Category Archives: Employment Law

The Co-Operative Group Promotes Legal Services To Food Shoppers

The Co-operative Group today (15 April) launched a high profile campaign to promote the legal services offered by its own specialist division to shoppers in its food stores.

The in-store campaign aims to raise awareness of the wide range of advice and expertise available through The Co-operative Legal Services.

The campaign, which will last nine weeks, includes in-store radio and animated till screen displays.

Eddie Ryan, Managing Director of Bristol based Co-operative Legal Services, said:”The shoppers in our 3,000 plus food stores represent a huge market for us so we were delighted that during a similar campaign last year awareness levels of CLS jumped by more than 5 per cent.

“We are confident that this campaign will be equally successful as it is the first time we have promoted our legal services to the enlarged food estate following the acquisition of Somerfield last year.

The Co-operative Legal Services, part of The Co-operative Group, the UK’s largest mutual retailer, provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment andPersonal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Access Legal From Shoosmiths Hooks Up With Biker Group

Access Legal from Shoosmiths is to help the 50,000-strong Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) become the UK’s leading consumer organisation for bikers, as the consumer legal services provider announces it has teamed-up with MAG to offer free legal advice to its members.

Access Legal From Shoosmiths Hooks Up With Biker Group

Comprising volunteers, MAG lobbies to protect motorcycling from legislation it believes threatens riders’ pleasure; while its charitable arm – The MAG Foundation – promotes motorcycling through research, representation and collaboration.

Access legal from Shoosmiths is providing a dedicated 24/7 legal helpline to MAG members, their friends and family, offering free legal advice on a range of issues, including road traffic accidents.

Then, for every personal injury instruction received via MAG, Access Legal from Shoosmiths will donate £100 to the Foundation, while £50 will be donated for conveyancing instructions, £25 for motor defence, and £15 for wills.

Partner and head of consumer services at Access Legal, Judith Dorkins said: “Not only are we boosting funds for a worthwhile cause, we’re also helping MAG members pursue their rights, have easy access to justice, understand the legal process, and make informed decisions.

“It’s great example of our commitment to investing in the community.”

MAG general secretary Nich Brown said: “MAG members know their right to ride is one of the most important things in life. Every day we’re asked for advice on how to fight injustices by riders who’ve had a raw deal. This partnership means our members can quickly find expert legal advice of all kinds whenever they need it.”

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Access Legal Calls For More Help For Asbestos Disease Victims

Access Legal, consumer legal services provider from Shoosmiths, is calling for more to be done to help victims of mesothelioma, as it believes that not enough is being done to help sufferers of fatal asbestos-related diseases.

Access Legal Calls For More Help For Asbestos Disease Victims

Access Legal wants to see more done to help victims of mesothelioma, an asbestos-linked cancer common in builders, plumbers, joiners, and teachers.

The call comes in the midst of a Health & Safety Executive awareness-raising campaign aimed at those workers most at risk. Sara Hunt, associate and asbestos specialist at Access legal from Shoosmiths, said: “With some people already hit by this creeping disease, and with many others potentially at risk, not a lot seems to be getting done.

“There are calls for government funding for a national centre for asbestos related diseases, and a 24,000-signature petition was presented to 10 Downing Street last year, but there’s been little positive reaction.”

Hunt also believes Alimta – a drug that extends the life expectancy of mesothelioma sufferers – should remain available on the NHS. In 2007 the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) said the drug was not cost effective. However, following successful lobbying that decision was overturned, and Alimta was made available on the NHS. Now, that decision in turn is being challenged.

Hunt said: “If that challenge succeeds, suffers will no longer have NHS access to Alimta.

“Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer, and sufferers often have a very short life expectancy. Is it right to deny them access to a drug that may extend their life?”

Asbestos was used extensively as a building, insulating and fireproof material, particularly from the 1950s to 1980s. People exposed as long ago as 40 years might only now be developing asbestos-related conditions.

Asbestos remains in around 500,000 UK buildings, with people exposed when asbestos is disturbed and asbestos fibres become airborne. It can also be disturbed by pushing drawing pins into walls, and it is thought a single drawing pin can release 6,000 fibres. Mesothelioma can be caused by exposure to just one fibre.

Teaching unions are campaigning for asbestos to be removed from schools, after figures revealed 228 teachers died from asbestos-related diseases between 1991 and 2005.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Shoosmiths Has Launched A New Brand For Its Consumer Legal Services

Shoosmiths launches new brand, Access Legal, to bring together more than 100 legal services for consumers.

Partner and head of consumer services at Shoosmiths, Judith Dorkins, said: “Consumers lack easy and reassuring access to legal services and advice. The consumer legal market is fragmented and without a leading legal brand, leaving it open to new entrants as a result of the Legal Services Act. We recognised an opportunity in that we were ideally placed to put our stake in the ground as the professional law firm that wants to attain a share of this ‘new’ market.

Shoosmiths Has Launched A New Brand For Its Consumer Legal Services

“We already had the expertise, track record and infrastructure in place, but what we hadn’t fully refined was our customer care and the integration of our core conveyancing; wills, family and wealth; and personal injury services into a complete product range.”

The new Access Legal website also brings all of the Shoosmiths’ services, whether it is helping people buy a house or advising on a £multi-million corporate deal, under the Shoosmiths’ name.

“Marketing to consumers and to commercial clients requires different approaches, and we felt the time was right to wrap up our distinct consumer services in a standalone brand that’s accessible and friendly, yet highly professional, and which has over 150 years’ history and experience to back it up.”

Access Legal from Shoosmiths is for people who take responsibility for their lives, and who recognise the value of specialist professional advice.

The new logo for the brand has been created by Shoosmiths’ in-house design team and the typeface reflects both the modern and traditional elements of the new services, whilst retaining the Shoosmiths blue.

Dorkins said: “Our research amongst consumers identified that they wanted the reassurance of a law firm but with modern service delivery which fitted around their busy lives, so our helpline will be operational seven days a week. Research also revealed that very few law firms were providing added value to clients in terms of staying in touch and providing relevant and timely information.”

Access Legal is a fundamental move away from the old fashioned lawyers’ view of the client as a ‘transaction’ and a move to recognise that people have legal needs throughout their life – Shoosmiths’ aim is to earn and retain that loyalty. Ultimately, Shoosmiths wants to provide consumers with the solutions to their complete lifetime legal needs.

Shoosmiths’ commercial and consumer operations complement each other because some of the firm’s larger commercial clients offer their employees discounted legal services as part of a benefits package.

Crucial to the brand’s success will be the new website which was developed by Shoosmiths’ in-house IT and creative teams.

Dorkins said: “Internally, people see the sense in doing this because we’re making our service offering clearer with separate websites and brands for our different stakeholders, whether they are commercial organisations, consumers, or our own employees.”

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Michael Simpson Elected Bristol Law Society Council Member

Michael Simpson, Head of Employment at Almondsbury based Co-operative Legal Services has been elected a council member of the Bristol Law Society.

Michael Simpson Elected Bristol Law Society Council Member

Michael who has been a member of the Society for 10 years was elected at the recent annual general meeting.

Michael has worked for The Co-operative Legal Services since 2007, representing clients with his considerable expertise in employment law and providing valuable help and advice to employment problems.

In a previous role Michael represented trade union members in their Employment Tribunal claims.

Commenting on his election Michael said:” I would like to see the membership of the Society expand by ensuring that it is providing a valuable support infrastructure for the full range of legal practices and businesses in the South West.

“There are already some exciting developments with the Society entering into a contract with Central Law Training to provide premier tier CPD courses for members at competitive prices.

“Bristol Law Society has also entered into a long-term relationship with the University of West of England which will provide a number of unique opportunities for member firms in addition to improved premises and facilities. The Society is also creating a corporate membership package that is designed to engage all individuals who support the provision of legal services within each firm in the city.”

A keen long distance cyclist and Marathon runner, Michael decided to take up the triathlon (swim, bike & run) in 2008 and completed the full ironman event (2.5 mile swim, 110 mile bike & 26 mile run) event at Sherborne Castle in Dorset.

The Co-operative Legal Services provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate services & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment and Personal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Black Farmers Reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this day that we remember the life and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, we recall a letter Dr. King sent to newly-elected president, John F. Kennedy. This letter was published in “The Nation” on February 4, 1961. In this letter Dr. King outlines the many areas that President Kennedy’s administration could affect positive change. Among areas cited specifically by Dr. King are the practices of the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) and the Department of Justice:

Black Farmers Reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Department of Agriculture—which doubtless considers civil-rights issues as remote from its purview—could fruitfully reappraise its present operations with a view to taking certain steps that require no new legislative powers. The department could be of tremendous assistance to Negro farmers who are now denied credit simply because of their desire to exercise their citizenship rights. To wipe out this kind of discrimination would be to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of Negroes on the land. A department zealous to implement democratic ideals might become a source of security and help to struggling farmers rather than a symbol of hostility and discrimination on the federal level.

A Justice Department that is imbued with a will to create justice has vast potential. The employment of powerful court orders, enforced by sizable numbers of federal marshals, would restrain lawless elements now operating with inexcusable license. It should be remembered that in early American history it was the federal marshal who restored law in frontier communities when local authority broke down.

It is now 2010, some 49 years after Dr. King’s letter. Unfortunately, many of the same issues remain for black farmers. Discriminated black farmers still await compensation from the government. In May 2009, the President proposed $1.15 billion for the 2010 budget – In a statement, President Obama said the proposed settlement funds would “close this chapter” in the USDA’s history of discrimination. He went on to say:

My hope is that the farmers and their families who were denied access to USDA loans and programs will be made whole and will have the chance to rebuild their lives and their businesses…

Sadly, that promise remains unfulfilled. Congress has thus far failed to fund the requested $1.15 billion to compensate discriminated black farmers. “May this be the year that this portion of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream gets fulfilled” says John Boyd, founder and President of the National Black Farmers Association.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Employee Dismissal Law In Netherlands

De Graauw Legal Services specializes in assisting employees who are confronted with summary dismissal and are subject to Dutch law which is also referred to as Ontslag op staande voet in dutch legal terms.The firm also helps individuals dealing with settlement terms and Termination Agreement also referred as vaststellingsovereenkomst and Beëindigingsovereenkomst.

Employee Dismissal Law In Netherlands

Most individuals focus on the direct financial damage such a dismissal can cause through loss of unemployment benefit, salary and severance pay. However another very important aspect in these cases that is too often neglected is formed by possible career damage.

According to the founder and managing director Roland de Graauw LL.M “When no regulation concerning secrecy and statements to third parties is agreed upon, such a dismissal can pursue the client in the future.” This is especially the case when the client worked a long time for the company involved as under these circumstances chances increase that the former employer will be contacted in a selection procedure by a possible future employer increase. When the former employer, that fired the client on the spot due to culpable actions, informs the inquirer, the client can forget about the new job. Also, lying about a summary dismissal can according to jurisprudence be a ground for dismissal for the new employer. Therefore it is essential to agree upon a regulation which includes secrecy as well as a conversion of the summary dismissal to a termination by mutual consent on neutral grounds.

Degraauw legal services assists individuals in dealing with their employment dismissal cases and provides them with swift legal assistance.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

James Scott Farrin Attorney Reaches Out To New Lawyers

Sean Cole, a personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, spoke at a seminar sponsored by the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) titled “Trying Your First Case.” The event was held at NCAJ headquarters in Raleigh on Sept. 18.

James Scott Farrin Attorney Reaches Out To New Lawyers

The seminar covered topics ranging f r o m preparing for the trial to continued vigilance after the trial is over. Cole focused his talk on jury selection and the presentation and handling of witnesses and evidence.

“There is absolutely no substitute for trial experience,” he said. “But to get ready for that, you have to hear f r o m people who already have it.”

The seminar was designed around a member-identified need for more education on practical trial skills. While the majority of the approximately 20 participants were new to the field of law, several were seasoned attorneys who just didn’t have a lot of trial experience.

Despite a full caseload at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, Cole says he will always make time to help the NCAJ pursue its Continuing Legal Education (CLE) functions.

“When I just started as an attorney, I’d go to a lot of CLE programs, especially those given by the NCAJ,” said Cole, a 12-year legal veteran. “I was impressed by how many great attorneys were taking the time to teach and share their experiences just to help others become better lawyers. I knew it would be important to give back one day.”

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin encourages its attorneys to become involved with NCAJ, and the firm as a whole is a member of the group’s Leader’s Forum – the highest level of firm financial contribution recognized by the NCAJ. Most of the firm’s attorneys are NCAJ members, several of whom hold leadership positions.

Cole is extremely active in the NCAJ. He recently received an Order of Service Award f r o m the organization for his contributions to advancing its mission of protecting people’s rights. Other James Scott Farrin attorneys who received Order of Service Awards included: James S. Farrin, Michael Jordan, J. Stewart Clontz and Rick Fleming. Cole currently serves as a member of the Education Committee and is the Listserve Security Officer for the Auto Torts Executive Committee. In addition, he was Editor in Chief of the NCAJ’s newly released North Carolina Manual of Complaints– 3rd Ed. Over the years, he has presented at more than a dozen NCAJ Continuing Legal Education programs.

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Law press releases

Law Offices of James Scott Farrin Attorney Earns Board Certification

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin is proud to announce that Attorney Barry Jennings has recently passed the exam to become a Board Certified Specialist in Workers’ Compensation Law.

Board Certified Specialists are lawyers certified by the North Carolina State Bar as having demonstrated special knowledge, skill and proficiency in a specific area of law. The certification process for workers’ compensation law requires at least five years of substantial involvement practicing workers’ compensation law, completing at least 36 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in workers’ compensation and related legal fields, a satisfactory review by at least five legal peers, and passing a comprehensive written examination.

Prior to joining the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin in 2006, Jennings worked as a defense attorney defending employers against the claims of injured workers. This experience has given him a keen appreciation for workers’ compensation law from both sides of the table.

A graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law, Jennings currently represents workers who have suffered serious injuries as a result of a work accident. He is a member of The Order of Barristers, the Workplace Injury Litigation Group and the North Carolina Advocates for Justice.

Four of the six Board Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation law practicing in the city of Durham work for the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. In addition, James Scott Farrin Attorney Rick Fleming is a Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability Law.

“We are committed to providing top notch legal talent for our clients,” says Founder and President James S. Farrin. “We believe that our experienced, capable attorneys, including our Board Certified Specialists, can make a difference in our client’s cases.”

Founded: 1997 by James S. Farrin, Duke University School of Law, J.D. (1990) in Durham

Number of employees: Approximately 130, including 24 attorneys. Approximately 20 staff members are fluently bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.

Offices: 13 statewide, including Durham , Raleigh , Charlotte , Fayetteville , Greensboro , Greenville , Goldsboro , Henderson , New Bern , Roanoke Rapids, Rocky Mount , Sanford , Wilson

Major practice areas: Personal Injury, Intellectual Property, Civil Rights, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation


Presently leading one of the largest civil rights cases in United States history: In re Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation, Case No. 08-mc-0511 (PLF) (D.D.C.), which deals with the United States Department of Agriculture’s discrimination against African-American farmers.

The firm’s many philanthropic pursuits include Duke Children’s Hospital, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The firm has a matching-gift program wherein it matches an employee’s philanthropic contributions.

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Law press releases

The Co-Operative Legal Services Provide Will Writing Service

The Co-operative Legal Services (CLS) has teamed up with Emma’s Diary, the leading website for pregnant women and new mums, to provide an exclusive Will writing service.

Through extensive research amongst its members, Emma’s Diary understands what mums want and has recognised the need to provide further information on writing a will, which is one of the top things that parents do after having a baby. As a result, Emma’s Diary has chosen to work with CLS as its sole Will provider and will be promoting this service to all its members via the Money Matters finance section of the website.

Eddie Ryan, Managing Director of CLS said: “Emma’s Diary understands how writing a Will protects its members and their families.

“They wanted to work with a partner whose trusted, ethical and professional approach would ensure that writing a Will would be a positive experience whilst delivering the required legal expertise needed for such an important decision.”

Emma’s Diary has a membership base of just over 1.3 million members, which attracts appropriately 100,000 unique users on its website every month.

The Co-operative Legal Services provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment and Personal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Increased Number Of People Seeking Legal Advice On Employment Issues

Data from home insurer LV= reveals a sharp rise of 21% in calls to its legal helpline for advice. A quarter of all calls relate to employment issues such as redundancy – a rise of a third compared with 2008.

Further research conducted by LV= found that consumers are increasingly seeking legal advice in the recession, with up to one million people having to take legal advice on employment issues in the last 12 months*. Current unemployment numbers stand at 1.92 million people in the UK*.

Almost half of the people who have sought legal advice about an employment issue in the last year (47%) cited the recession as the cause of their problems*. Common problems included being asked to work reduced hours, requested to take a pay cut or being made redundant.

LV=’s analysis of employment related calls made to its legal advice helpline in the first quarter of 2009 shows that employers were acting illegally in one in three cases. In addition to the helpline, the legal cover that LV= offers as part of its home insurance will pay solicitors fees of up to £50,000 in the event of a case being pursued, with any payouts won being unaffected.

Almost half of the people questioned in the LV= research (48%) said that the company they work for has made redundancies since the onset of the credit crunch. A quarter (26%) also said that hours have been cut and the same number said that pay rises had been cancelled*.

The research by LV= revealed that potentially over half of all UK adults (55%) have had to take some form of legal advice in the past, with the majority opting to speak to a private solicitor as the first port of call despite the high costs involved*. The average cost of such advice is £708 per case. This compares with a cost of just £18.90 a year for adding legal cover – including unlimited use of the helpline and up to £50,000 in legal fees – to a LV= home insurance policy.

John O’Roarke, managing director of LV= home insurance, said: “The statistics from our helpline show that an increasing number of people are looking for legal help because of employment problems caused directly by the recession. The issues are far ranging, covering redundancies, a reduction in hours and pay, or changes in employment contracts.

All statistics taken from internal data are based on calls made to the LV= legal helpline, unless otherwise specified. Wider research conducted by Opinium among 2,013 people from 1-5 May 2009.

* National Statistics taken from

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Accident Advice Helpline (AAH), The UK’s Largest Claims Management Company, Has Announced The Re-Launch Of ‘Resolusion’, The Fast Track Personal Injury Service

The move follows the acquisition of Resolusion from Elision Group – the specialist technology company who developed the system – to set an industry standard for faster and more cost-effective claims settlement in line with the Ministry of Justice claims process reforms.


The Resolusion system has already demonstrated significant cost savings to both insurers and litigant solicitors following extensive pilot testing over the last 2 years with leading personal injury law firms and insurers, and will change the landscape of personal injury claims by significantly reducing 3rd party costs and settlement times.

Commenting on the launch, Darren Werth – Managing Director of Accident Advice Helpline said, “The re-launch of the Resolusion platform will help proposed MOJ reforms in streamlining the claims process and provide cost savings to both insurers and personal injury law firms. We are planning to run some of our own claims through the system during the next few months and prove that the claimant still receives access to justice, still using lawyers where appropriate and still ensuring adequate compensation and medical assessment at a lesser cost and time.”

An innovative part of the Resolusion service will be the initial medical assessment process, originally designed by Health & Case Management Limited (HCML) and Professor Mansel Aylward, and already used for medical assessments for the DWP Pathways to Work programme. The screening process immediately reduces the need for expensive Medical Reports and associated referral fees, and allows for the early use of rehabilitation where appropriate.

Darren Werth added, “The MOJ claims process reforms are here and we believe the Resolusion platform and service is crucial to the insurers if they are to meet these proposals, we have approached a number of insurers whose claims we capture on a daily basis and with them we hope to be able to lead the change in how personal injury claims are settled”.

About Accident Advice Helpline
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.

Working on a no win, no fee basis, the injury compensation specialist is the UK’s leading company of its kind and prides itself on quick and effective claims processing with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level of customer satisfaction which Accident Advice Helpline is known for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen’s continued support for the company, which she has steadily provided since 2003.

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Law Firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP Has Won Substantial Compensation For The Widow Of A Cyclist Killed In A Fatal Collision With An HGV

The driver of the HGV collided with the cyclist, Stephen Ferguson, despite the fact that Mr Ferguson was directly in front of his vehicle.

In April 2007, Mr Ferguson, a father of three from Dulwich in South East London was cycling to work when he approached a set of traffic lights on red. Passing a stationary HGV, he positioned himself in front of it, ready to cycle off when the lights went green. The driver, whose HGV was missing a nearside mirror, failed to see Mr Ferguson in front of his vehicle and when the lights changed, moved off, driving over Mr Ferguson and his bicycle, killing him instantly.

Mr Ferguson’s widow Emma instructed Field Fisher Waterhouse’s personal injury partner, Jill Greenfield and associate, Mark Bowman to represent her in a claim (Case number: 41899.1) against Hendricks Lovell Limited, the haulage company which employed the driver of the HGV.

Hendricks denied causing the road traffic accident but during investigations it was established that the driver had his radio on, had an open newspaper on the passenger seat and was missing one of his mirrors. Hendricks finally agreed to pay substantial financial compensation to Emma Ferguson and her three young children, now aged six, four and one.

Mark Bowman, solicitor at Field Fisher Waterhouse commented: “This tragic case highlights the danger that HGVs pose to cyclists and why they must be fitted with the correct mirrors. More needs to be done to ensure that cycling in London is safe and that these accidents happen far less.”

Emma Ferguson said: “I would like to thank Field Fisher Waterhouse for all their amazing work. This will make a real difference to the children’s future. I am, and I know Stephen would be, very grateful to them for that.”


About Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg, Paris, London and Manchester and exclusive relationships with Spanish firm Jiménez de Parga and Italian firm, La Scala. The firm has over 120 partners, 220 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff. FFW assists a wide range of international clients, advising across the full range of legal issues.

The firm’s main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. FFW also has particular expertise in employment & pensions, dispute resolution, tax and competition & EU law, Medical Negligence, Spinal Injury and Personal Injury Claims.

The international client base includes listed and unlisted companies, multinationals, banks and other financial institutions, professional partnerships, trade associations and Government departments. A distinctive feature of the firm is its industry focus, acknowledged as leading experts in the public sector, technology and media sectors.

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The Accident Advice Helpline Has Announced They Are To Focus Their Marketing Campaign Around Accidents At Work In An Effort To Support The Health And Safety Executive

Following recent government publicity of the work carried out by the HSE, Accident Advice Helpline has allocated additional advertising budget to help get the message out to the public that if they are injured at work through no fault of their own then their employer is liable for damages and that the AAH is there to help. Included in the advertising are television spots where Accident Advice Helpline clients – such as Steve Hubber, who claimed £3,677 after receiving serious leg injuries at work – talk about their compensation claim experience with the company.

The Health and Safety Statistics Report 2007/08 released by the HSE revealed that 6 million working days were lost because of workplace injury and Accident Advice Helpline is joining them in their drive for improved health and safety in the workplace.

David Carter, the spokesperson for Accident Advice Helpline, said: “We are in constant contact with innocent victims who have suffered painful injuries, so we fully support and recognise the value the HSE brings by helping to reduce the number of preventable accidents from happening.

“By implementing their suggestions and providing specialist training for undertaking injury inducing tasks such as lifting or operating dangerous machinery they are making workplaces across Britain much safer. Even a simple look around the office to ensure there are no potential hazards could prevent a serious injury.”

People who are considering claiming work accident compensation can visit the Accident Advice Helpline website for more information, to read case studies and to use the 30-second ‘How much is your claim worth?’ calculator. AAH also provides 24 hour phone assistance offering free legal advice.

About Accident Advice Helpline
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.

Working on a no win no fee basis, the injury compensation specialist is the UK’s leading company of its kind and prides itself on quick and effective claims processing with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level of customer satisfaction Accident Advice Helpline is known for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen’s continued support for the company, which she has steadily provided since 2003.

Accident Advice Helpline Direct Ltd 
Registered in England & Wales: No: 5107417
Registered Office: Quadrant House (Floor 6), 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW

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Field Fisher Waterhouse Wins Compensation For Repeatedly Failed Cancer Patient

Law firm, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP has won substantial compensation for Mrs X, a 71 year old from Chingford in London, now living in Brighton, who developed myeloma, a form of cancer affecting the bone marrow, after she repeatedly sought health specialists’ help but was not given appropriate treatment.

Mrs X will receive £400,000 as compensation following her medical negligence claim, after it was agreed that her GP should have referred her to hospital more quickly and the hospital should have taken swifter measures to treat her. The compensation will cover all of the costs that Mrs X has incurred to date together with the recommendations for future care.

Mrs X had experienced serious upper back pain since 2002 and had contacted her GP to investigate the problem. He conducted an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test and, despite abnormal readings, failed to recommend any investigations into the cause of the readings. Mrs X’s situation worsened prior to a further ESR test being conducted in August 2003, revealing deteriorating results. Despite this, the GP failed to refer her for further assessments, instead assessing her ongoing symptoms as osteoarthritis, which would not cause an abnormal ESR reading.

Progressively, Mrs X lost useful function of her left arm and experienced paraesthesia in her lower limbs before her GP referred her for a non-urgent MRI scan.

In the meantime, Mrs X’s symptoms continued to deteriorate, leading her to refer herself to Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone where she was seen by a junior doctor who failed to ask for a senior review or request an MRI scan. Prior to review by senior staff, Mrs X suffered a pathological fracture to her left arm and reduced sensation in both her legs.

Following senior review four days after admission, Mrs X was transferred to St Bartholomews Hospital in London where she was finally diagnosed as suffering from myeloma at which point she started to undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment.

The defendants, Mrs X’s GP and Whipps Cross Hospital initially denied liability, however when expert evidence on breach of duty and causation was due to be exchanged, both defendants admitted liability and judgement was entered for the claimant against both defendants.

Following exchange of further evidence on condition and prognosis from experts in the fields of oncology, neurosurgery, care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, the personal injury claim settled for the sum of £400,000, ten days before the trial was due to begin.

Mark Bowman, clinical negligence lawyer at Field Fisher Waterhouse instructed by Mrs X to represent her said: “This was a particularly tricky case, involving experts from a number of disciplines and more than one defendant. I am very happy with the outcome. I am glad that Mrs X will now receive the compensation that she deserves and will be able to rest assured that her needs will be met for the rest of her life.”


About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg, Paris, London and Manchester and exclusive relationships with Spanish firm Jiménez de Parga and Italian firm, La Scala. The firm has over 120 partners, 220 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff. FFW assists a wide range of international clients, advising across the full range of legal issues.

The firm’s main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. FFW also has particular expertise in employment & pensions, dispute resolution, tax and competition & EU law, clinical negligence, spinal injury and brain injury claims.

The international client base includes listed and unlisted companies, multinationals, banks and other financial institutions, professional partnerships, trade associations and Government departments. A distinctive feature of the firm is its industry focus, acknowledged as leading experts in the public sector, technology and media sectors.

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Field Fisher Waterhouse has recovered more than £250,000 in compensation at the High Court on behalf of a widow whose husband died from mesothelioma

Law firm, Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, has recovered more than £250,000 in compensation at the High Court on behalf of a widow whose husband died from mesothelioma, an asbestos related cancer.

Mr John Lambie of Spalding in Lincolnshire died in November 2006 at just 62. He died from mesothelioma – a cancer of the lining of the lung caused by exposure to asbestos. He was exposed to asbestos between 1965 and 1970 when he worked for New Century Group Ltd, based in Harlesden, London, as an industrial cleaner, cleaning factories and bakeries all over the South East. His job involved cleaning the asbestos corrugated roofs of factories and cleaning pipes lagged with asbestos.

His widow, Jane Beesley, who has now re-married, nursed him during his illness at home. In addition to general damages, the Judge awarded £25,000 compensation to Mrs Beesley for the care and assistance she gave to her dying husband which is the highest ever award for care and assistance in a mesothelioma claim.

Harminder Bains, lawyer in the Asbestos Claims Group at Field Fisher Waterhouse, was instructed to claim compensation from New Century Group Ltd on behalf of Mrs Beesley. The total award, which included interest, was £253,310. This includes the sum of £72,000 for pain and suffering, one of the highest awards for this type of case, and £25,000 for the care and assistance given by Mrs Beesley, which is the highest ever award for this item in a mesothelioma case.

Harminder Bains, the lawyer who dealt with the case, at Field Fisher Waterhouse said: “Mrs Beesley attended to all of her dying husband’s needs in an attempt to give him some comfort. I am satisfied that in this case the Court recognised the extraordinary effort it takes to look after a dying man. I hope it is recognised in future cases.”

Court number for this case – HQ 08X02073

In 2008, the Asbestos Claims Group at Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP recovered over £16 million in compensation for victims of asbestos-related diseases in 124 successful cases. The lawyers in the firm’s Asbestos Claims Group have recovered over £132 million in 2025 successful claims.

About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims, personal injury, brain damage cases, clinical negligence, public sector and tax.

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Injury Compensation Advice Company Accident Advice Helpline Has Launched Its New Website Detailing How Prospective Claimants Could Win Compensation For Their Personal Injuries

The new website intends to make clear the intention of Accident Advice Helpline to assist people with genuine claims discover what compensation they may be entitled to and includes information on the compensation claim process, how to claim online, a FAQ section and company news.

Accident Advice Helpline’s updated site also includes case studies, a 30 second “how much is your claim worth?” calculator and information about different types of injury compensation claims that can be made.

Prospective claimants are invited to visit the new website to read about what is available to them, but Accident Advice Helpline also encourages victims of personal injuries to phone them on a 24 hour free helpline offering legal advice.

From its new website, Accident Advice Helpline offers a no-win no-fee service to clients who have experienced a personal injury through no fault of their own. From traffic accidents to work accidents, Accident Advice Helpline can help victims of personal injury gain compensation. The injury compensation expert specialises in hassle free online and offline service, with no forms to fill.

For those who have suffered accidents at work, road incidents or other accidents, Accident Advice Helpline can provide round the clock assistance and advice – all free of charge on its legal advice helpline.

About Accident Advice Helpline
Accident Advice Helpline was established in 2000 following the removal of legal aid to accident victims with personal injury cases. The company was founded to provide access to justice for accident victims and, since its creation, has helped thousands of people claim compensation against the responsible parties.

The injury compensation specialist is the UK’s leading company of its kind and prides itself on quick and effective claims processing with high quality service and an admirable success rate. The level of customer satisfaction Accident Advice Helpline is known for is characterised by television star Esther Rantzen’s continued support for the company, which she has steadily provided since 2003.

Accident Advice Helpline Direct Ltd
Registered in England & Wales: No: 5107417
Registered Office: Quadrant House (Floor 6), 17 Thomas More Street, Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW

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2008 – Record Year For Asbestos Claims

In 2008, the Asbestos Claims Group at law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP recovered record levels of compensation for victims of asbestos-related diseases in 124 successful cases, resulting in over £16 million. Over the years, the lawyers in the firm’s Asbestos Claims Group have recovered a total of £132 million in 2025 successful claims.

Some of the significant asbestos claims cases over the past year have included:

– Negotiating an award of £703,000 for the widow and family of a 52 year old partner in an engineering firm who died from mesothelioma following exposure to asbestos at work. This is amongst only a handful of awards exceeding £500,000 across England and Wales.

– Winning £100,000 damages (plus legal costs) for a retired teacher who developed mesothelioma by using drawing pins to pin children’s work to the walls of her prefab classroom, which contained asbestos.

– In a landmark case the firm recovered £12,500 for the value of hospice care as part of a £170,000 settlement for a man who worked with asbestos in 1963 and contracted mesothelioma in 2005. The funding of hospice care is almost exclusively by charitable donation and this is thought to be the first time a firm of solicitors has recovered the cost of care in this way.

– Field Fisher Waterhouse acted for the family of a 75 year old man who died due to mesothelioma, and who used to take care of his grandchildren after school in term times. The defendants initially denied that this was compensatable, since there was no reported precedent for it, however the firm recovered£109,352 at a High Court hearing including £27,960 for the grandchildren’s care.

The FFW team of asbestos lawyers has also been actively lobbying the House of Commons, requesting that the Government overturn the House of Lords ruling that pleural plaques – a scarring of the lining of the lungs as a result of exposure to asbestos – is not a compensatable disease. The team also responded to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on the Law Lords’ pleural plaques ruling.

Asbestos-related diseases affect thousands of people in the UK each year. Factory workers and labourers are amongst those who are commonly affected, but Field Fisher Waterhouse has also acted on behalf of professionals such as doctors, nurses and teachers who have been exposed to asbestos through their work. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a leader in the field of Asbestos Claims.

Rodney Nelson-Jones, head of the Asbestos Claims group at Field Fisher Waterhouse, said: “I am delighted that in 2008 we were able to win over £16 million in compensation for the victims of these terrible diseases. It is crucial that sufferers and their families receive the compensation they deserve.”

About Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners, over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist a wide range of international clients, advising across a full range of legal issues.

The main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology, banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition & EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos claims and mesothelioma claims, personal injury, spinal injury cases and medical negligence, public sector and tax.


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An update by Russell Jones & Walker on severe skin reactions caused by leather sofas sold by several leading high street retailers

Following a recent BBC Watchdog expose of severe skin reactions caused by leather sofas sold by several leading high street retailers, Russell Jones & Walker announces update.

Back in February, the BBC’s Watchdog programme exposed a story about leather sofas, sold by a number of leading high street retailers, which had caused severe skin reactions in some people. The Chinese manufactured sofas, the majority of which were purchased from Land of Leather, Argos and Walmsleys, were thought to contain a chemical which was causing extreme allergic reactions in some people, including rashes and blistering that resulted in hospitalisation for some.

Watchdog reported on 12 May 2008 that, in conjunction with Russell Jones & Walker (RJW), it has since discovered that the cause of these ‘sofa burns’ is Di-methyl Fumarate (DMF), a chemical known to cause skin irritation. This fungicide is contained within a sachet which is placed inside the sofas in order to protect against mould during storage, transit and everyday usage. Argos’ independent investigations have also now confirmed these results.

A team of Solicitors led by Richard Langton and Christian Shotton of RJW is currently representing injury claims on behalf of more than 500 people who have suffered due to the affected sofas, and this number is continuing to grow. Around 1000 individuals are now launching a group action in the high court to sue the retailers who sold the sofas for damages.

The majority of the sofas have now been recalled, but a list of known affected sofa batch numbers has been compiled on the RJW Solicitors site in order to enable worried consumers to check whether their sofa might be one of those affected.

In light of the ongoing problem, RJW Solicitors has also advised that anyone who has experienced similar skin problems, even if their sofa’s batch number does not appear in the list, should still contact the retailer where they originally purchased the sofa from.

About Russell Jones & Walker
Russell Jones & Walker is a leading national firm of solicitors dedicated to upholding the legal rights of individuals. From the firms foundation in the 1920s the focus has and continues to be, people and those who represent them.

The firm has grown from its trade union roots into a respected national organisation with nine offices across England and Wales, and an associated office in Scotland.

The reputation of Russell Jones & Walker is built on the range of expertise offered by its partners and staff and on the scope of their practical experience.

RJW Solicitors represents clients across a range of areas from personal injury work to commercial and criminal litigation; from employment to defamation and reputation management; and from clinical negligence to family law.

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