All posts by EPR Law News

Acne Victims Are Helped With Makeovers, Lawsuits

Hiding acne can be easy if you use the right makeup. Houston-based Heidi Schulze, one of America’s top makeup artists, proves it in a new how-to video at, which transforms a self-conscious car saleswoman with adult acne into a drop-dead gorgeous top-model lookalike.

If only more acne sufferers had tried this approach. Instead they took Accutane, which cleared up their blemishes but also gave many users severe, lifelong and debilitating digestive disorders that often involved surgery. Now these victims are taking Accutane creator Roche Pharmaceuticals to court – and they’re winning.

A 38-year-old Alabama software engineer who took Accutane in his 20s was finally forced to have his colon removed almost 15 years after taking the drug to treat a severe case of acne. In early 2010, a jury awarded him $25 million for his losses and suffering. Five other recent verdicts have pushed victims’ awards to a total of $56 million, as juries found that Roche did not adequately warn consumers about the drug’s risks.

Faced with such Accutane lawsuits and increased competition, Swiss-based Roche took Accutane off the market last year, after 27 years of sales that reaped billions in profits. But despite health hazards, generic Accutane remains available, sold as Claravis, Sotret and Amnesteem. Each has active ingredient Isotretinoin, as did Accutane.

Isotretinoin medications have been proven to cause an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis, or UC. Often such victims must have surgery – and many haven’t suspected till now that their incurable condition was the result of taking an acne medication.

That’s not to say Accutane hasn’t done some good. More than 13 million people took Accutane during its 27 years on the market, and it permanently cleared up the pimples of 85 per cent of those with severe acne. But for too many, the health hazard trade-off has been severe.

A far better solution for acne sufferers is to try Schulze’s makeup approach, which isn’t disguised with heavy foundations and powder. Rather, the answer is a light, mineral-based product applied with a careful, deft touch in the right combination of colors. And this natural makeup doesn’t look like makeup once it’s applied.

“Most women with acne make the mistake of using concealers, as they are called, to cover pimples,” Shulze said. “That cakes up the face, doesn’t look natural, and since people with acne have oily skin, the makeup ends up sliding off anyway during the day. ” The mineral product Schulze uses in the video has no oil, so it stays put, relieving self-conscious sufferers.

About can provide American victims of Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche with a defective drug lawyer in all 50 states. Visit and simply apply for a free case evaluation at, or call toll-free to (800) 339-0606 to explore your options for an Accutane lawsuit. A legal representative will respond to help you assess your Accutane side effects case. You may be entitled to substantial economic recovery for your losses caused by the negligence of a pharmaceutical corporation.

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Law press releases

The Sea Rarely Gives Up The Dead, Or That’s What Phil Harris Thought When He Tried To Throw Former Business Partner Glenn Coggeshell Overboard

On Monday August 09, 2010 Business partner and creator of the coffee lines “Deadliest Brew” “Captains Brew” and “Captains Reserve” was forced to bring suit to the Harris Estate after a year of trying to settle differences quietly and professionally.

Coggeshell who is considered the most innovative creator in his industry, marketing coffee lines as “Black Dot Coffee” “Hendrix Coffee” “Goodfellas Coffee” “Deadliest Brew” “Legends of Rock Coffee” and “Perfect Circle Coffee”, met Phil Harris in a grocery store parking lot. Phil approached Glenn about buying “Hendrix Coffee” for his boat.

In March of 2008 Phil Harris contacted Coggeshell wanting to endorse his “Black Dot Coffee” line, saying he was about to be the most popular captain on the hit show Deadliest Catch.

After an hour meeting in a “Buzz In” steak house and listening to Phil talk about his recent health condition. Coggeshell having a father who had just had a savier stroke also, thought it unfair given the state of his health to just have him endorse his product, started thinking of ways this venture could work for all parties.

In late April of that same year Glenn celebrated the birth of his daughter. There at the hospital he was making calls, organizing, planning and making sure things would move forward for his family and the new venture.

Coggeshell and Harris continued to move forward throughout the spring. Glenn started making important business contacts to launch the new coffee line “Deadliest Brew”, “Gourmet Coffee for the Working Man” and within sixty days found the product in over 65 locations in Washington State and growing towards the Oregon and California markets, one event on July 26th 2008 in Sedro Woolley, WA saw 250 in attendance an unprecedented coffee sales and fast growth.

