ensuring that work being carried out done safely, using suitable safety wear and equipment.”

He concluded: “It has taken three years to settle, but both my client and I are very pleased with outcome.”

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PHC Law Recovers £400,000 Damages For Motorcycle Accident Victim

The Claimant suffered an exceptionally severe leg injury including compound fractures to the tibia and fibula extensive degloving together with damage to the right knee. In order to prevent infection in the lower leg a transplanted muscle from the Claimant’s back was made and attached to the leg. The result was an exceptionally deformed looking leg. The Claimant underwent a number of further procedures because the accident had caused associated injuries to the toes, tendons, ankle and knee. Only after the injuries had thoroughly settled and no other further surgery was contemplated did the Claimant undergo plastic surgery to reduce the cosmetic abnormality in his lower leg.

After a lengthy period of absence from work the Claimant returned to his pre-accident employment as an engineer and continued to be restricted in the hours of work which he could manage and the extent to which he could manage lifting and standing up at work.

He suffered psychologically as a result of the accident. He received therapy and improved significantly. His long held ambition was to join the Police Force. His prospects of doing this were eliminated by the injuries sustained in the accident.

Expert evidence was obtained from a range of medical experts including orthopaedic surgeon, plastic surgeon and consultant psychiatrist.

The Defendants made a number of inadequate offers as the matter progressed. Eventually settlement was achieved at a joint settlement meeting when the Claimant accepted the Defendants’ offer to pay a total of £400,000.00 damages inclusive of interim payments and CRU. Interim payments totalling nearly £60,000.00 had been made by the Defendant to the Claimant during the course of the action.

The Claimant who was very disturbed by the accident suffered a great deal emotionally and physically subsequently as he sought to come to terms with the gross cosmetic abnormality caused by the accident and a series of operations. He was distressed at his inability to make a full recovery and that his ambition of becoming a Police Officer had been permanently thwarted.

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PHC Law Recovers Over £500,000 Compensation For Accident At Work Claimant

PHC Law Recovers Over £500,000 Compensation For Accident At Work Claimant

The Claimant claimed damages for an accident which occurred on 6th December 2005 when he was 42-years old. He was required to move a completed lorry by means of a hand operated electrically powered “dead man truck”. His left foot/lower leg was trapped and crushed by the truck causing very serious injuries including compound fractures to the left tibia and fibula, a fracture dislocation of the ankle and a fracture of the calcaneum.

The Claimant has suffered a very serious injury and underwent three operations in quick succession his treatment involving external fixation and skin grafting. The Claimant did not make a good recovery and suffered multiple corrective operations – a total of 13 to date of settlement.

Although the Claimant attempted to return to his work as a motor engineer the effect of ongoing pain and disability made this impossible. He was unable to do manual work from a standing position and work involving weight bearing. He was equally unable to manage sedentary work due to swelling and increased pain caused by being seated.

Expert evidence was obtained from a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. The Defendants obtained orthopaedic evidence from two other specialists.

Settlement was necessarily delayed to enable a proper assessment of the full extent of the Claimant’s ongoing disability together with his future limitations on the labour market and domestically.

The matter was dealt with co-operatively throughout between the parties and the Claimant was voluntarily provided with interim payments by the Defendants.

The Defendants initially offered £110,000.00. This offer was rejected by the Claimant. The Defendants then offered £400,000.00 in January 2011 which was rejected by the Claimant. The Defendant subsequently reduced this offer to £380,000.00. Both parties wished to seek disposal of the claim by joint settlement meeting. As the date for the meeting approached the Defendants disclosed surveillance evidence which required most careful consideration by the Claimant and the Claimant’s legal advisors.

In the event the matter was settled by way of joint settlement meeting on 21st July 2011 for the total sum of £568,330.28. Settlement was inclusive of £49,000.00 interim payments and £19,330.28 payable to the Department of Work and Pensions in respect of refundable benefits.

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Where Fraud Victims Need To Go For Help

Unfortunately fraud victims are often the forgotten victims in our justice system. There are often no support groups or counselors for them. Nor are there many places where they can go for help.

Strangely enough the more complex the fraud is and the more money involved, too often, the less likely the victim is to receive to help. This does not mean that help is not available. It simply means that fraud victims are looking for help in the wrong places. In most cases, “getting help” starts with fraud victims helping themselves.

The first place to go for help if you loose a lot of money in any sort of scam is not to the prosecutor or law enforcement, but to an attorney. Find a lawyer who has a lot of experience in the field. In some cases, these attorneys will only charge for expenses and a low retainer. In these cases, they will take the largest part of their fees as a percentage of the settlement.

File such a suit even if the fraudsters are operating outside the US . You should do that because you might be able to get money from them if they return to the US or have property or assets here. Attorney Howard Fensterman sued a group of businessmen in Abu Dhabi who allegedly stole money from a group of Americans trying to organize an insurance company there.

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What You Need to Know About Alimony in Alpharetta

Alimony is one of the most misunderstood legal concepts and it can also be a confusing and frustrating addition to your life. If you are getting divorced you could be forced to make alimony payments in Alpharetta. That means part of your salary or business income could go to your ex spouse.

The only way you can have control over the alimony that will pay will be to hire an attorney to look after your interests. If you are not represented by a lawyer the judge and worse your spouse’s attorney will be the ones making the decision. That means you could needlessly loose a large portion of your income to such payments.

It means that you might not be able to take out mortgages or car loans in the future because part of your income is going out in the form of alimony. It also means that you could have a hard time getting business financing that you need or paying your bills. Alimony can be garnished directly from your salary or bank account.

Alimony payments in Alpharetta could substantially reduce your income and force you to make major changes to your lifestyle. Fortunately there are some actions you can take to reduce alimony. You and your attorney can sit down with your spouse and his or her attorney and negotiate a fair rate of payment.

You might even be able to avoid alimony entirely by equitably dividing up assets or making other arrangements. Yet will not know what your rights are if you do not have an attorney advising you.

Something to remember is that neither the judge nor your spouse’s lawyer will look out for your rights in regards to alimony. Only your lawyer will be able to do that for you.

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Taking the Hassle and the Guess Work out of Adoptions in Alpharetta

Adoption can either be easy or it can be hard depending on how you do it. Fortunately there is a way to take a lot of the guess work and hassle out of adoptions in Alpharetta, hire a lawyer to handle the paper work. An attorney who is experienced with child custody and adoption cases can make the process faster and simpler.

For example the lawyer will know exactly what paperwork you will need to file and where to file it. He can also when you need to file it and how to file it. Beyond paperwork the attorney can know what objections you might face and how to overcome them. Attorneys can help persons do not meet traditional parental stereotypes including gays, singles and older persons adopt.

They can also help people navigate the legal maze that often surrounds overseas adoptions. In many cases adoption agencies and brokers will not tell you what perils might be standing in your way. Nor is there any guarantee than an agency has done its homework, filled out the right paperwork or met the legal qualifications.

In many cases the well-meaning volunteers at adoption agencies will not do that. Instead they will use one size fits all forms and little else leaving parents to handle the legal problems. It is entirely possible that there could be legal issues surrounding the adoption you are unaware of. You might not find out what they are until a summons server knocks on your door.

Bringing home a child and creating a home for him or her can be difficult enough so new parents may not have the time to take care of all the legal implications as well. In such a case a good lawyer with a lot of experience in adoptions in Alpharetta can be a lifesaver. He or she can take care all of the paperwork and legal details leaving the parents free to concentrate on their child.

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A Simple Search Could Save You a Lot of Money

Something that a lot of investors don’t realize is that a simple internet search can save an investor or group of investors a lot of money. In many cases simply typing the name or locale into a search engine such as Google or Bing can protect a person from fraud.

