All posts by EPR Law News

Michael Simpson Elected Bristol Law Society Council Member

Michael Simpson, Head of Employment at Almondsbury based Co-operative Legal Services has been elected a council member of the Bristol Law Society.

Michael Simpson Elected Bristol Law Society Council Member

Michael who has been a member of the Society for 10 years was elected at the recent annual general meeting.

Michael has worked for The Co-operative Legal Services since 2007, representing clients with his considerable expertise in employment law and providing valuable help and advice to employment problems.

In a previous role Michael represented trade union members in their Employment Tribunal claims.

Commenting on his election Michael said:” I would like to see the membership of the Society expand by ensuring that it is providing a valuable support infrastructure for the full range of legal practices and businesses in the South West.

“There are already some exciting developments with the Society entering into a contract with Central Law Training to provide premier tier CPD courses for members at competitive prices.

“Bristol Law Society has also entered into a long-term relationship with the University of West of England which will provide a number of unique opportunities for member firms in addition to improved premises and facilities. The Society is also creating a corporate membership package that is designed to engage all individuals who support the provision of legal services within each firm in the city.”

A keen long distance cyclist and Marathon runner, Michael decided to take up the triathlon (swim, bike & run) in 2008 and completed the full ironman event (2.5 mile swim, 110 mile bike & 26 mile run) event at Sherborne Castle in Dorset.

The Co-operative Legal Services provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate services & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment and Personal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

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Law press releases

Keith Schilling Appearing At Cambridge Union To Debate Press Freedom

Schillings, the UK law firm dedicated to protecting the reputations of international corporations, brands and high-profile individuals, will be taking part in a Cambridge Union debate on press freedom.

Keith Schilling, one of Britain’s most sought after lawyers for his work in defamation and privacy, joins Max Mosley and James Price QC to complete a line-up of experts in what promises to be a thought provoking debate on the motion – ‘This house believes the British press has too much freedom’.

Opposing the motion will be David Leigh, Investigations Editor at the Guardian, author, Tom Bower, and Alex Thomsom, Channel 4 News Correspondent.

The Cambridge Union Society is the oldest and most prestigious student debating society in the world. Founded in 1815, it has welcomed speakers from across the world and across generations. From Prime Ministers to archbishops, from generals to Presidents, the Society has hosted giants from all walks of life.

The Cambridge Union is well known for its contentious debates with high profile figures who are asked to passionately defend what they believe in. The panel open themselves to discussion with union members on contemporary issues that often reflect what’s going on in the media.

Preparing for the debate Keith Schilling said: “I am really looking forward to debating this important and topical issue, particularly in such auspicious premises. Whilst freedom of expression is fundamental to any democracy, there are insufficient checks on the media’s freedom which can result in significant and often irreparable harm.”

The debate will take place at 8pm on Thursday 21st January at the Union building in Cambridge.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top media law firms dedicated to reputation protection and safeguarding the rights of international corporations and brands, high-profile business people and those in the public eye. The firm’s 25 year track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases together with family law, matrimonial and commercial dispute resolution is second to none, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Schillings Academy Welcomes Professor Gavin Phillipson

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting the privacy and reputations of corporates and high-profile individuals, has announced that privacy and freedom of expression expert, Professor Gavin Phillipson will join as a tutor at the Schillings Academy.

Schillings Academy Welcomes Professor Gavin Phillipson

Professor Gavin Phillipson will deliver the Advanced Privacy module over four months, covering topics including the philosophical values that underlie the notion of privacy as a fundamental right. He will also be covering comparative perspectives on privacy and freedom of speech.

A Professor at Durham Law School and a Senior Fellow at Melbourne University’s Centre for Media and Communications Law, Professor Gavin Phillipson is regarded as a leading expert on privacy. Mr Justice Eady recently recommended that attendees read Professor Phillipson’s recent article entitled ‘Max Mosley Goes to Strasbourg’ whilst speaking at a law conference in December 2009. Professor Phillipson is the author of several leading articles on civil liberties and the Human Rights Act, as well as co-author of two books and co-editor of a leading edited collection. His most important contribution has been in the area of the development of a common law right to privacy on which he has published several influential articles.

Speaking about his involvement with the Schillings Academy, Professor Gavin Phillipson said: “I am delighted to be invited to be part of this remarkable programme of development and am looking forward to working with some of the leading lawyers in the field of privacy. I’m particularly looking forward to exploring, in discussion during the Academy, some of the opposing arguments to those professionally advanced by claimant lawyers such as Schillings.”

Keith Schilling said: “It is a testament to the high quality of education the Schillings Academy is delivering that we have attracted such a well respected lecturer in privacy and freedom of expression to join our programme. The skills and specialist knowledge we are delivering through the Schillings Academy enable us to have the most talented, experienced and qualified solicitors practicing libel and privacy law.”

Keith also said: “We have continued to recruit solicitors whilst many other firms have had to downsize their businesses recently. The Schillings Academy is providing all our talent a unique programme and encouraging the very best to join our growing Firm, in addition to retaining our existing exceptional people.”

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Black Farmers Reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this day that we remember the life and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, we recall a letter Dr. King sent to newly-elected president, John F. Kennedy. This letter was published in “The Nation” on February 4, 1961. In this letter Dr. King outlines the many areas that President Kennedy’s administration could affect positive change. Among areas cited specifically by Dr. King are the practices of the United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) and the Department of Justice:

Black Farmers Reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Department of Agriculture—which doubtless considers civil-rights issues as remote from its purview—could fruitfully reappraise its present operations with a view to taking certain steps that require no new legislative powers. The department could be of tremendous assistance to Negro farmers who are now denied credit simply because of their desire to exercise their citizenship rights. To wipe out this kind of discrimination would be to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of Negroes on the land. A department zealous to implement democratic ideals might become a source of security and help to struggling farmers rather than a symbol of hostility and discrimination on the federal level.

A Justice Department that is imbued with a will to create justice has vast potential. The employment of powerful court orders, enforced by sizable numbers of federal marshals, would restrain lawless elements now operating with inexcusable license. It should be remembered that in early American history it was the federal marshal who restored law in frontier communities when local authority broke down.

It is now 2010, some 49 years after Dr. King’s letter. Unfortunately, many of the same issues remain for black farmers. Discriminated black farmers still await compensation from the government. In May 2009, the President proposed $1.15 billion for the 2010 budget – In a statement, President Obama said the proposed settlement funds would “close this chapter” in the USDA’s history of discrimination. He went on to say:

My hope is that the farmers and their families who were denied access to USDA loans and programs will be made whole and will have the chance to rebuild their lives and their businesses…

Sadly, that promise remains unfulfilled. Congress has thus far failed to fund the requested $1.15 billion to compensate discriminated black farmers. “May this be the year that this portion of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream gets fulfilled” says John Boyd, founder and President of the National Black Farmers Association.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Tough, Gritty Oregon Attorney Releases Controversial Book To Help Protect Men Everywhere

Willamette Publishing Group in conjunction with is pleased to announce the release of author RK Hendrick’s controversial and exciting new book: How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid. An informative 21st century survival guide for the modern male, How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid is an inspirational tool for both single and married men throughout North America and living in any western country.

How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid is as much about providing answers and solutions as it is about scrutinizing problems and injustice. Exhaustively researched and passionately authored by RK Hendrick, Esq. who has worked in the trenches of family law for the better part of two decades, this new work is a veritable godsend for the modern male. Former pro tem judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and divorce attorney, Hendrick states his book is a must-read by every adult male, regardless of race, religion or social status.

Whether you’re 18 or 88, How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid can help men everywhere! It can save your personal fortune, give you equal footing in a custody battle, keep you from unknowingly settling down with a “breeder,” teach you how to avoid getting slapped with a restraining order, and show you the warning signs of a problem relationship before it’s too late. This book shares story after story revealing how men can fall victim to those who want to set them up for arrest, deceit, financial abuse, or slowly drain their finances until they have been sucked dry.

RK Hendrick has prosecuted and defended thousands of clients in his home state of Oregon, and says that working full-time now as a writer and entrepreneur has become his main passion.. How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid promises to be but the first of many innovative, eye-opening, provocative tell-alls he plans to write to protect and prepare men against whom the scales of justice have shifted substantially.How To Avoid “Getting Screwed” When Getting Laid is currently attainable in either paperback or hardcover copy at or on

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Law press releases

Employee Dismissal Law In Netherlands

De Graauw Legal Services specializes in assisting employees who are confronted with summary dismissal and are subject to Dutch law which is also referred to as Ontslag op staande voet in dutch legal terms.The firm also helps individuals dealing with settlement terms and Termination Agreement also referred as vaststellingsovereenkomst and Beëindigingsovereenkomst.

Employee Dismissal Law In Netherlands

Most individuals focus on the direct financial damage such a dismissal can cause through loss of unemployment benefit, salary and severance pay. However another very important aspect in these cases that is too often neglected is formed by possible career damage.

According to the founder and managing director Roland de Graauw LL.M “When no regulation concerning secrecy and statements to third parties is agreed upon, such a dismissal can pursue the client in the future.” This is especially the case when the client worked a long time for the company involved as under these circumstances chances increase that the former employer will be contacted in a selection procedure by a possible future employer increase. When the former employer, that fired the client on the spot due to culpable actions, informs the inquirer, the client can forget about the new job. Also, lying about a summary dismissal can according to jurisprudence be a ground for dismissal for the new employer. Therefore it is essential to agree upon a regulation which includes secrecy as well as a conversion of the summary dismissal to a termination by mutual consent on neutral grounds.

Degraauw legal services assists individuals in dealing with their employment dismissal cases and provides them with swift legal assistance.

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Law press releases

James Scott Farrin Attorney Reaches Out To New Lawyers

Sean Cole, a personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, spoke at a seminar sponsored by the North Carolina Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) titled “Trying Your First Case.” The event was held at NCAJ headquarters in Raleigh on Sept. 18.

James Scott Farrin Attorney Reaches Out To New Lawyers

The seminar covered topics ranging f r o m preparing for the trial to continued vigilance after the trial is over. Cole focused his talk on jury selection and the presentation and handling of witnesses and evidence.

“There is absolutely no substitute for trial experience,” he said. “But to get ready for that, you have to hear f r o m people who already have it.”

The seminar was designed around a member-identified need for more education on practical trial skills. While the majority of the approximately 20 participants were new to the field of law, several were seasoned attorneys who just didn’t have a lot of trial experience.

Despite a full caseload at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin, Cole says he will always make time to help the NCAJ pursue its Continuing Legal Education (CLE) functions.

“When I just started as an attorney, I’d go to a lot of CLE programs, especially those given by the NCAJ,” said Cole, a 12-year legal veteran. “I was impressed by how many great attorneys were taking the time to teach and share their experiences just to help others become better lawyers. I knew it would be important to give back one day.”

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin encourages its attorneys to become involved with NCAJ, and the firm as a whole is a member of the group’s Leader’s Forum – the highest level of firm financial contribution recognized by the NCAJ. Most of the firm’s attorneys are NCAJ members, several of whom hold leadership positions.

Cole is extremely active in the NCAJ. He recently received an Order of Service Award f r o m the organization for his contributions to advancing its mission of protecting people’s rights. Other James Scott Farrin attorneys who received Order of Service Awards included: James S. Farrin, Michael Jordan, J. Stewart Clontz and Rick Fleming. Cole currently serves as a member of the Education Committee and is the Listserve Security Officer for the Auto Torts Executive Committee. In addition, he was Editor in Chief of the NCAJ’s newly released North Carolina Manual of Complaints– 3rd Ed. Over the years, he has presented at more than a dozen NCAJ Continuing Legal Education programs.

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Law press releases

Law Offices of James Scott Farrin Attorney Earns Board Certification

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin is proud to announce that Attorney Barry Jennings has recently passed the exam to become a Board Certified Specialist in Workers’ Compensation Law.

Board Certified Specialists are lawyers certified by the North Carolina State Bar as having demonstrated special knowledge, skill and proficiency in a specific area of law. The certification process for workers’ compensation law requires at least five years of substantial involvement practicing workers’ compensation law, completing at least 36 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in workers’ compensation and related legal fields, a satisfactory review by at least five legal peers, and passing a comprehensive written examination.

Prior to joining the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin in 2006, Jennings worked as a defense attorney defending employers against the claims of injured workers. This experience has given him a keen appreciation for workers’ compensation law from both sides of the table.

A graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law, Jennings currently represents workers who have suffered serious injuries as a result of a work accident. He is a member of The Order of Barristers, the Workplace Injury Litigation Group and the North Carolina Advocates for Justice.

Four of the six Board Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation law practicing in the city of Durham work for the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. In addition, James Scott Farrin Attorney Rick Fleming is a Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability Law.

“We are committed to providing top notch legal talent for our clients,” says Founder and President James S. Farrin. “We believe that our experienced, capable attorneys, including our Board Certified Specialists, can make a difference in our client’s cases.”

Founded: 1997 by James S. Farrin, Duke University School of Law, J.D. (1990) in Durham

Number of employees: Approximately 130, including 24 attorneys. Approximately 20 staff members are fluently bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.

Offices: 13 statewide, including Durham , Raleigh , Charlotte , Fayetteville , Greensboro , Greenville , Goldsboro , Henderson , New Bern , Roanoke Rapids, Rocky Mount , Sanford , Wilson

Major practice areas: Personal Injury, Intellectual Property, Civil Rights, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation


Presently leading one of the largest civil rights cases in United States history: In re Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation, Case No. 08-mc-0511 (PLF) (D.D.C.), which deals with the United States Department of Agriculture’s discrimination against African-American farmers.

The firm’s many philanthropic pursuits include Duke Children’s Hospital, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The firm has a matching-gift program wherein it matches an employee’s philanthropic contributions.

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Law press releases

Schillings Assist Earl And Lady Spencer In Winning Libel Action

Schillings solicitors has won their libel action against the Sunday Express on behalf of Earl Spencer and his daughter Lady Kitty Spencer.

The judgement has meant Earl Spencer and his daughter Lady Kitty Spencer have won an apology, Statement in Open Court as well as substantial damages and their legal costs from the Sunday Express after bringing a libel action in the High Court.

The Sunday Express article of 30 August 2009 entitled “The It girl making the Spencers glamorous”, made various false allegations concerning Earl Spencer’s divorce from his wife Caroline and was critical of his behaviour and that of Lady Kitty in connection with the divorce.

The Sunday Express has accepted that the allegations complained about were false. In an apology to be published on Sunday 6 December 2009 the Sunday Express will say:

“On 30 August 2009 in an article “The It girl making the Spencers glamorous” we published several false allegations about Earl Spencer and his eldest daughter, Lady Kitty Spencer. We regret the suggestion in that article that either of them acted improperly in any way in connection with Earl Spencer’s divorce from his wife Caroline, or in relation to the division of the family assets.

We would like to apologise to Earl Spencer and Lady Kitty Spencer for the distress and embarrassment we may have caused.”

The Sunday Express also joined with Earl Spencer and Lady Kitty Spencer in making a Statement in Open Court whereby Express Newspapers accepted that they should not have published the article as they did and formally apologised. Express Newspapers has also paid substantial damages and legal costs in full.

About Schillings
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to reputation management and safeguarding the rights of international corporations and brands, high-profile business people and those in the public eye. The firm’s 25 year track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases together with family law, matrimonial and commercial dispute resolution is second to none, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”.

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Law press releases

Schillings Grows Family Department To Meet Increasing Client Demand

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting the rights and reputations of corporate organisations, high-profile individuals and those in the public eye, has increased its family department to meet the growing demand from its clients, particularly those who want to ensure their family and matrimonial matters are not publicised by the media.

Schillings has recently recruited Davina Hay to join its family law department alongside Keith Schilling, Rachel Atkins and David Greer. A litigator with expertise in family law, Davina advises on separation, divorce and ancillary relief, jurisdictional disputes, multi-jurisdictional divorce cases involving significant assets and enforcement issues. Before she joined Schillings, Davina trained and qualified at a City law firm where she spent six years acting for a number of well known actors, successful entrepreneurs and international clients. She brings with her extensive experience as a litigator and enhances the firm’s provision of advice to high net-worth and high profile individuals in all aspects of divorce, relationship breakdown, ancillary relief, pre- and post-nuptial agreements and private children matters.

Schillings’ family department is led by Keith Schilling, the founder and senior partner of the firm, who represented Shan Lambert in her successful appeal in 2002, achieving the first 50/50 split of assets in a “big money” divorce.

Working alongside Mr Schilling is Partner Rachel Atkins who earlier this year, together with Associate David Greer, acted for a celebrity father in a test case following the introduction of new rules allowing media attendance in family proceedings, and succeeded in application to exclude the media from attending court hearings concerning his child.

When speaking about the growing family department Keith Schilling said, “In the last few years we have seen a significant increase in the demand for advice from high net worth and high profile individuals in connection with matters relating to divorce, often involving multiple jurisdictions, children and most notably pre- and post-nuptial agreements.”

Mr Schilling went on to say, “High net worth individuals and those in the public eye regularly discover their privacy has been invaded or their reputation defamed when details of their personal lives or the breakdown of their relationship are leaked to the press and publicised. It is logical, therefore, to respond to the demand from our clients by strengthening our team and combining our family and matrimonial advice with the firm’s pre-eminent experience in the area of reputation protection, so that we can ensure that press interest is managed to our client’s advantage.”

Speaking about the press interest surrounding high net worth individuals and those in the public eye Davina Hay said, “Clients, even those without a high public profile, are increasingly finding themselves the subject of intrusive press interest following relationship breakdown or in the event of disputes involving children. Aside from the unwanted emotional strain at an already stressful time, the financial consequences of the resulting reputational damage can be devastating. However, it is possible to manage such threats and give clients the space to resolve family issues free from unwanted media scrutiny.”

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Law press releases

The Co-Operative Legal Services Provide Will Writing Service

The Co-operative Legal Services (CLS) has teamed up with Emma’s Diary, the leading website for pregnant women and new mums, to provide an exclusive Will writing service.

Through extensive research amongst its members, Emma’s Diary understands what mums want and has recognised the need to provide further information on writing a will, which is one of the top things that parents do after having a baby. As a result, Emma’s Diary has chosen to work with CLS as its sole Will provider and will be promoting this service to all its members via the Money Matters finance section of the website.

Eddie Ryan, Managing Director of CLS said: “Emma’s Diary understands how writing a Will protects its members and their families.

“They wanted to work with a partner whose trusted, ethical and professional approach would ensure that writing a Will would be a positive experience whilst delivering the required legal expertise needed for such an important decision.”

Emma’s Diary has a membership base of just over 1.3 million members, which attracts appropriately 100,000 unique users on its website every month.

The Co-operative Legal Services provide a range of legal services to members and customers covering Will writing, Probate & Estate Administration, Conveyancing, Employment and Personal Injury Claims. A wide range of free legal advice is also provided.

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Law press releases

Schillings Announce Libel Claim Win For Michael Essien Against The People

The Chelsea premiership footballer Michael Essien, represented by London law firm Schillings, has won his libel claim (Case number HQ09X02164) against the People newspaper.

Libel proceedings were issued against MGN Limited, the publisher of the People newspaper, following the publication of two articles. The first article, published on 25 May 2008, carried the headline “Chelsea Cheat Michael Essien: I’ll Stand by my Love Child”. This was followed by another article on 3 May 2009 under the headline “Sex Cheat Star Essien Gets Boot”.

The articles claimed that Mr Essien had cheated on his long term partner by having numerous affairs with other women and fathered a child behind his partner’s back. As a result, his partner had called off their wedding. These allegations were found to be false and grossly defamatory towards Mr Essien.

The People has accepted that these allegations are untrue, and has paid Mr Essien substantial damages as well as agreeing to pay his legal costs. The People have also undertaken not to repeat the allegations.

In its apology, the People said: “On 25 May 2008 and 3 May 2009 we reported that Michael Essien had cheated on his long term girlfriend Nadia Buari by having numerous affairs behind her back including one in which he fathered a child. On 3 May we reported that as a result of his behaviour Ms Buari called their wedding off. We now accept that these allegations are untrue. We apologise to Mr Essien for any distress or embarrassment caused.”

A representative of Schillings who represented Michael Essien said: “There has been a lot of inaccurate reporting concerning Michael and he was not prepared to allow this misreporting to continue.”

Schillings also said that, “these allegations were not put to Michael or his representatives prior to publication and had the People done so they would have been informed of their utter falsity.”

Caroline McAteer of The Sports PR Company said on behalf of Michael Essien: “Michael is delighted to have won his case and to have set the record straight. He would have preferred not to take action, but had no alternative in this case. Michael is pleased that this matter has now been resolved.”

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Law press releases

Mayor Slay In Bed With Big Law Firm

Mayor Slay In Bed With Big Law Firm. Missouri Tax Payers To Be Taken To Cleaners By Lewis Rice & Fingersh.

Another disgrace is taking place with your tax dollars. The City of St.Louis has unanimously approved a $300,000.00 loan that is forgivable and does not need to be re-paid so that the millionaire attorneys from a 200 person St.Louis law firm of Lewis Rice and Fingersh can buy new fancy desks for themselves in a move to new offices. See St.Louis Business Journal Article dated Friday, October 16th, 2009. The City through its St.Louis Development Corp. decided it must have too much money, federal money that is, and decided to spread the wealth, but the wrong way. It is not giving to the poor, the needy, the hungry, but to rich attorneys to help them move. Now the City of St.Louis on behalf of Lewis, Rice and Fingersh (Lewis & Rice) wants to petition to Missouri Development Finance Board, a State agency, to approve over $5 million of tax payer money to help the law firm move to fancy new offices at One City Center and you the tax payer will be paying for that.

This is absurd injustice at its greatest. This is insulting to the tax payers of the City of St.Louis and all the residents of the Great State of Missouri and to all tax payers throughout the country. Media should take note of this and help stop this abuse. Lewis Rice & Fingersh has donated thousands of dollars to city and State officials and now its pay back time with your tax dollars. County Executive Charley Dooley received a $10,000.00 political contribution this year. The City of St.Louis Mayor received a $5,000.00 this year alone in contributions as well. There is a conflict here. Its politics the old fashioned way, the corrupt way.

How can you get in on some of these favors with Mayor Slay, well, give him a $10,000.00 political contribution (is that what its called) and he will give you back $300,000.00 and ask the State for $5 million, thats how. You scratch Mayor Slay’s back and he will more then scratch your back. So what else did the chairman of Lewis Rice & Fingersh Jack Pruellage have to say or do for the Mayor to get such special treatment. Mr. Jack Pruellage who takes home a seven figure income needs tax payers to buy him new furniture for his new offices and he prefers the tax payers pay for his fancy new furniture and for his move. Why should he pay for it when he has Mayor Slay for a friend.

Think of all the homeless, the hungry and the needy there are out there. Think of how many blankets and bologna sandwiches can be bought with that money. But Mayor Slay found a better home for it, in the pockets of Lewis Rice & Fingersh attorneys and Jack Pruellage, its chairman. The Missouri Development Finance Board meeting to hear the proposal to provide $5 million to One City Center building so that the law firm can move and have fancy new offices, will be held at 8:30 AM, Tuesday October 20th at the Rennaissance Grand Suites at 827 Washington Ave., Lennox Room, St.Louis, MO.

Action must be taken to stop abuse and waste of tax payers dollars to enrich millionaire attorneys at your tax payers expense. The partners at Lewis and Rice make $400,000 to $600,000 per year and the chairman Jack Pruellage makes millions per year and Missouri tax payers will help him get richer. No wonder they say its a “Great Country America”. Sure is, but great for who ? Officials on the take with public money, thats for who. Politics Chicago style no doubt, right here in Missouri.

Call Governor Jay Nixon to voice your objection at 573-751-3222 and your local State Representative’s office. You should also call the Missouri Development Finance Board at 573-751-8479 to complain about the proposal and tell them not to do it. Call the Mayor Francis Slay at 314-622-3201 and make him aware that receiving political contributions and then using tax payers money to buy furniture for Lewis Rice & Fingersh is plain wrong.

Submitted by Citizens Against Waste, a non for profit organization aiming at stopping waste and abuse of tax payers money. Phones 314-226-2808 or 314-226-2146.

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Law press releases

Leading Libel And Defamation Law Firm, Russell Jones & Walker, Has Won A Libel Victory Against Publishers Random House

Leading libel and defamation law firm, Russell Jones & Walker, has won a libel victory (Case number: 606990.1) against publishers Random House on behalf of internationally renowned wine connoisseur Michael Broadbent, who was from 1966 until 1992 the head of Christie’s wine department.

The libel action centred on the book The Billionaire’s Vinegar, the subject of which was the provenance of a number of bottles of wine said to have been owned by Thomas Jefferson. The book made allegations which suggested that Mr Broadbent had behaved in an unprofessional manner in the way in which he had auctioned some of these bottles and that his relationship and dealings with Hardy Rodenstock, who discovered the original collection, was suspected of being improper.

In a statement read out in open court, Random House apologised unreservedly for making the allegations and accepted that they were untrue. It has given an undertaking not to repeat the allegations and paid Mr Broadbent undisclosed damages.

Commenting on the settlement Sarah Webb, head of Russell Jones & Walker’s Defamation department who acted for Mr Broadbent said:

“The Billionaire’s Vinegar made highly damaging claims about my client that seriously compromised both his professional and personal reputation. We are delighted that Random House has today accepted that these allegations are totally without foundation and avoided the need to proceed to a full trial. My client is relieved that the good name he has built up over many years as one of the country’s leading wine experts has been fully restored.”

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Law press releases

Shillings Win Apology And Damages For Olivier Martinez From The Sun

Olivier Martinez, represented by London law firm Schillings and Paris law firm Asmar & Assayag has won his libel action against The Sun, at the High Court in London, following the publication of false allegations that Mr. Martinez cheated on Kylie Minogue during their relationship. (Case number: HQ08X02862)

On 26 November 2007, The Sun published an article under the headline “Kylie ‘still loves’ ex Martinez” which contained the defamatory and untrue allegation that Mr Martinez had cheated on Kylie Minogue. In order to vindicate his reputation Mr. Martinez issued libel proceedings against News Group Newspapers Limited in relation to the article.

A representative of Schillings said that: “This false allegation has caused Mr. Martinez considerable embarrassment and distress.”

They also said that: “Mr. Martinez is glad that The Sun has accepted that the allegations are false and that the article should never have been published at all”.

In the High Court in London The Sun newspaper apologised to Mr. Martinez, agreed to publish an apology in the newspaper and to pay damages and legal costs.

The Sun’s lawyer said: “The Defendant sincerely apologises to the Claimant for the distress and embarrassment this article has caused. It accepts that the allegations are untrue and ought never to have been published.”

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Law press releases

Quigal Launches New Search Site for High-Achieving Attorneys

Quigal, LLC announced today that it was launching its attorney search web site for residents of Massachusetts. Quigal’s site allows the public to search for attorneys who have impressive educational backgrounds or substantial work experience in complex legal matters and allows users to communicate with multiple attorneys quickly and easily. During the initial launch period, attorneys authorized to practice law in Massachusetts are invited to register with the site free of charge until April 1, 2010.

For Quigal attorney members, a unique feature of the web site is that the number of attorneys who can register is limited to ten per zip code, which increases each registered attorney’s visibility vis-à-vis potential clients.

The inspiration for Quigal came from attorneys and clients who complained about the poor quality of existing directory services, both online and print, recalled Renate Harrison, Quigal co-founder. “My colleagues complained that existing directories contained so many lawyers that the odds of engaging a client were too low to justify the expense, while users felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of attorneys they had to choose from and the multiple pages of information they had to fill out,” Harrison noted. “So I asked what I thought was a simple question: how can we improve the way clients find lawyers online? I believe Quigal is the answer.”

As of today, Massachusetts residents can begin using Quigal. Quigal is built on the idea that users should have confidence in the quality of attorneys made available to them on attorney search sites, and that the number of registered attorneys should be limited, so that each attorney has a realistic opportunity to engage clients. Key features of Quigal include:

• Search: Quigal enables the public to search for attorneys by zip code, city, state, practice area, or law school attended. Quigal also permits potential clients to search for attorneys who are available for a live chat.

• Exclusivity: Quigal attorney members who subscribe to a zip code always appear on the first page search results for that zip code. A maximum of ten attorneys can register for each zip code.

• Quality: Quigal only registers attorneys who have graduated from a top-tier law school or who have substantial work experience managing complex legal matters.

• Ease of Use: Quigal offers several options for potential clients to contact attorney members. A simple online query form and attorney profiles with full contact information appear on every search results page. Also, a live chat option allows potential clients to chat real-time with attorneys. Quigal also allows its registered attorneys to link to their social and professional networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.).
In the coming months, Quigal will be rolling out its web site nationally, as well as introducing new site features.

Are you interested in registering with Quigal? Please visit Quigal’s website at For more information about Quigal, please contact Renate Harrison.

Via EPR Network
Law press releases

Fred “Rerun” Berry Family is asking for a Federal Investigation on a 20 Million Dollar Cover-up

Whistle Blower!!! Over the past six years regarding the late Fred Rerun Berry who was an actor from the 1970’s “What’s Happening” Sitcom. Berry died October 21, 2003.

It has been determined that there has been an unauthorized use of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry’s personal identification number utilizing this number to establish bank accounts in the form of loans, government grants, saving accounts and lines of credit. Thousands of dollars have been utilized in property developments, purchasing of land and community development projects in the Suitland Maryland, Largo Maryland and New Carrolton areas.

Many attempts to gather documents from a Bank and a Corporation in Maryland have been met with roadblocks. In 2001 Fred Rerun Berry appeared on” The Weakest Link and that is were it all began. Mrs. Berry started receiving paper work from the Internal Revenue, Documents and contracts in c/o Essie Berry for this corporation and Tax Idenification Number. Mrs. Berry requested bank accounts records. The bank teller wanted Mrs. Berry to provided information to confirm her identity. Information was faxed in 2004 to a bank in Maryland still no records. In 2005, Mrs. Berry meets with the Vice-President of the bank. Mrs. Berry asked for all accounts in reference to Fred Rerun Berry Tax Identification 52-2197854 records were mail but they were incomplete.

Mrs. Berry and Portia Allen, Fred’s daughter in 2007 over heard a phone conversation with a bank employee while holding during a phone conversation say, “That poor, poor lady they drained her husbands’ account. With all of the compelling evidence, bank records, documents and paper trail and errors that the banks have made in utilizing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry Tax Identification number. The Berry family is seeking a full Federal Investigation to this matter. All facts can be proven.

Sincerely, The Berry Family

Berry Family 9663 Santa Monica Blvd. suite 121 Beverly Hill Ca, 90210//404-380-8250 or 404-303-1117 ( or (

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New San Diego DUI Lawyer Website

San Diego DUI Attorney Cole Casey, California State Delegate to the prestigious National College of DUI Defense, announces the launch of the new San Diego DUI website, San Diego Lawyer DUI, which complements the law firm’s original web site, DUI San Diego.

New San Diego DUI Lawyer Website

The new San Diego DUI Lawyer website provides access to many valuable Drunk Driving Defense resources, such as San Diego DMV license suspension hearing information for DUI defendants, San Diego DUI Court and DMV case results, boating DUI, vehicular manslaughter, Pilot DUI, and other DUI facts.

The DUI Law Firm’s new website also provides victory strategies for other criminal defense lawyers taking cases to DUI Jury Trials in San Diego. In addition, provides valuable information describing the entire DUI court process in California, and also states facts regarding San Diego DUI enhancements and case aggravators.

Attorney Casey devotes his entire law practice solely to defending DUI cases in California, no other criminal defense cases are accepted. In addition, Lawyer Casey has been invited to speak and deliver seminars across the country to other lawyers on the subject of DUI defense. Visit either website,, or for everything you need to know to effectively manage a DUI arrest in San Diego.

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Texas and Houston Drunk Driving Car Accident Lawyers Help Fight Carnage Of DUI Deaths

This Labor Day weekend, millions of Americans will celebrate having an extra day of leisure. Sadly, many will celebrate too much. They will drink – too much – and then drive. And they’ll kill up to 300 other Americans, or as many as died on the three-day July 4 weekend. For families of such victims, the only solace may be pressing for damages via a drunk driving lawyer or car accident attorney.

America’s ongoing DUI carnage is why law enforcement officials nationwide, including the Texas Department of Public Safety, are gearing up for increased vigilance on roads and highways for the long Labor Day weekend. They know it’s inevitable that many will be killed by drunk drivers in that time, but hope that through checkpoints and other vigilance they can limit the loss.

How significant is America’s loss to drunk driving? In financial terms, it’s untold billions of dollars. But strictly in terms of human loss — and not counting the millions who suffer injury in drunk driving car accidents — the nation suffered 11,000 DUI car accident fatalities in 2008 alone.

Though annual drunk driving death totals have declined in recent years, 11,000 deaths is still a staggering tragedy. To place it in a broader historical perspective, since 1982 more than half a million Americans have died due to drunk drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Those half a million DUI deaths since 1982 dwarf — by 150,000 — the number of Americans killed in every war since World War II. And all such deaths could have been prevented if people did not drink and drive.

After the fact of a drunk driving death or injury, victims or their families at least have a legal recourse. They can engage skilled, knowledgeable and experienced Texas drunk driving car accident lawyers or auto accident attorneys from Jim S. Adler & Associates, a Texas law firm with zero tolerance for drunk drivers and complete support for drunk driving accident victims.

Whether your drunk driving accident was in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin or anywhere else in Texas, a Texas drunk driving accident lawyer from Jim S. Adler & Associates stands ready to fight for justice and for your own financial compensation, led by Jim “the Texas Hammer” Adler, a personal injury attorney who’s fought for victims’ rights for more than three decades.

About Jim Adler & Associates
Jim S. Adler & Associates is a Texas personal injury law firm with offices in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Channelview. Adler personal injury lawyers and attorneys have fought for Texans’ legal rights since 1973.

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Schillings Will Be Taking Part In A Panel Discussion At The 2009 Reputation Conference

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting individual and corporate reputations, will be taking part in a panel discussion, chaired by Dr Kevin Money Associate Professor and Director of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation, at the 2009 Reputation Conference.

Keith Schilling is Senior Partner and Co-Founder of Schillings and is a Solicitor-Advocate. He is one of the most sought after reputation management lawyers in Britain due to his work in defamation and privacy and in 2008 he was placed 10th in the Times list of the 100 most powerful and influential lawyers in England for his work in achieving a number of landmark decisions in privacy law. He has helped to protect the reputations of film, sports and entertainment stars as well as international corporations and business executives.

Keith Schilling, joins a panel of experts in protecting reputations to answer the question ‘Future avenues for building reputation. Where do we go from here?’ The panel will close the conference with a review of the learnings from the day and discuss how organisations should prepare themselves for the future challenges in managing reputations and corporate responsibility.

As a new decade approaches, the conference will examine the challenges of managing reputation and relationships in times of organisational change and will consider the lessons learnt from recent corporate scandals in the management of reputation.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial litigation is second to none.

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