You certainly can avoid jail time for your first and possibly even your second DUI provided you are dead serious to go through the procedures set forth by the Sobriety Courts which often are also called Drug and Specialty Courts. These courts are a recent novel approach and have been set up to reduce DUI/DWI s by helping recovery of offenders instead of punishment, following being there main goals and objectives:

- Reduction of drug and alcohol consumption.
- Eliminating substance use.
- Reduce the incidence of repeat drinking and driving offenses.
- Reducing the recidivism of offenders.
- Reduce the number of cases being scheduled for trial, and the length of time between the date of offense and the date of sentencing. Decrease case backlog.
- Reduce incarceration in local jails. Diverting offenders from jail.
Working under a “Jail Diversion” initiative, these Courts allow the integration of alcohol and drug treatment services with justice system case processing wherein the defense attorney and prosecutor work towards a speedy resolution of the case with an ultimate goal of addressing the defendant’s substance abuse issues.
The process involves the following pertinent steps:
• Placement of the defendant rapidly into meaningful substance abuse transitional sober living facility.
• Frequent testing to determine whether the defendant is using alcohol or other drugs.
• A team approach to the defendant’s treatment program including the judge, the treatment provider, probation, and the lawyers, as needed.
• Regular appearances of the defendant before the judge, on the record, to monitor program compliance
A Structured Sober Living facility plays a fundamental KEY role in the dynamics of Sobriety and Drug Courts . Most attorneys advise their clients to admit themselves in a sober home ahead of their first hearing. It is a no brainer of a strategy as it goes a long way to convince the court that you are serious about receiving help for your disease and never to get behind a wheel while under the influence of a mind altering substance. Sobriety Court Judges are not “itching†to send you to jail. They are well meaning individuals trying to keep you from hurting others or yourself. Period. Jail Sentence is their last resort. Your sincerity to help yourself will always prove to be your best advocate for keeping you from doing time.
Mandatory AA/NA meetings, random drug tests, living in a sober home are likely to apply. Reporting to the court, probation officer, being subjected to monitoring with a remote breathalyzer or ankle bracelet may or may not be part of the equation. Nonetheless, consider these “inconveniences†as a minor price for your freedom.
Thus, getting yourself admitted into a structured sober home is the mainstay of the approach. Enter Structured Living LLC, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The services provided by Structured Living LL, are an ideal fit for the DUI/DWI candidates that qualify under the above guidelines. Our “zero” tolerance and court friendly rules of stay that include random drug testing, curfew and daily monitoring, implemented through a resident house manager plus a supervisor, provide a practical and an economically preferred sentencing option to the criminal justice system for non violent alcohol & drug related offenses.
So, if you are seeking an economically viable and a court preferred defense option for a DUI or DWI, avoid jail and most importantly help yourself by remaining clean & sober call 734-846-0966 or visit for details. It may likely change your life for the better – forever.
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Points Of Interest:-
Low One Time Admission Fee of $300 with $495 monthly charges.
Ann Arbor ranks among the very top few “recovery friendly” cities in the United States.
Reputable Local IOP, Counseling and Therapy Services Available. Most Residents Qualify For A “Bridge Card†From The State For Free Groceries.
Structured Living LLC is a subsidized “giveback†personal initiative, financed and managed by A Grateful Recovering Alcoholic Serving Drug Treatment Centers nationwide. It is not State funded and does not accept any donations or contributions.
Via EPR Network
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