Category Archives: Antitrust

Astor Asset Management Highlights Ongoing Legal Challenges and Ethical Concerns Surrounding Ricardo Salinas and Grupo Elektra

VANCOUVER, Canada, 27-Jan-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd is raising awareness about the ongoing legal challenges and recurring accusations of unethical conduct involving Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the chairman of Grupo Elektra. These issues highlight a troubling pattern that is likely to cause concern among investors and stakeholders, particularly in light of Salinas’ actions over the years.

In 2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Salinas with orchestrating a scheme to conceal his involvement in transactions that resulted in a personal gain of $109 million. The SEC alleged that Salinas, along with other executives at TV Azteca, failed to disclose material information to investors, violating federal securities laws.

Further scrutiny of Salinas’ financial activities surfaced in 2012 when reports pointed to his rapid accumulation of wealth. While Grupo Elektra’s revenue grew significantly, concerns were raised about the aggressive lending practices of its financial arm, Banco Azteca, which targeted low-income consumers with high-interest loans.

In 2019, additional revelations linked Salinas to financial dealings with companies benefiting from a controversial deal at the center of a corruption scandal in Mexico. Specifically, connections were uncovered between Salinas and European entities with large stakes in Grupo Fertinal, a fertilizer company sold to the state-owned Pemex, with the transaction now under investigation for alleged fraud.

The situation escalated in May 2024 when a federal bribery accusation in the U.S. implicated Banco Azteca in a scandal involving illegal payments to influence legislation. This raised serious concerns about the governance and ethical practices of both the bank and Grupo Elektra.

In March 2024, Fitch Ratings downgraded Grupo Elektra’s credit rating, citing governance concerns within Grupo Salinas. The downgrade highlighted the potential risks associated with the company’s management and operational transparency. Reports have also suggested that Ricardo Salinas has been using Grupo Elektra for personal financial gain.

Moreover, in September 2024, Grupo Elektra was delisted from the Mexican Stock Exchange amid ongoing legal disputes, including a significant tax litigation with Mexican authorities, further underscoring the challenges the company faces under Salinas’ leadership.

Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd has obtained confidential information revealing that Mexican and European financial institutions are refusing to lend money to Ricardo Salinas, engage in transactions with Banco Azteca, or provide correspondent banking services to the institution.

These cases underscore a concerning pattern of legal disputes and accusations of unethical behavior associated with Ricardo Salinas Pliego. Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd advises investors and stakeholders to remain vigilant and carefully consider these ongoing and historical issues when assessing any engagements with Grupo Elektra, its affiliated entities, and Ricardo Salinas himself.

For more information, visit the following sources:

Astor Asset Management prüft Sammelklage gegen Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego und Grupo Elektra wegen Marktmanipulation

VANCOUVER, Kanada, 18-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd untersucht derzeit, zusammen mit internationalen Anwälten, ob eine Investorengruppe eine Sammelklage gegen Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego und Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. einleiten sollte. Der Vorwurf: Mögliche Verstöße von Salinas gegen Offenlegungspflichten bei Aktiengeschäften und Krediten, die Investoren geschadet haben könnten.

Im Fokus steht ein Kredit von Salinas, besichert durch 7,2 Millionen Elektra-Aktien, der nicht ordnungsgemäß öffentlich gemacht wurde. Diese fehlende Transparenz könnte gegen Wertpapiergesetze verstoßen und den Aktienkurs von Grupo Elektra künstlich in die Höhe getrieben haben. Am 26. Juli 2024 wurde der Aktienwert bei 960 MXN gehandelt, während Schätzungen einen fairen Wert von 200-250 MXN sehen.

Investoren könnten durch diese Intransparenz irregeführt worden sein und finanzielle Verluste erlitten haben. Eine mögliche Sammelklage würde betroffene Investoren in Mexiko, Europa und den USA vereinen. Astor Asset Management ruft Aktionäre, die in den letzten sieben Jahren Elektra-Aktien erworben haben, dazu auf, sich zu melden, um mögliche Ansprüche zu prüfen.

Transparenz und Vertrauen

Fehlende Offenlegungen durch Insider wie Salinas beeinträchtigen die Markttransparenz und schaden den Investoren. Die Untersuchungen sollen klären, inwieweit die Marktmanipulation zu finanziellen Verlusten geführt hat und welche rechtlichen Schritte unternommen werden können.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Astor Asset Management Impulsa Demanda Colectiva Contra Ricardo Salinas y Grupo Elektra por Falta de Transparencia Financiera

VANCOUVER, Canadá, 11-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — En una iniciativa de gran importancia para los accionistas de Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V., Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd ha comenzado el proceso de conformar un grupo de inversores para llevar adelante una demanda colectiva contra Ricardo Benjamin Pliego Salinas y su empresa, Grupo Elektra. La demanda se basa en la falta de divulgación de transacciones financieras clave, como préstamos y pignoraciones de acciones, por parte de Salinas, lo que, según la firma, ha causado un daño material a los accionistas.

De acuerdo con Astor Asset Management, Salinas y su familia, quienes poseen una participación mayoritaria en Grupo Elektra, no han cumplido con las obligaciones de transparencia, afectando el precio de las acciones de la compañía. El objetivo de la demanda es obtener compensaciones para los accionistas que, según se alega, han sufrido pérdidas debido a la sobrevaloración del precio de las acciones de la empresa.

Astor invita a los inversores que adquirieron acciones de Grupo Elektra en los últimos siete años a unirse a esta acción colectiva, con la intención de buscar justicia y transparencia en el mercado.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Investors to Pursue Class Action Against Ricardo Salinas and Grupo Elektra Over Alleged Financial Misconduct and Shareholder Harm

VANCOUVER, 11-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — In a significant development within the investment community, Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd has initiated steps to form a group of investors to pursue legal action against Ricardo Benjamin Pliego Salinas and Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. The lawsuit alleges Salinas, who controls 74% of Elektra’s shares, has engaged in improper financial dealings, including undisclosed loans and share pledges, that have harmed shareholders.

The case centers on Salinas’s alleged failure to disclose critical financial transactions, such as the recent pledge of 7.2 million Elektra shares as collateral for a loan with Astor Asset Management. The lack of transparency surrounding these activities, along with previous non-disclosures of trades and loans, has drawn the attention of regulators and investors alike.

Astor claims that Salinas’s actions have contributed to an overvaluation of Elektra shares, which trade at an inflated price despite declining earnings. These factors, combined with a series of prior regulatory fines for Salinas, have raised concerns of market manipulation and misinformation.

Astor is calling on investors who have purchased Elektra shares within the last seven years to join the class action, with the goal of seeking compensation for financial losses incurred due to alleged manipulation and lack of regulatory compliance. The lawsuit is expected to be filed in multiple jurisdictions, including Mexico, the United States, and Europe.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Virgin adds to VIRGINIC case new groundless litigation against 3 more small startups

MIAMI, Florida, 2020-Apr-29 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Sir Richard Branson and his Virgin Group do not trade in… Virgins! Furthermore the word ‘virgin’ is itself a common word and an arbitrary one when used in connection to Virgin’s various business pursuits. For context purposes, here’s some more fun with trademarking Apple.

The word itself, Apple, is a common word and contrary to popular belief it is possible to trademark a common word. This is allowed because the word is arbitrary when used in connection to the manufacturer of iPhones and computers etc. Apple doesn’t sell apples, and neither does the Apple Rubber Co and many others who also own the trademark to the word ‘Apple.’ Multiple companies can own the trademark to the same common word, as long as the products they sell aren’t so similar that they cause confusion for consumers.

In spite of being a globally recognized brand, Virgin is currently pursuing a court case against a small online beauty company named VIRGINIC LLC, attempting to force them to close their store and demanding a hand over of their website domains and social media accounts to Virgin Group.

VIRGINIC LLC is a startup with a visionary desire to keep creating chemical-free, allergy-free, raw face cream formulas, for the direct benefit of an organic-minded female consumer. VIRGINIC brand name is to recall beyond-organic level of purity with no chemical additives and a holistic approach to ethical and all natural sourcing. Their production practices are mindful of protecting the planet through sustainable packaging materials and supporting local farming for ingredients sourcing. Yes, they are lovely people with an ethos that we can all support as it’s hard not to.

As for Virgin, they don’t sell cosmetics currently and neither do they have any intention to do so in future. From our common sense lesson in trademark law this should be an open and shut case, should it not? It seems crystal clear that two companies selling completely different products with names using a common word in an arbitrary manner, no virgins being sold, should both have the right to trademark that word.

Or in this case an invented word similar to that word, it would be like Apple vs Appleic. What’s more in the UK where this case started 2 years ago, a quick search reveals many companies trading under the word ‘Virgin’ offering various services. They’re able to do so for the reasons already stated above.

So why would Virgin target a small startup that doesn’t even use the name “virgin” and doesn’t trade in phones, planes and spaceships but natural face creams? It appears to be nothing more than pure speculative spitefulness by certain lawyers needing to justify their retainer and earn exorbitant fees from their client.

One can almost imagine those lawyers idly examining new trademark applications looking for marks that look somewhat similar to their client’s, no matter how tenuous the connection and salivating over the thought of the juicy fees to follow.

This sort of behavior is no better than the ‘ambulance chaser’ stereotype that looms large in the public’s imagination. In fact, under common law there was historically an offence referred to as ‘barratry’ referring to people who are “overly officious in instigating or encouraging prosecution of groundless litigation” or who bring “repeated or persistent acts of litigation” for the purposes of profit or harassment. Sadly for VIRGINIC, this is no longer an offense in England and Wales. Now the turn is for the US court system to judge on the merits vs manipulative discourse of Virgin’s lawyers justifying their retainers.

Some of the investigative journalists following VIRGINIC case point out that the actual litigation is indeed pointless and harassing in nature. Furthermore it is destructive and punitive. VIRGINIC was already denied the appeal in UK, Virgin got paid £35,000 but since that wasn’t enough, Virgin’s lawyers proceeded to open more lawsuits against VIRGINIC in more countries, including countries where VIRGINIC doesn’t trade.

VIRGINIC refused to commit business suicide and close the shop, just because Virgin said so. Virgin’s lawyers responded by opening personal lawsuits against key employees and managers of VIRGINIC in both US and UK, using an alter ego theory as a legal crutch. In David vs Goliath cases, a big corporation can starve a small company financially to death, break their spirit by forcing them to give up simply because a small company is no longer able to afford piling up legal fees (in this case internationally) – a common tactic of a common bully.

Virgin opened personal lawsuits against shocked and distressed key employees and managers of VIRGINIC calling them in Wyoming court an “alter ego” of VIRGINIC company itself. When VIRGINIC and its management heroically kept refusing to be destroyed, more personal lawsuits were opened in the court of England.

VIRGINIC stated on their website that they felt it was morally wrong to close the business and stop making natural cosmetics for people with allergies that asks for them every day, just because a multi-billion dollar attacker has such a wish. In response to that, Virgin’s lawyers just recently added to the ongoing lawsuit 3 unrelated to VIRGINIC start up companies (in both court of both Wyoming, US and London, England) – companies where VIRGINIC employees used to work based on same “alter ego” legal crutch theory, causing even greater surprise to all spectators and a real financial damage to other small entities that stated no connection to VIRGINIC.

VIRGINIC announced on their social media that directly due to high legal fees causing hardship to its business half of their employees had to be laid off. At the expense of a great personal toll to those individuals and at a great loss of human capital in general, Virgin is further magnifying the damage caused.

If any business case is the personification of vicious, pointless litigation that only serves to enrich overpaid lawyers then this is it. Let us hope that a fairytale ending lies in store for the good folks at VIRGINIC and their spirit of not giving up on their dream, with a deserved comeuppance for the villain of the piece.

Via EPR Network
More Law press releases

Virgin Demands Small Cosmetic Company VIRGINIC Closes and Opens Lawsuits Against its Main Employees

New York, NY, 2020-Apr-23 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — One of the greatest challenges currently facing the business world is the relentless pursuit of ownership of brand names, logos, typefaces, slogans and even colors! The judiciary are constantly inundated with cases regarding the alleged illegal or improper use of any, or any combination, of these.

But how much of this is a waste of the court’s time? How often is a case being brought simply because an in-house legal beagle needs to justify their salary? How many cases are brought that should simply, in any real world of common sense, never make it out of the split second of foolishness of that very thought’s creator?

Now, the idea that somebody really believed it necessary to protect their idea/investment/invention by receiving confirmation that it was indeed theirs, does, of course, make some sense. Invent the perfect diet in the form of a single daily dose tablet and you should be able to protect that invention and make as much money as the marketplace deems it to be worth until somebody comes up with a way of simply breathing in the perfect diet, and your invention becomes worthless.

And there is, in and of itself, the answer to many of our questions, whether or not we really knew that we had them. Money. Without this fiendish instrument of perceived wealth, where would we be? Would anybody, anywhere ever need to know who invented something of great use to the general populous? Would anybody give you the pats on the back and the “attaboys” that your genius deserved? Well, maybe, and, more likely the case, maybe not.

But would you care? I mean, let’s be honest, if you honestly did all this just for the kudos, you wouldn’t have needed the patent application form in the first place, right? You did it for the money, as is your absolute right to do, and you are simply protecting your investment and the value that your invention has.

Trademarks are, however, a whole different ball game. Take the example of Odysseas Papadimitriou’s company trademark application for his WalletHub brand, a brand that offered a website able to compare various offers such as insurance, loans, mortgages etc. The trademark application for his logo, a white “W” set in a green square, was disputed by, of all things, Major League Baseball! The claim was that the MLB had not one but TWO similar logos that would be infringed upon were the application allowed. One of these is a logo that has not been used in baseball since 1960, the year that the Washington Nationals became the Minnesota Twins whilst the other is a flag that the Chicago Cubs fly in their stadium if they win!

How are either of these “uses” threatened in any way, financial or otherwise, by a website that offers financial documentation organization services? Are WalletHub suddenly getting calls from angry customers, unable to get seats for the game? Are the MLB getting calls asking for financial advice?

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the key to this whole mess…IS THE CONSUMER CONFUSED ABOUT WHO OR WHAT THEY ARE ENGAGING WITH FOR GOODS OR SERVICES? That is the acid test. That is the reason the law uses to justify its very existence. That is the fly in the inhouse legal beagle’s ointment…Can they PROVE that this brand confusion would exist?

A perfect example of this is the case of Virgin Group PLC v VIRGINIC LLC (you already see where this is going, right?!). VIRGINIC is a young start-up specializing in all-natural, organic beauty products. Not trains. Not planes. Not telephones.

In fact, not any product that is even similar to anything that the Virgin group does or even has ever produced. Clearly there can be no confusion here. But what’s that, I hear you cry? The name is similar? Surely name similarity is not enough. For example, Ford once manufactured a car called the Capri. Now we have the Capri Sun brand all over the world. Is there an issue? Are people buying juice boxes worried that they are made in a car factory? Of course they are not. That would be silly, wouldn’t it?!

VIRGINIC was dismissed by a judge in the UK at the THIRD time of asking, having already beaten Virgin’s trademark infringement case on two previous occasions.The virtue of the freedom of speech that we protect so rigorously, is not an objective virtue any more in the common legal sense, apparently.

For as long as there exists a particular judge able to be swayed by vague and ridiculous arguments, such as those employed by the Virgin lawyers, on a particular day, in a particular place, we will carry on down this absurd legal rabbithole, wasting both the time and money of the taxpayer and of both businesses in question, meanwhile doing nothing for the consumer other than limit their access to the products that they may actually wish to purchase.

And are those not the people that these very laws were enacted to protect in the first place?

Trademark case numbers (UK00003283156)

Via EPR Network
More Law press releases

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EPR Law News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the law news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

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