During this time Phil kept assuring Glenn, who had funded everything to this point, that he would invest his share of the needed money to keep up with growing sales.

Around August of 2008 Phil’s on again off again manager Russ Hariot returned with the promise to finish a deal with a local energy drink manufacture who were also creating a line with Phil Harris. Glenn Coggeshell insisted Russ stay away from anything related to the coffee. Phil assured Glenn, Russ would stay away. During this time Glenn began to question actions and changes with Phil’s personality.

Glenn by now invested over $50 thousand from his own business & personal sources while being a father of two children, a son and an infant daughter.

By October with high online sales and almost 200 stores, Deadliest Brew was quickly becoming one of the fastest growing coffee companies in the US

In late November early December Coggeshells investment began to pay off and business started seeing substantial profits and with the addition of another 60-100 locations projected in 2009. The new Captains Brew Coffee line was becoming the fastest growing Coffee Company in the US and online sales where growing stronger each day.

Just in time for Christmas and with profits in the bank, Coggeshell began seeing e-mails, blogs and myspace postings, stating Coggeshell was “no longer a part” of his own business. Phil, Russ and employee Marsha Cruz began circumventing Coggeshell with suppliers, stealing accounts, crossing out contact information for Coggeshell’s Company “Northwest Blends Inc” on invoices. Changing mailing addresses, changing checks made out too Coggeshell and his company to Phil’s “new” company, and then the letter from Phils new Lawyer showed up at his door. (All in the Christmas spirit).

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Law press releases

RJW Client Fawcett Society To Take Government To Court Over Unlawful Budget

RJW client The Fawcett Society has filed papers with the High Court in order to get a Judicial Review of the government’s recent emergency budget.

The Fawcett Society believes that the government should have used an equality impact assessment to determine whether its budget proposals would increase or reduce inequality between women and men. Despite repeated requests from the society, the Treasury has not provided any evidence that any such an equality impact assessment took place.

A top line assessment of the budget measures show 72% of cuts will be met from women’s income with the remaining 28% from men’s, due to many of the cuts being to benefits that more women than men rely on. Additionally the changes to the tax system will benefit far more men than women.

Since 2006 the government has been bound by a gender equality duty which obligates it to actively promote equality between the sexes.

Samantha Mangwana, employment solicitor at Russell Jones & Walker who is representing the Fawcett Society, said: “Although public authorities have been subject to the gender equality duty for several years now, there is widespread ignorance not only about how strong these laws actually are, but also what specific steps are required to be undertaken. However, the case law is crystal clear in spelling this out. Firstly, an equality impact assessment must be conducted before policy decisions are taken.

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Russell Jones And Walker Launches 2 Way Street Campaign

Russell Jones and Walker, the personal injury specialists, has launched 2 Way Street, a campaign that aims to bring HGV drivers and cyclists together.

The campaign, fronted by Gail Porter, calls for HGV drivers to have cycle awareness training, for cyclists to be encouraged to take cycle training to cope with busy urban roads, and for more investment in the design of cycle-friendly roads. The campaign is supported by CTC, the UK’s national cyclists’ organisation.

On average, every year approximately eight cyclists a year are killed by lorries in London and about 28 are killed by lorries across the UK, with 70% of these in urban areas.

Following the launch of the Barclays Cycle Hire, in July this year, which aims to generate up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day in central London by providing 5,000 cycles for hire,Paul Kitson, a claimant personal injury specialist with Russell Jones & Walker with particular expertise in cycling claims said: “The launch of Boris Johnson’s Barclay Cycle Hire scheme in central London is even more of reason to draw attention to the relationship between cyclists and HGV drivers in urban areas, and call for positive change.

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Law press releases

Quigal Announces Winner of its Amazon Kindle Sweepstakes — an online lawyer search service, which only accepts listings from attorneys with exceptional credentials — has chosen the winner of its “Win a Kindle Sweepstakes,” a free contest that gave Quigal’s users an opportunity to provide constructive feedback on the site.

To enter the contest, users were asked to provide feedback on’s website, to join’s Facebook page, or to follow on Twitter. One entrant was randomly chosen to win an Amazon Kindle.