Most of the scam artists that commit investment fraud have done it, over and over again. Some of them have been committing such crimes for decades, and they even have criminal records or a history of serving time in prison. Typing their name and the word fraud into a search engine can turn up interesting results. Similarly, typing the name of somebody offering an investment and the word lawsuit into a search engine also can produce very informative results. It is possible to sue con artists to get your money back. You can even sue in U.S. Courts foreign con artists who commit their crimes in other countries.

That means you can check out foreign investment opportunities with an online search. But don’t just read a single on-line posting about the fraud or lawsuit, read all the postings to obtain a full perspective of what happened so you can make a more educated decision. A person thinking of doing business in the United Arab Emirates or UAE (the Persian Gulf State where Dubai and Abu Dhabi are located) could type in the words lawsuit and UAE. This search might show you that New York attorney Howard Fenstersman has sued a group of a group of prominent businessmen in Abu Dhabi on behalf of a group of US investors who alleged that $18 million of their money had been stolen from a UAE bank.

Obviously, con artists and persons trying to drum up business would not tell you this, but an online search can. For example, shares in Medical Capital Holdings, a notorious pyramid scam based in Orange County , California , were sold by agents working for Securities America (a brokerage based in Nebraska ). Anybody who searched “Securities America” and the word “lawsuit would” have found that the brokerage is facing millions of dollars in lawsuits filed by investors who claimed they were ripped off by its brokers.

An online search can be one of the most powerful tools in stopping fraud and protecting investors. All investors should do so when considering new investments.

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Osbornes Solicitors LLP Receives Quality Mark From Law Society’s Quality Conveyancing Scheme

Osbornes solicitors, based in Pratt Street in Camden, is pleased to announce that our application to become a member of the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme has been successful. The Law Society’s Transaction Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) is a quality standard for residential conveyancing practices.

The Conveyancing Quality Scheme was launched in January 2011, since when over 900 law firms have applied for the quality mark. Out of these firms fewer than 300 have been admitted thus far.

The CQS is a scheme designed to give clients (buyers, sellers and lenders) confidence in the standard of conveyancing work they will receive by providing a recognisable kitemark for accredited conveyancing firms. It is based on a new Law Society Protocol which aims to achieve consistent standards across the sector in order to speed up the conveyancing process and provide more certainty for buyers and sellers.

Jan Atkinson, Partner and Head of the property law Department at Osbornes commented:

“Receiving this quality mark from the Law Society strengthens the existing reputation that our property team has of providing high quality advice and service to its clients. This independent quality mark from the Law Society demonstrates that the members of the property team at Osbornes provide an expert service to their clients.”

For further information about this quality mark and to find out what property services we offer clients please contact Maria Elliot or Justine Simms on 0207 485 8811. Alternatively you can e-mail on or You can also visit our website at

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Office of Inspector General Is Aggressively Asserting Its Authority to Exclude Owners, Officers and Managing Employees of Sanctioned Entities From Participation in Federal Health Care Programs

“The longstanding but little-used authority of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) to exclude from participation in any federal health care program, such as Medicare, any officer or managing employee of a health related entity that has been convicted of certain legal offenses, should now be top-of-mind for all general managers, business managers, administrators and directors of today’s health care facilities,” says Patrick Formato, a partner at Abrams , Fensterman , Fensterman, Eisman, Greenberg, Formato & Einiger, LLP (Abrams Fensterman).

Reflecting on his recent participation at June’s Annual Meeting of the American Health Lawyers Association, Formato is reaching out to his clients with a stern warning: “The OIG is becoming increasingly aggressive in targeting owners, managers and boards of sanctioned health care facilities. These individuals must keep a finger on the pulse of what is going on in every phase of their organization and they must be proactive about reporting their concerns.”

Formato notes that exclusions under section 1128 (b) (15) of the Social Security Act are based upon the individual’s role or interest in a company that is excluded or is convicted of certain offenses. Individuals who have an ownership or a control interest in a sanctioned entity may be excluded if they knew or should have known of the conduct that led to the sanction. Officers and managing employees may be excluded based solely on their position within the entity.

“There is a higher standard for exclusion of an owner,” Formato points out. “The relevant statute requires evidence that the owner knew or should have known of the conduct that formed the basis for the sanction. In cases involving officers and managing employees, the statute includes a no knowledge element. The OIG therefore has the authority to exclude every officer and managing employee of a sanctioned entity.” says Formato.

“As a practical matter, the OIG does not intend to exclude all officers and managing employees,” Formato notes. “But where the evidence supports the fact that a managing employee knew or should have known of the conduct, the OIG will probably operate with a presumption in favor of exclusion.”

“Abrams Fensterman has one of the largest health care legal practices in New York state, representing approximately 125 nursing homes, a large number of medical groups and individuals in a variety of complex health care-related matters,” says Howard Fensterman, Managing Partner of Abrams Fensterman.

“Some of our clients include physicians, medical societies, ambulatory surgery centers, diagnostic and treatment centers, hospitals, imaging facilities, dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, early intervention agencies and other health care providers,” Fensterman notes.

“This experience has led to our health care lawyers lecturing at bar associations, professional organizations, hospitals and colleges. At these meetings and through direct communications, Pat Formato and I, along with our entire senior health care-specialist team, will be underscoring what is clearly an environment of increased enforcement on the part of the OIG that is specifically related health care fraud. We want our clients to be proactive, diligent and aggressive so as to prevent legal action against their health care entities and the possibility of being sued and personally excluded from future participation in the industry,” says Fensterman.

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Preston Injury Solicitors Highlight Work Related Accidents Numbers In Lancashire

More people are injured in work related accidents in Lancashire than in any other areas throughout the North West, or the whole country, according to a new analysis of official data by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).

Last year there over 10,000 injuries in the workplace were reported due to slips and trips, estimated to cost businesses a total of £521,000,000.

In so many cases, these types of accidents could easily be prevented if the correct action has been taken by the employer.

In Jan 2011, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) released a plea to employers to make health and safety a priority going forward.

According to the Health and Safety Executive, in 2010 more than 300 work related incidents occurred across the North West each week, an annual total of 16,385 people being injured or resulting in fatal accidents.

The HSE hope this figure will be a reminder to employers and staff to make their workplaces safer moving forward and drastically improve casualty rates.

In 2010 the Health and Safety Executive prosecuted North West firms for 100 breaches for health and safety legislation, taking action against hundreds of businesses by issuing them with Prohibition and Improvement Notices.

David Sowerby, Regional Director for the North West said:
“Behind these statistics are the real life stories of thousands of workers suffering injuries and ill health. Together with their families, they have to deal with real hardship, pain and suffering.

“The New Year is an opportune time to reflect on the number of incidents in the past 12 months, and to take positive action to improve conditions in workplaces. “The main causes of fatal incidents nationally remain falls from height and from workplace transport, with the highest numbers being found in the construction and agriculture sectors. For other injuries, slips and trips and incidents affecting the back and upper limbs are the most common cause.

“Most of these injuries are entirely preventable. We implore businesses to take practical action to manage the risks people face in their day-to-day work.” Britain boasts one of the best health and safety records in Europe but with 180 workplace deaths nationally last year, HSE says there is still much to be done.

Dr Sowerby added:

“Simple measures, including the assessment of workplace risks to identify improvements, and providing training and instruction to workers, can and do prevent many incidents. Involving the workforce in this process has been shown to have significant success.

“HSE works with a number of partners to provide free advice and guidance to those both carrying out and managing work. We want businesses and the self-employed to work with us to help reduce injuries and make the North West a safer and healthier place to work.

“Every employee has the right to return home from work safely and without their health affected and I hope all employers in the North West share that view and take steps to ensure that is the case.”

Many people who have suffered a work related injury go onto seek the legal advice and guidance from a personal injury solicitor about pursuing an accident at work claim.

Lancashire based personal injury firm, PHC Law Ltd, help thousands of people every year throughout the North West and the UK to recover from injuries they have sustained whilst at work, recovering millions of pounds in compensation.

A spokesman from PHC Law said: “If someone has suffered an accident at work within the past three years, they are entitled by law to seek the legal advice and guidance from a personal injury solicitor. It is their employer’s duty of care and responsibility to ensure the health and safety of their employees. Employers who are found to be in breach of this are breaking the law”

“In this climate, many people feel reluctant to pursue a claim for compensation, fearful of losing their jobs if they made a claim, or concerned about the financial loss they will suffer because they are unable to work”

“We help thousands of people throughout Preston, the North West and the UK, recovering compensation for the pain suffering and affect the injury has had on their day-to-day lifestyle and also access the compensation amounts they are entitled to for any financial loss they have suffered. Severe injuries can often be disabling, affected their future employment prospects and lifestyle. Not only do we set out to achieve the maximum amount of compensation they deserve, we also arrange for any medical rehabilitation they might require and access their financial circumstances, recovering compensation for any financial losses they have also suffered”

PHC Law Ltd are one of the UK’s leading ‘No win, No fee’ solicitors. For more information, please visit or call free on 0800 612 7 612.

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PHC Law Supports RoSPA’s Lighter Evening Campaign

RoSPA has been calling for many years for a move to a system called “Single/Double Summer time” (SDST), which would put the clocks one hour ahead of GMT in winder and two hours ahead of GMT throughout the summer months.

The campaign has been launched to improve road safety and the number of fatalities and people that are injured on the roads, being the key aim behind RoSPA’s campaign.

Research found a move to SDST could reduce road death by around 80 per cent every year and serious injuries by around 212 per year.

A spokesperson from PHC Law personal injury solicitors said:

“Our Road Traffic Accident Solicitors recover millions of pounds in compensation every year from people who have sustained a whiplash injury, been involved public transport accidents through to pedestrians and cyclists who have been involved in an accident”.

“The main benefit of SDST will help to protect not only motorists and pedestrians but vulnerable road users like children and the elderly, making them more visible to motorists”

“Children are often a high-risk in regards to road traffic accidents, they tend to go straight to school in a morning but often participate in after school activities, increasing their exposure to road dangers in the evenings. It is vital in any case for motorcyclists and pedestrians to ensure they can be seen and for motorists to watch their speed and be aware of vulnerable road users like pedestrians, children and the elderly at any time of the day or night”

“If SDST is enforced, hopefully this will drastically improve the amount of people who are involved in road traffic accidents each year, especially children”.

Tom Mularkley, RosPA chief executive said: “We need to keep the momentum behind this long-running campaign. In view of the reports published in 2009, plus casualty data, we will continue to call a change which, we believe, would save lives and reduce injuries.

“More pedestrians are killed and injured in the afternoon and early evening than in the morning. Therefore, by moving to SDST, vulnerable road users like children walking home from school would have an extra hour of daylight in which to make their journeys.

“It is time for the issue to come off the shelf and for the full implications to be considered.”

RoSPA recommends a trial is run for 2-3 years to provide objective, up-to-date evidence about the effects of SDST, also recommending that it would enable the public, industry and business sectors to experience the change for themselves.

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Prominent Labor Litigation Economist Joins BLDS, LLC

Labor Economist Christopher Erath, Ph.D., has joined the national statistical and economic consulting firm BLDS, LLC as a director. Dr. Erath will consult with BLDS clients on issues arising in litigation, including class-action certification, liability in employment-discrimination claims, wage-and-hour claims and economic damages. Dr. Erath has written extensively on labor and employment litigation and has testified on labor and employment issues in over 30 matters.

