For many years, big retailers, restaurants,hotels and others have relied on “mystery shopper services”. Now, Practice Perfect makes available to every law office, the same kind of powerful tools which were previously available to corporate America.
First impressions on the telephone determine whether someone retains you or one of your competitors. That simple. In an unprecedented program practice perfect listens to and trains your staff in key phone techniques. According to Lisa Spitzer the mastermind “People are calling on the worst day of their lives. A son may be in jail, a child hit by a car, their home in foreclosure, served with divorce papers and they need help.” “Did your front line staff show concern and empathy”
“Did they present as an expert and reinforce confidence?” According to Practice perfects model this is key. They analyze the first step and follow the call thru the office process. Spitzer says “I have done this with attorneys on the line listening and some of them are shocked”. We tested a large well known law firm, NO ANSWER”.
Practice perfect is a division of AAA Attorney referral service. AAA has been listening to callers and law firms since 1996. According to Spitzer “law firms really need this support and help,especially in this economic environment The practice perfect mystery shopper program assigns a mystery shopper to call the office at various times. With the law firms permission the call can be recorded. “We monitor how your employee handles typical prospects. However, the only way to really appreciate the telephone interaction between your employee and a caller is by recording the call. Recording provides a vehicle to use to point out strong and weak areas. When employees know they will be “mystery shopped” they will be more attentive to their script.
Via EPR Network
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