The feedback received in response to the sweepstakes was overwhelmingly positive. Here is a sample:

•  “I think Quigal is very easy to use. I hope it becomes more popular. These sites are sometimes very confusing.”
•  “What a great concept for a website! Looking in the phone book for a lawyer is very daunting; there are so many of them and it’s hard to navigate.”
•  “I’m happy to see that there are so many attorneys listed in my area! I’m glad to know about this great resource.”
•  “I think this is a wonderful website that is very useful. I’ve shared the website with my family and friends.”
•  “Very interesting. Would definitely use this search if I ever need legal counsel. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even know where to start!”
•  “A great way to find an attorney; the majority of people may not have personal references to so many types!”

“We are excited about the positive response to our solicitation for feedback,” noted Renate Harrison, founder and CEO. “We can now confidently expand and improve our service with the knowledge that it is meeting a need.”

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Law press releases

Schillings Announces Stelios Win In Ryanair Libel Battle

Schillings law firm has announced that Sir Stelios Haji-loannou has won his libel battle against Michael O’Leary and Ryanair.

Sir Stelios, the founder of easyJet and the easyGroup business empire, accepted a complete apology and retraction from O’Leary and Ryanair over a series of libelous adverts in January and February this year which portrayed Sir Stelios as a “Pinocchio” character and alleged he had “hidden the truth” about easyJet’s on-time statistics. By doing so, they alleged he had lied when he had not.

In settlement of the claim, O’Leary and Ryanair have taken out advertisements in The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph apologising to Sir Stelios for including him in the original advertisements.

In an agreed statement read in the High Court this morning, Sir Stelios’ lawyers Schillings said: “Mr. O’Leary and Ryanair accept that the advertisements should not have been published referring to Sir Stelios and have made a complete offer to settle his claim. In doing so they fully accept that Sir Stelios did not lie about the matter.”

The Claim was issued after Sir Stelios’ complaint about the original adverts was met with a robust and public response from O’Leary and Ryanair. After challenging Sir Stelios to a race around Trafalgar Square or a Sumo Wrestling Competition to resolve the dispute, O’Leary and Ryanair have now agreed to pay damages, legal costs and undertake not to repeat the claim in addition to the public apologies.

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Law press releases

50% Of Managers Risk Prosecution Under Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act

A recent survey of NHS, Local Authority and Housing sector managers researching the methods and practices for lone working and carried out by Glasgow University shows that less than 50% of business managers understand the current legislation, current industry standards and therefore the potential business impact and relevance of non-compliance. Amongst other key findings it is also clear that managers have very little understanding of the key components required in the design of a robust lone worker solution.

The survey, carried out in Scotland, was commissioned by Argyll the UK’s leading lone worker service provider and at the General Services Association (GSA) 4th annual conference held on 14th June in Edinburgh, Tom Morton, CEO of Argyll, outlined the key findings of the recent survey to the assembled delegates. The GSA is multi-agency in its composition, with members from a wide range of health, education and social care settings, within the public, voluntary and private sectors and from a diverse mix of occupational backgrounds. The Association aims to bring together its members to foster a national and international network of information, support and guidance whilst developing, influencing and promoting best practice in the prevention and management of aggression and violence.

The survey was designed to assist Argyll gain a thorough understanding of current lone working risks and the protection methods in use within the NHS, Local Authority and Housing Association sectors in Scotland and Tom Morton explained how they could use available technologies to effectively control lone worker risk.

Tom Morton reported that technical solutions can offer employers an effective and affordable control method. However, he warned, the Internet is currently awash with a complex array of solutions that comprise device manufacturers, software solutions, mapping or tracking providers and incident response service providers. Couple this confusing choice with a general lack of awareness of the quality or legislative compliance requirements offered by these individual solutions and the conclusion is a difficult decision for middle management and a massive exposure to prosecution under the Corporate Manslaughter & Homicide Act 2007.

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Law press releases

Durham Attorney Elected To The Executive Committee Of The NC Advocates For Justice; Scheduled To Take Presidency In June 2011

Guy Crabtree, a partner at Pulley Watson, King & Lischer, P.A. in Durham, has been re-elected to the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ), a state-wide association of attorneys who protect the rights of all North Carolinians in civil and criminal cases.  The election took place at the association’s annual convention currently being held at the Hilton Riverside in Wilmington. Mr. Crabtree has been an active member of the organization since 1978 and has previously served as Vice-President for Education and Vice-President for Communications. During the 2010 -11 term, he will serve as President-Elect and is scheduled to take on the Presidency in June 2011.