Bernard R. Siskin, Ph.D., founder and head director of BLDS, LLC, said Dr. Erath affords BLDS clients added depth. “In addition to significant experience in the analysis of statistical liability and damages in labor matters, Dr. Erath has directed research on antitrust issues, including patent-infringement damages. He also has significant experience in regulatory hearings. He is a welcome addition to our firm.”

Dr. Erath previously served as senior vice president of NERA Economic Consulting. He earned his doctorate in Economics at the University of Wisconsin.

About BLDS, LLC: For nearly 40 years, the nationally recognized statistics and economics experts of BLDS, LLC have advised law firms and their clients — including Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, and privately held enterprises — on a wide variety of issues requiring quantitative expertise and coherent explanation.

Led by Bernard R. Siskin, Ph. D., BLDS statistical experts provide independent expert analysis in applied statistics and effectively communicate both the results and implications. They have been retained in matters of employment discrimination including hiring, promotion, compensation, reductions-in-force, and class action certification. BLDS experts are frequently retained to analyze the work force impact of planned management actions in an effort to minimize litigation exposure.

BLDS’s rigorous statistical approach has also been applied to questions of credit discrimination, wage and hour disputes, and insurance issues.

BLDS economic experts provide litigation support and advisory services on economic damages in commercial, employment and tort actions. They are also recognized experts in business valuation theory and practice, including valuation discounts and premiums.

BLDS experts have been appointed by courts as neutral experts and have testified before arbitration panels, and in federal and state courts, including the Delaware Court of Chancery.

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Shoosmiths Appoints David Palmer as New Head of Access Legal

Shoosmiths has announced it has appointed David Palmer has the new head of its consumer legal services operation Access Legal. David has been appointed to drive Access Legal forward after a successful first 18 months.

David will be taking over from the current head of consumer services, Judith Dorkins, who has worked for Shoosmiths for 20 years, and spent months helping to develop and launch Access Legal.

Judith Dorkins, who is retiring to pursue other interests, commented on David taking over from her: “David is an experienced business leader who had developed success across a wide range of sectors and for some of the most challenging and innovative international companies.

“He has just the skills we were looking for to take Access Legal to the next level in the journey to become a leading and trusted provider of high quality legal services to consumers.”

David Palmer, new head of consumer services, Access Legal, commented: “This is a wonderful challenge at what is an exciting time for the consumer legal services market. To be the leading player as we intend in this brave new world we must offer legal expertise coupled with traditional service values, delivered in a modern way that deploys the best practices from other fast-moving consumer sectors. I’m looking forward to making this happen.”

Before moving to Access Legal, David has enjoyed a wide ranging career, including roles such as director of the UK personal cards business of Citigroup, international marketing head for US private equity and investment banking group Robert W Baird, and head of personal customer marketing for Royal Bank of Scotland’s card division.

Access Legal was first launched in February 2010, and marked its first year anniversary at the start of 2011 with an impressive set of launch-year statistics.

It recorded a 178% increase in direct enquiries, saw web enquiries up more than 100%, staff referrals and member claims climbed from 1% to 11% and it experienced 25 times more enquiries through recommendations.

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Access Legal from Shoosmiths joins the Institute of Customer Service

Access Legal from Shoosmiths has announced it has joined the Institute of Customer Service, making it the first top 30 legal services firm to do so.

The national law firm believes that becoming a member of the Institute of Customer Service will help support its key strategic aim of delivering the highest levels of client and customer service.

Access Legal provides a variety of services including personal injury claims, and considers customer service to be extremely important. The team at Access Legal aim to be friendly, supportive and caring and treat each client as a real person rather than a ‘case’.

Claire Rowe, chief executive of Shoosmiths, commented: “One of Shoosmiths’ central tenets is that only the very best customer service is good enough.

“And while we’re proud of the service levels we’ve already achieved, we’re the first to acknowledge that there’s always room for improvement.

“We must make sure everyone at the firm is committed to delivering great customer service all the time, which is why we’re rolling out an Institute-associated people development programme, to ensure client service is understood at all levels of the firm.

“One of the reasons we chose to join the Institute is because it’s recognised as the leading body in its field by so many of our clients. And it would be wonderful to think that as the first top 30 law firm to join it, we might just be setting a new benchmark for the legal industry.”

The Institute of Customer Service is an independent, professional membership body for customer service. It aims to be the first port of call for every aspect of customer service, so that its customers can improve their business performance and their overall customer experience.

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Access Legal Announces Appointment Of Nicholas Tubb To Medical Negligence Team

Access Legal from Shoosmiths, the national consumer legal services provider, has announced it has hired Nicholas Tubb as its new partner in the medical negligence team.

Tubb has joined Access Legal from Challinors’ clinical negligence department and will be based in Access Legal’s Birmingham office.

Tubb has considerable experience in the sector and has specialised in medical negligence claims on behalf of patients and their families for more than 10 years, with a particular interest in complex cases and a wide experience of claims involving surgical errors and deaths following treatment. He also has a keen interest in getting answers for patients and their families.

A partner since 2005, Tubb has successfully pursued complex birth injury, brain and spinal injury claims for clients, securing a number of multi-million pound awards.

He is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association, and is a panel member of AvMA (Action Against Medical Accidents).

The team at Access Legal from Shoosmiths is growing and Nicholas Tubb will strengthen its medical negligence offering.

Richard Follis, partner and national head of medical negligence, Access Legal, said: “Ours is a growing team at a time when there’s a worrying rise in the number of patients receiving inadequate or negligent care at the hands of health professionals.

“Nick’s knowledge in this highly specialised area, plus his excellent contacts and connections in the city and the wider region, will undoubtedly bolster our already strong team.”

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Access Legal Announces Sponsorship of Leon Hunt

Access Legal, the consumer legal services provider, has announced it will be sponsoring motorcycle racer Leon Hunt in this season’s Metzeler National Superstock Championship.

Access Legal will be backing the 22-year-old from Brighton in all 12 rounds of the series, which began at Easter, at Brands Hatch. This is the first time that Access Legal has sponsored a rider.

Leon is racing for Lincoln-based team AP Kawasaki in the Superstock 1000cc class, which supports the popular MCE Insurance British Superbike Championship. He will be riding a brand new Kawasaki ZX-10R.

Leon began racing at the end of 2003, and has been successful on 125cc machines through to Superstock bikes. He won a 125 series and had podium positions in the British Championship, where he also enjoyed several top five finishes.

Access Legal also has a motoring law team, which is run by bikers and provides a service to bikers and other members of the public who have a motoring law question.

Simon Richards, team leader (legal executive) at Access Legal, said: “Being bikers ourselves, we follow the Superstock series avidly, and have known Leon for a couple of years. We’re excited to be able to get involved and we’re confident he’ll do well on the new ZX-10R. We wish him the best of luck for the series.”

Leon Hunt commented: “I really enjoyed my first year in the Superstock 1000cc class last year,” he said “but we had a little bit of bad luck and I had to train harder to get used to the longer races. I feel confident this season, and hope to be at the sharp end.”

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Michigan Drunk Driving Defense Through Sobriety Courts & Sober Homes Gaining Popularity

Sobriety courts or Drug Courts is a recent novel approach and have been set up to reduce DUI/DWI s by helping recovery of offenders instead of punishment. Their main objective(s) being to reduce alcohol & drug use, lowering of repeat substance abuse offenses and reduction of incarceration in local jails.

Working under a “Jail Diversion” initiative, these Courts allow the integration of alcohol and drug treatment services with justice system case processing wherein the defense attorney and prosecutor work towards a speedy resolution of the case with an ultimate goal of addressing the defendant’s substance abuse issues. The process involves the following pertinent steps:

• Placement of the defendant rapidly into meaningful substance abuse transitional sober living facility.
• Frequent testing to determine whether the defendant is using alcohol or other drugs.
• A team approach to the defendant’s treatment program including the judge, the treatment provider, probation, and the lawyers, as needed.
• Regular appearances of the defendant before the judge, on the record, to monitor program compliance

The services provided by Structured Living LLC are an ideal fit for the DUI/DWI candidates that qualify under the above guidelines. Our “zero” tolerance and court friendly rules of stay that include random drug testing, curfew and daily monitoring, implemented through a resident house manager plus a supervisor, provide a practical and an economically preferred sentencing option to the criminal justice system for non violent alcohol & drug related offenses.

To quote Craig Yaldoo, the director of the Office of Drug Control Policy:-

“In a collective effort to better realize the full promise and potential of drug treatment courts, Michigan intends to enlarge the capacity of existing drug courts, and establish new drug courts so that more people will benefit. With each new court, Michigan has a greater opportunity to employ a preferred multifaceted approach to dealing with drug use and crime.”

So, if you are seeking to defend yourself in a Sobriety Court, call 734-846-0966 or visit for details.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Qualifying Period for Unfair Dismissal

Moves are afoot to increase the qualifying period for unfair dismissal from one to two years. The government believes this will encourage economic growth by giving businesses more confidence when they consider taking people on.

According to the government, the emphasis is on employers and employees having longer to resolve any differences and to avoid situations where employers bring the employment relationship to an end earlier than necessary.

The reality of the situation however, is that increasing the qualifying period for unfair dismissal from one to two years will undoubtedly empower employers to dismiss staff more readily. To this extent, some commentators argue that it will become a charter for businesses to sack people unfairly – and this means a wealth of new work for employment solicitors like Thomas Mansfield.

Another concern presented by the increase in the qualifying period is that it may disproportionately affect younger employees. Research on the subject suggests that half of the three million employees affected by the proposed change are under the age of 35. And while nearly half of all those under 20 currently qualify for unfair dismissal protection, this figure would fall to one in five under the government’s proposals.

Any government-enacted legislation increasing the qualifying period must comply with the Equal Treatment Framework Directive, which outlaws age discrimination and specifically indirect age discrimination. This discrimination occurs when an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice puts people of a particular age at a particular disadvantage compared with people not of that age. The exception to this is where the provision, criterion or practice is capable of being objectively justified. Legislations which do not comply would be exposed to legal challenge by way of judicial review.

If such a challenge were to be mounted, the government would need to justify the measure by showing that it achieves a legitimate aim and is proportionate.

So is the increase in the qualifying period from one to two years a legitimate aim? Whilst it would be very nice to think that a longer qualifying period would enable employers and employees to resolve their problems without the possibility of dismissal, one can foresee the emergence of a hire and fire culture. Rather, employers should consider resolving their differences with staff earlier and in more meaningful ways, through inclusion and open dialogue.

It is easy to see how the increase in the qualifying period will be regarded as a boon for employers to remove troublesome staff. It also is a useful tool in circumstances where employers looking to dismiss 20 or more employees at one establishment find themselves having to adhere to the law relating to collective consultation. Quite often, an employer is well advised to terminate the employment of those employees with less than one year’s service if to do so would reduce the number of affected employees below 20, this being the point at which the obligation to collectively consult is triggered. Employment solicitors advise that avoiding collective consultation can save an employer both time and money.

It is very easy to be cynical about the government’s avowed purpose behind the increase in the qualifying period but we shall have to see how this debate pans out and whether a challenge is indeed mounted on the grounds of age.

Thomas Mansfield Solicitors, winners of the Innovation Award at the Law Society’s Excellence Awards 2009, are specialist employment solicitors, London based, who handle legal disputes concerning areas of employment as well as compromise agreements.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases