Tag Archives: Russell Jones & Walker

Leading Libel And Defamation Law Firm, Russell Jones & Walker, Has Won A Libel Victory Against Publishers Random House

Leading libel and defamation law firm, Russell Jones & Walker, has won a libel victory (Case number: 606990.1) against publishers Random House on behalf of internationally renowned wine connoisseur Michael Broadbent, who was from 1966 until 1992 the head of Christie’s wine department.

The libel action centred on the book The Billionaire’s Vinegar, the subject of which was the provenance of a number of bottles of wine said to have been owned by Thomas Jefferson. The book made allegations which suggested that Mr Broadbent had behaved in an unprofessional manner in the way in which he had auctioned some of these bottles and that his relationship and dealings with Hardy Rodenstock, who discovered the original collection, was suspected of being improper.

In a statement read out in open court, Random House apologised unreservedly for making the allegations and accepted that they were untrue. It has given an undertaking not to repeat the allegations and paid Mr Broadbent undisclosed damages.

Commenting on the settlement Sarah Webb, head of Russell Jones & Walker’s Defamation department who acted for Mr Broadbent said:

“The Billionaire’s Vinegar made highly damaging claims about my client that seriously compromised both his professional and personal reputation. We are delighted that Random House has today accepted that these allegations are totally without foundation and avoided the need to proceed to a full trial. My client is relieved that the good name he has built up over many years as one of the country’s leading wine experts has been fully restored.”

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

RJW Has Reported On The Latest Hearing In The Sofa Burns Group Litigation

RJW, a leading national firm of solicitors, has reported on the latest hearing in the ‘sofa burns’ group litigation which took place at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

So far around 3000 people have been affected by the sofa rash and other allergic skin reactions and burns after purchasing sofas containing the anti-mould agent Dimethyl Fumarate (DMF) and are pursuing claims against Argos, Land of Leather and Walmsley’s Furnishing, as well as a number of other retailers.

It was ruled that further investigation into the medical evidence was necessary and that more clarity over affected sofa models and batch numbers was needed for those seeking sofa rash compensation.

It was also revealed that a major advertising campaign would hit the press and continue throughout October, in order to alert the public to the potential link between skin injury and rashes and affected sofas.

In addition, those who have already brought sofa rash claims through a solicitor should expect to receive a postal questionnaire in the next couple of months which must be returned as soon as possible in order to assess the viability of their claim.

Richard Langton, the RJW partner in charge of the sofa litigation said; “The judge has made it clear he wants all the defendants to clarify their position on accepting liability. We should then be able to make good progress towards settling cases so consumers get proper financial redress as soon as possible. Anyone who thinks they may have been affected needs to join in the proceedings urgently if they want to get the benefit of the group action.”

The next hearing in the case is due to take place in December.

About Russell Jones & Walker
Russell Jones & Walker is a leading national firm of solicitors dedicated to upholding the legal rights of individuals. From the firms foundation in the 1920s the focus has and continues to be, people and those who represent them.

The firm has grown from its trade union roots into a respected national organisation with nine offices across England and Wales, and an associated office in Scotland.

The reputation of Russell Jones & Walker is built on the range of expertise offered by its partners and staff and on the scope of their practical experience.

RJW Solicitors represents clients across a range of areas from personal injury work to commercial and criminal litigation; from employment to defamation and reputation management; and from clinical negligence to family law.

Case Number 604759.2

Via EPR Network
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