Durham Attorney Elected To The Executive Committee Of The NC Advocates For Justice; Scheduled To Take Presidency In June 2011

Mr. Crabtree has over 30 years of legal experience and is best known for his representation of victims in auto wrecks caused by drunk drivers, polluters in environmental and toxic tort cases, medical malpractice and nursing home negligence. In 1983, he began as a partner with King, Walker, Lambe & Crabtree. Then, in 1999 he became a partner at Pulley, Watson, King & Lischer, P.A. where he currently practices in Durham.

Mr. Crabtree attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he attained a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. He holds his law degree from North Carolina Central University, where he graduated with honors, and was admitted to the State Bar in 1978. Mr. Crabtree work has been rated “AV”, the highest rating for legal ability and general ethical standards set by Martindale-Hubbell, a respected national legal directory.  In addition, Mr. Crabtree has been included on the lists of The Best Lawyers in America by Woodward/White and Super Lawyers of North Carolina .

The NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) and its 4,000 members are dedicated to protecting the rights of all North Carolinians.  NCAJ provides continuing legal education for lawyers aimed at enhancing the quality of the legal profession, offers public education programs aimed at enhancing public access and understanding of the legal system, amicus briefs for the appellate courts, and advocacy work at the legislature in the areas of criminal and civil justice.  The association has served its members for over 45 years.

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Law press releases

Goldsboro Attorney / Former Legislator Elected President Of North Carolina Advocates For Justice

Philip A Baddour Jr., a partner at Baddour, Parker & Hine, PC in Goldsboro, has been elected President of the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ), a state-wide association of attorneys who protect the rights of all North Carolinians in civil and criminal cases.  The election took place at the association’s annual convention currently being held at the Hilton Riverside in Wilmington. He recently served as the association’s President-Elect, and previously served as Legislative Vice President and as a member of the NCAJ Board of Governors.

Goldsboro Attorney / Former Legislator Elected President Of North Carolina Advocates For Justice

Today, Mr. Baddour replaces David Pishko of Elliot Pishko Morgan P.A. (Winston-Salem), who held the position of President in 2009-2010.   Mr. Baddour is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his law degree from the University of North Carolina School of Law in 1967.  He brings 41 years of experience to his practice of Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability and Civil Litigation.    Mr. Baddour represents the Goldsboro Housing Authority, Wayne Community College and the Village of Walnut Creek. Additionally, he is a certified mediator and frequently mediates cases for attorneys across Eastern North Carolina.

A native of Goldsboro, Mr. Baddour was formerly a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives where he served as the Majority Leader in the House for two terms.  He has also served on the Commission for the Future of the Courts in North Carolina, the North Carolina Economic Development Board and the North Carolina Board of Transportation. He is a past president of the Goldsboro Area Chamber of Commerce, the Wayne County Economic Development Commission and the Goldsboro Rotary Club. Also, Mr. Baddour is a retired Colonel with the North Carolina National Guard, where he served as Staff Judge Advocate.

The NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) and its 4,000 members are dedicated to protecting the rights of all North Carolinians.  NCAJ provides continuing legal education for lawyers aimed at enhancing the quality of the legal profession, offers public education programs aimed at enhancing public access and understanding of the legal system, amicus briefs for the appellate courts, and advocacy work at the legislature in the areas of criminal and civil justice.  The association has served its members for over 45 years.

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Law press releases

Exonerated Man Greg Taylor, And Attorneys Involved In Freeing Him, Honored

Gregory Taylor, an innocent man wrongly-convicted of murder in Raleigh , and the attorneys involved in his 2010 release, have been honored with the NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ)’s prestigious Kellie Crabtree Award. The award was presented to Greg Taylor; Raleigh criminal defense attorney Joseph B. Cheshire, V; then Public Defender Maitri “Mike” Klinkosum; and Christine Mumma, Director of NC Actual Innocence Commission. The award was presented at NCAJ’s annual convention currently being held at the Hilton Riverside in Wilmington.

Exonerated Man Greg Taylor, And Attorneys Involved In Freeing Him, Honored

The Kellie Crabtree Award recognizes clients and attorneys in cases that make a real difference in protecting people’s rights. Gregory Taylor spent 16 years in prison for a murder conviction that was based partly on incomplete lab test results until his case was reviewed by the North Carolina Innocence Commission.

The NC Advocates for Justice also presented the Honorable I. Beverly Lake, Jr., former Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court who founded the North Carolina Actual Innocence Commission, with a Special Award recognizing his contributions to justice.

The NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) and its 4,000 members are dedicated to protecting the rights of all North Carolinians. NCAJ provides continuing legal education for lawyers aimed at enhancing the quality of the legal profession, offers public education programs aimed at enhancing public access and understanding of the legal system, amicus briefs for the appellate courts, and advocacy work at the legislature in the areas of criminal and civil justice.  The association has served its members for over 45 years.

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Law press releases

Access Legal Solicitor Moves From PA To Clinical Negligence Lawyer In Two Countries

Access Legal from Shoosmiths has revealed that one of its clinical negligence specialists has been admitted as a solicitor – for the second time.

Kishma Small, already admitted as a solicitor in the UK, made it a double in her native British Virgin Islands (BVI) in the Caribbean. She is one of the first BVIslanders to complete a Legal Practice Course (LPC), and then remain in the UK to complete a legal training contract.

Kishma has just returned from a special ceremony in the Supreme Court in Road Town, Tortola – the largest of the islands which form the BVI archipelago – where she was required to make a formal speech. Her application to become a solicitor of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court had to be supported by a number of BVI senior legal practitioners for it to be successful. The ceremony was officiated by High Court Judge Her Ladyship Madam Justice Rita Joseph-Olivetti. Kishma’s application was presented by Helene Anne Lewis, senior partner at SimonetteLewis and supported by Colin Riegels, partner at Harney Westwood & Riegels.

Kishma said: “By 2001, I felt that it was time to pursue my dream of becoming a lawyer. I chose to study in the UK because I was confident that I would receive an excellent standard of education as well as gain valuable experience of life abroad, away from my tropical home.

“It was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make, especially as it meant leaving my friends and family, not to mention my country – but it was something I needed to do. I’m so grateful for this phenomenal opportunity – being admitted to practice in the BVI is quite literally a dream come true. I’m privileged to be able to do the job I love in my two favourite countries.”

Richard Follis, partner and national head of clinical negligence at Shoosmiths said: “To be admitted once as a qualified solicitor shows real hard work; to be admitted twice is a fantastic achievement. We’re incredibly proud of Kishma. She’s set a wonderful example to both the team and the legal profession as a whole.”

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Law press releases

Russell Jones And Walker Welcome Broad Scope Of 7/7 Inquest

Russell Jones and Walker and the families of victims involved in the 7/7 inquest have welcomed the recent ruling made by Lady Justice Hallett that the activities and knowledge of MI5 and the Home Office in relation to the bombings will be included in the scope of her investigation.

Russell Jones And Walker Welcome Broad Scope Of 7/7 Inquest

James Carlton, partner at Russell Jones & Walker Solicitors who is representing ten of the families involved in the inquest stated:

“All the families involved are understandably devastated by their individual loss and want to find answers to the circumstances surrounding how their loved ones came to die. At the same time, all involved are concerned as to whether there were, or indeed are now, any steps that could have been taken to prevent these atrocities from occurring at the time or again in the future.

“The decision by Lady Justice Hallett to examine the actions of intelligence agencies in the scope of the inquest is a welcome inclusion for the victims’ families.”

National law firm Russell Jones & Walker, who specialise in all types of business crime and regulation matters including public inquiries, has been instructed by ten families of victims of the 7/7 bombings inquest which is expected to commence in October 2010.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases, the National Attorney Search Website, Has Been Featured On simplifies online attorney searches according to, a user-driven internet start-up community., the National Attorney Search Website, Has Been Featured On is a leading provider of online attorney search services in the United States. The site allows users to search for attorneys who have impressive legal backgrounds and allows users to communicate with multiple attorneys quickly and easily.

The reviewers said this about Quigal’s service: “The main asset of Quigal is that it does not produce an endless list of legal professionals when you execute a search. Rather, it provides you with some top names only. Instead of giving you several pages to browse through, Quigal will show only one page of results, and that page will never feature more than 10 different attorneys for you to consider. In this way, one of the trickiest aspects of the whole process (IE, pre-selecting those legal representatives that are effectively a cut above the rest) is taken care of for you.

This specificity is further strengthened by the ability to select the legal area that you are keen on searching f r o m the very beginning – you will be allowed to circumscribe your search to Business, Civil or Criminal Law.”

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Law press releases

Russell Jones & Walker Ensures Maclaren Compensates Injured Children

Russell Jones & Walker has managed to ensure that buggy manufacturer Maclaren will compensate over 40 UK children whose fingers were seriously injured in the hinges of its folding pushchairs.

Although refusing to admit liability for the faulty product claims, the firm and its insurers have agreed to make full damages awards. The individual amounts will be dependent on the severity of injuries received and the money will be invested until the children reach age 18.

The children were aged between one and eight years old when hurt, with some cases personal injury dating back to 2003. Many amputated part of the last finger joint when the buggy was erected, undergoing operations with a general anaesthetic to try to re-attach the joint or perform a skin graft. Others fractured bones or suffered deep lacerations, leaving scars and in some cases permanent loss of feeling or disfigurement. Some children had the whole or part of their finger amputated. Further surgery in teenage years is an option for those with disfigurement.

In late 2009 Maclaren recalled one million prams in the US after reports of similar injuries. The firm insisted however that UK buggies were not affected and a UK recall has not taken place. Hinge covers are available but consumers must request them via the firm’s website.

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Law press releases

Access Legal Makes First Manchester Hire

Access Legal from Shoosmiths – national law firm Shoosmiths’ consumer legal services brand – has made its first Manchester hire.

Partner and personal injury specialist Debra Woolfson becomes the first non-Lender Services Group employee at the Spinningfields office.

Her appointment comes two months after Shoosmiths announced it would go full service in Manchester, just a year after opening in the city in January 2009.

Partner and head of consumer services Judith Dorkins said: “Having said we’d go full service ahead of schedule many people expected appointments in other corporate areas, ones that would naturally complement our lender services offering.

“But when someone of Debra’s calibre becomes available you’re almost obliged to strike while the iron’s hot, and if we’re able to develop our personal injury work sooner rather than later then we’ll do it. The opportunity presented itself and we’ve grabbed it with both hands.”

Access Legal from Shoosmith was launched on February 1 and offers more than 100 legal services to consumers under seven headings: conveyancing; employment law; personal injury; legal disputes; medical negligence; motoring; and wills, family and wealth. It is among corporate, commercial, commercial property, employment, restructuring and insolvency, and regulatory services that Shoosmiths aims to offer from its 3 Hardman Street base.

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Law press releases

Joseph Law Corporation Adds Litigation and Employment Law Specialties with Addition of Jonathan M. Cohen

Joseph Law Corporation announced today that it has expanded its complex litigation and employment law expertise through the addition of Jonathan M. Cohen as Of Counsel to the firm.

Joseph Law Corporation Adds Litigation and Employment Law Specialties with Addition of Jonathan M. Cohen

“We are extremely pleased that Jonathan Cohen is teaming up with Joseph Law Corporation. With his extensive state and federal court litigation expertise as well as his experience providing pre-dispute advice in the areas of complex commercial transactions, executive compensation and employment law, we have rounded out our ability to offer complete legal solutions to public companies and private businesses,” said Jonathan Joseph, the firm’s chief executive officer.

Jonathan Cohen brings many years of trial experience to Joseph Law Corporation. He concentrates his practice on complex litigation as well as pre-dispute counseling. His practice includes executive compensation negotiations and employment law, including wrongful termination litigation, harassment, retaliation and discrimination. His trial experience includes class actions, complex commercial disputes, insurance coverage, real estate, product liability, securities, commodities and derivative litigation. He has represented clients in state and federal court in addition to domestic and international arbitrations and mediations. Prior to joining the Joseph Law Corporation, Mr. Cohen was a partner in the San Francisco office of Winston & Strawn LLP. Jon Joseph and Jonathan Cohen initially met eight years ago when they were partners in the San Francisco office of K & L Gates (previously known as Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP).

Joseph Law Corporation is an AV® rated firm based in California that emphasizes complex banking, corporate, regulatory, securities and transactional matters for financial institutions, entrepreneurs, businesses, investors and venture capital firms. Joseph Law is known for sophisticated expertise, extraordinary commitment to clients, relationship-based services, and a range of specialized capabilities typically found only in the largest American law firms. For additional information, please visit the firm’s website at

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Law press releases

Schillings Recommend Key Changes To Privacy And Reputation Protection

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting the privacy and reputations of businesses and high-profile individuals, has released the findings of its recent research entitled – ‘A private life in the public eye’. The research report sets out a ‘Blueprint for change’ to help people protect their privacy and reputation without compromising the vital principle of freedom of expression. The launch of the report coincides with the Government’s DCMS Select Committee’s comprehensive report into Press Standards, Privacy and Libel.

Schillings Recommend Key Changes To Privacy And Reputation Protection

The overarching aim of the research was to discover what it means to be in the public eye today and where the line should be drawn to separate the part of a person’s life that should remain private. The key areas of interest included: Attitudes towards privacy; Importance of legal measures; Due prominence of apologies; The effectiveness of the Press Complaints Commission; Dissatisfaction with press reporting; Prior notification and the future challenges facing reputation protection.

The research provides evidence that people are dissatisfied with the current position regarding reputation and privacy. The opinions of the audience presented in the report do not necessarily represent those of Schillings. An area of common ground is the view showing that whilst it is important to permit publication of matters that are genuinely in the public interest, too often reputations are damaged, and privacy invaded, by the publication of stories that are untrue, or where the main aim is to satisfy salacious curiosity about the lives of the rich and famous irrespective of the distress caused to them, their families and their friends.

Gideon Benaim, Partner at Schillings, who led the research project commented: “Schillings has been at the forefront of developing privacy law in this country and has set legal precedent providing everyone the right of protection in respect of their home life, their children and medical information, as well as other areas considered private. This means their private life should not be reported by the press unless it is truly a matter in the public interest. However, in some areas we find the media don’t make the correct distinction between ‘public interest’ and ‘of interest to the public’ which are quite different concepts.”

Schillings concluded that the aims of existing laws are sound. But in practice, they frequently fail to achieve a satisfactory balance between the public interest, the truth and privacy. The report recommends three key reforms to reputation laws under the proposal called the ‘Blueprint for change’; each of which are supported by the recommendations in the DCMS report.

– The press should have to notify people before publishing stories that will seriously invade their privacy.
– It should be easier to obtain injunctions preventing the publication of untrue allegations.
– Introduce a pre-publication system to resolve disputes.

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Law press releases

The Co-Operative Group Promotes Legal Services To Food Shoppers

The Co-operative Group today (15 April) launched a high profile campaign to promote the legal services offered by its own specialist division to shoppers in its food stores.

The in-store campaign aims to raise awareness of the wide range of advice and expertise available through The Co-operative Legal Services.

The campaign, which will last nine weeks, includes in-store radio and animated till screen displays.

Eddie Ryan, Managing Director of Bristol based Co-operative Legal Services, said:”The shoppers in our 3,000 plus food stores represent a huge market for us so we were delighted that during a similar campaign last year awareness levels of CLS jumped by more than 5 per cent.

“We are confident that this campaign will be equally successful as it is the first time we have promoted our legal services to the enlarged food estate following the acquisition of Somerfield last year.

The Co-operative Legal Services, part of The Co-operative Group, the UK’s largest mutual retailer, provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment andPersonal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

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Law press releases

How to Negotiate Effectively and Peacefully With the IRS

California Holistic Lawyer Duane Light counsels his clients to have compassion for any authority figure they speak with, and to approach them as a “friend in the making.” Here is an inspiring story from one of Duane’s past clients:

“I am a professional counselor.  In 2002, I had a beautiful and profound outcome with an IRS tax issue, based on an “enlightened” approach suggested to me by my friend and Holistic Attorney Duane Light. When I first spoke to Duane, I was afraid of the IRS. I had a large IRS debt that grew after a serious injury kept me from earning income for two years. I didn’t know what to do and was especially afraid of calling them.

I called Duane, and he gave me guidance to call the IRS with an open heart, honesty and compassion.  He suggested that I “treat the IRS agent as a friend in the making.”   He told me that the average job turnover in the IRS is 9 months, and that many of these individuals don’t enjoy their work. and rarely experience compassion and care from someone on the other end of the phone line.

After meditating and praying until I became calm, and when I sincerely felt that I could care for the person on the other end of the line, I made the call.  My heart was open toward the IRS agent, and I know he felt that. I was able to be friendly, direct and truthful about my financial situation.  Amazingly, the agent reclassified my debt as uncollectible!  All my dealings with the IRS since that time have been completely benign and full of good will.” S.F., Mill Valley , California

Mr. Light also recommends being organized with numbers, paperwork, and an offer that you can follow through on, so you can help the agent with his or her analysis. And, if you get the rare belligerent agent on the phone, it’s o.k. to say that something came up and that you have to go, disconnect and call back a little later – you’ll get a new agent and can start anew.

Duane Light became a holistic lawyer in 1996, limiting his practice to people who wish to invoke their highest principals and create spiritually fulfilling outcomes. Mr. Light now enjoys higher client satisfaction, and cases generally go more smoothly and more often result in win-win outcomes.

You can learn more about this effective and compassionate approach at Mr. Light can be reached at or 877-275-5444.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Divorce Attorney Introduces A Novel Reduced Fee Program For His San Francisco Bay Area Clients Who Pay Their Bills Promptly

People facing a decision to end a marriage are often daunted at the prospect of paying the notoriously very high hourly fees charged by experienced Family Law attorneys. A complicated case can require hundreds of hours of attorney time, and therefore tens of thousands of dollars in expense. Even a simple case requires a significant expenditure to complete financial disclosures, negotiate a complete settlement and prepare and execute the numerous required documents.

Especially in the current economy of depressed home values and decimated investment accounts, paying even a very good professional for services at a typical rate of $350 to $450 per hour, and more, just does not make sense to most potential clients.

When asked why their rates are so high, Divorce attorneys routinely justify the high rates by pointing out that their clients often do not pay their bills in full, leaving the attorney with uncollectible accounts receivable. This low rate of collection therefore justifies charging everyone a higher rate, or so they say.

In response to the current economy, and realizing that the many honest clients who do honor their financial obligations should not be charged extra to cover the unpaid bills of complete strangers, Berkeley attorney David Holcomb has been offering clients a novel reduced hourly fee arrangement. He realized that expecting some clients to not pay, and then overcharging good clients to make up for the others, was itself the problem. So he has turned this around. Mr. Holcomb explains: “If my clients are willing to make a real commitment to paying for my services, then I commit to an hourly rate that is $50 to $150 per hour less than most other experienced attorneys are charging.”

Mr. Holcomb’s attorney/client fee agreement literally puts a line through his standard hourly rate, and instead offers a reduced rate for every minute of services he provides, so long as the client either posts advance payment for services, or pays within 10 days of invoicing. If the client falls behind, they are assessed the full rate.

This has been a true “win/win” that works for both clients and for this “Compassionate Divorce” attorney. “We start out on a foundation of mutual trust, and mutual responsibility, with mutual rewards. In the 8 months since initiating this new policy, I have never had to assert the “standard” rate, because my client’s are very appreciative of the fair value of my services, and make an extra effort to stay ahead of their bills.”

Mr. Holcomb acknowledges that a good lawyer’s service on a divorce are never cheap, but he estimates his comparatively low hourly rate saves each client $5,000 on average, or about a 20% savings.

“My clients are happy to pay less, and I am happy to get paid for my work”, he says. “Too many of my colleagues complain about clients who demand services but refuse to pay for what they have already received, much less for future work. My clients are treated fairly from the outset, and so they treat me fairly. That is our contract from the beginning. We are all much happier.”

Mr. Holcomb is a trained Collaborative Divorce professional, offering “out of court” divorce services. He has 24 years experience as a divorce and civil litigator in all the Northern California courts. He is available for mediation, litigation and pre-marital and post-marital planning.

Mr. Holcomb offers a fixed fee initial consultation at either his main South Berkeley or Walnut Creek office.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases