All posts by EPR Law News

Astor Asset Management Highlights Ongoing Legal Challenges and Ethical Concerns Surrounding Ricardo Salinas and Grupo Elektra

VANCOUVER, Canada, 27-Jan-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd is raising awareness about the ongoing legal challenges and recurring accusations of unethical conduct involving Ricardo Salinas Pliego, the chairman of Grupo Elektra. These issues highlight a troubling pattern that is likely to cause concern among investors and stakeholders, particularly in light of Salinas’ actions over the years.

In 2005, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Salinas with orchestrating a scheme to conceal his involvement in transactions that resulted in a personal gain of $109 million. The SEC alleged that Salinas, along with other executives at TV Azteca, failed to disclose material information to investors, violating federal securities laws.

Further scrutiny of Salinas’ financial activities surfaced in 2012 when reports pointed to his rapid accumulation of wealth. While Grupo Elektra’s revenue grew significantly, concerns were raised about the aggressive lending practices of its financial arm, Banco Azteca, which targeted low-income consumers with high-interest loans.

In 2019, additional revelations linked Salinas to financial dealings with companies benefiting from a controversial deal at the center of a corruption scandal in Mexico. Specifically, connections were uncovered between Salinas and European entities with large stakes in Grupo Fertinal, a fertilizer company sold to the state-owned Pemex, with the transaction now under investigation for alleged fraud.

The situation escalated in May 2024 when a federal bribery accusation in the U.S. implicated Banco Azteca in a scandal involving illegal payments to influence legislation. This raised serious concerns about the governance and ethical practices of both the bank and Grupo Elektra.

In March 2024, Fitch Ratings downgraded Grupo Elektra’s credit rating, citing governance concerns within Grupo Salinas. The downgrade highlighted the potential risks associated with the company’s management and operational transparency. Reports have also suggested that Ricardo Salinas has been using Grupo Elektra for personal financial gain.

Moreover, in September 2024, Grupo Elektra was delisted from the Mexican Stock Exchange amid ongoing legal disputes, including a significant tax litigation with Mexican authorities, further underscoring the challenges the company faces under Salinas’ leadership.

Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd has obtained confidential information revealing that Mexican and European financial institutions are refusing to lend money to Ricardo Salinas, engage in transactions with Banco Azteca, or provide correspondent banking services to the institution.

These cases underscore a concerning pattern of legal disputes and accusations of unethical behavior associated with Ricardo Salinas Pliego. Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd advises investors and stakeholders to remain vigilant and carefully consider these ongoing and historical issues when assessing any engagements with Grupo Elektra, its affiliated entities, and Ricardo Salinas himself.

For more information, visit the following sources:

New York Supreme Court Imposes Escalating Fines on Ricardo Salinas Pliego and Grupo Elektra for Non-Compliance with Financial Disclosure Orders

VANCOUVER, 9-Jan-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd has reported a significant ruling by the Supreme Court of New York against Ricardo Salinas Pliego and his company, Grupo Elektra, for non-compliance with court-ordered financial disclosures. The court has found Salinas and his affiliated entities in contempt, issuing escalating daily fines and granting creditors the right to seize his personal assets until the financial disclosures are provided.

The ruling originates from Grupo Salinas Telecom, S.A. de C.V., Grupo Salinas Telecom II, S.A. de C.V., and their associated entities failing to comply with post-judgment discovery orders. As a consequence, the court imposed a fine of $15,000 per business day starting from July 12, 2024, with the fine amount doubling on November 8, 2024, unless the required disclosures are provided. Shortly after the court’s judgment, Salinas moved millions of dollars out of the U.S. to evade the judgment and prevent the arrest of his assets by the court’s bailiff.

In a key ruling, the court granted an alter ego motion, acknowledging that Grupo Elektra, Banco Azteca, and Salinas are alter egos of Grupo Salinas. This ruling enables creditors to target Salinas and Grupo Elektra directly for payment of the outstanding financial obligations.

Additionally, AT&T Mobility Holdings B.V. was awarded $296,801.95 in legal fees for its efforts to enforce the judgment.

The court’s decision emphasizes its authority in ensuring compliance and holding Salinas and Grupo Elektra accountable for their financial duties. The fines will continue to accumulate until the entities comply with the court’s orders.

The full ruling from the Supreme Court of New York can be viewed at:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Robert Szustkowski Takes Legal Action Against Ringier Axel Springer Polska Over Breach of Settlement Agreement

WARSAW, 3-Jan-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — Robert Szustkowski has filed a lawsuit against Ringier Axel Springer Polska (RASP), seeking over PLN 54 million in damages for the publisher’s failure to comply with a 2020 Settlement Agreement. The case stems from RASP’s refusal to remove defamatory publications that violated Szustkowski’s dignity and good name, as agreed in the settlement.

In August 2024, Szustkowski demanded payment of the penalty after RASP continued to circulate articles falsely linking him to Russian influence. Despite the terms of the Settlement, RASP did not remove the damaging content. The lawsuit, which is being handled by attorney Elżbieta Kosińska-Kozak from Dubois & Partners, highlights the significant consequences of this breach, which has caused financial and personal harm to Szustkowski and his family.

The case could become one of the largest financial claims in Poland for personal rights violations, setting an important precedent in the media industry. Szustkowski’s legal action is grounded in the principle of pacta sunt servanda—agreements must be honored.

The lawsuit was filed on December 19, 2024.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Chetan Kapur and ThinkStrategy Capital: A Decade of Success and Unjust Persecution

NEW YORK, 2024-Oct-1 — /EPR Network/ — Chetan Kapur, the renowned investment manager behind ThinkStrategy Capital Management, is recognized for providing exceptional returns to investors for over a decade. Throughout the Great Recession, Kapur went above and beyond to protect his investors, even sacrificing his own financial standing. Despite this, he has faced unwarranted persecution from certain elements within the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), accused of unjust claims rooted in misinformation and deceit.

ThinkStrategy Capital Management, under Kapur’s leadership, consistently delivered high returns for its investors before and during the economic collapse, demonstrating strong performance despite unprecedented market conditions. Kapur’s commitment to his clients led him to deplete ThinkStrategy’s resources to protect investor interests, even waiving his own creditor claims.

However, a corrupt faction within the SEC launched a baseless campaign against Kapur, accusing him of misconduct without any substantial evidence. These actions, exacerbated by racial bias and collusion with a disgruntled investor, Benjamin Schwarz, have tarnished Kapur’s reputation despite his efforts to act in the best interest of investors.

Several independent third parties have testified to Kapur’s integrity, highlighting his dedication to his clients and his diligent management practices. Despite the challenges, Kapur’s track record remains strong, with ThinkStrategy consistently outperforming peers in the hedge fund sector.

In a concerted attempt to undermine his work, certain SEC officials, working with Schwarz, brought fabricated claims against Kapur. These claims were ultimately dismissed, and charges dropped after it became clear they were based on falsehoods. Nonetheless, the damage to Kapur’s reputation and personal life has been significant.

Kapur’s experience highlights the challenges faced by minority professionals in the financial sector, where systemic bias and corruption can overshadow even the most diligent efforts. Moving forward, calls for accountability and a closer examination of the actions of those involved in this campaign against Kapur are growing.


Astor Asset Management prüft Sammelklage gegen Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego und Grupo Elektra wegen Marktmanipulation

VANCOUVER, Kanada, 18-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd untersucht derzeit, zusammen mit internationalen Anwälten, ob eine Investorengruppe eine Sammelklage gegen Ricardo Benjamín Salinas Pliego und Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. einleiten sollte. Der Vorwurf: Mögliche Verstöße von Salinas gegen Offenlegungspflichten bei Aktiengeschäften und Krediten, die Investoren geschadet haben könnten.

Im Fokus steht ein Kredit von Salinas, besichert durch 7,2 Millionen Elektra-Aktien, der nicht ordnungsgemäß öffentlich gemacht wurde. Diese fehlende Transparenz könnte gegen Wertpapiergesetze verstoßen und den Aktienkurs von Grupo Elektra künstlich in die Höhe getrieben haben. Am 26. Juli 2024 wurde der Aktienwert bei 960 MXN gehandelt, während Schätzungen einen fairen Wert von 200-250 MXN sehen.

Investoren könnten durch diese Intransparenz irregeführt worden sein und finanzielle Verluste erlitten haben. Eine mögliche Sammelklage würde betroffene Investoren in Mexiko, Europa und den USA vereinen. Astor Asset Management ruft Aktionäre, die in den letzten sieben Jahren Elektra-Aktien erworben haben, dazu auf, sich zu melden, um mögliche Ansprüche zu prüfen.

Transparenz und Vertrauen

Fehlende Offenlegungen durch Insider wie Salinas beeinträchtigen die Markttransparenz und schaden den Investoren. Die Untersuchungen sollen klären, inwieweit die Marktmanipulation zu finanziellen Verlusten geführt hat und welche rechtlichen Schritte unternommen werden können.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Astor Asset Management Impulsa Demanda Colectiva Contra Ricardo Salinas y Grupo Elektra por Falta de Transparencia Financiera

VANCOUVER, Canadá, 11-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — En una iniciativa de gran importancia para los accionistas de Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V., Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd ha comenzado el proceso de conformar un grupo de inversores para llevar adelante una demanda colectiva contra Ricardo Benjamin Pliego Salinas y su empresa, Grupo Elektra. La demanda se basa en la falta de divulgación de transacciones financieras clave, como préstamos y pignoraciones de acciones, por parte de Salinas, lo que, según la firma, ha causado un daño material a los accionistas.

De acuerdo con Astor Asset Management, Salinas y su familia, quienes poseen una participación mayoritaria en Grupo Elektra, no han cumplido con las obligaciones de transparencia, afectando el precio de las acciones de la compañía. El objetivo de la demanda es obtener compensaciones para los accionistas que, según se alega, han sufrido pérdidas debido a la sobrevaloración del precio de las acciones de la empresa.

Astor invita a los inversores que adquirieron acciones de Grupo Elektra en los últimos siete años a unirse a esta acción colectiva, con la intención de buscar justicia y transparencia en el mercado.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Investors to Pursue Class Action Against Ricardo Salinas and Grupo Elektra Over Alleged Financial Misconduct and Shareholder Harm

VANCOUVER, 11-Sep-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — In a significant development within the investment community, Astor Asset Management 3 Ltd has initiated steps to form a group of investors to pursue legal action against Ricardo Benjamin Pliego Salinas and Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. The lawsuit alleges Salinas, who controls 74% of Elektra’s shares, has engaged in improper financial dealings, including undisclosed loans and share pledges, that have harmed shareholders.

The case centers on Salinas’s alleged failure to disclose critical financial transactions, such as the recent pledge of 7.2 million Elektra shares as collateral for a loan with Astor Asset Management. The lack of transparency surrounding these activities, along with previous non-disclosures of trades and loans, has drawn the attention of regulators and investors alike.

Astor claims that Salinas’s actions have contributed to an overvaluation of Elektra shares, which trade at an inflated price despite declining earnings. These factors, combined with a series of prior regulatory fines for Salinas, have raised concerns of market manipulation and misinformation.

Astor is calling on investors who have purchased Elektra shares within the last seven years to join the class action, with the goal of seeking compensation for financial losses incurred due to alleged manipulation and lack of regulatory compliance. The lawsuit is expected to be filed in multiple jurisdictions, including Mexico, the United States, and Europe.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

From Market Success to Legal Struggle: The Story of ThinkStrategy Capital Management

NEW YORK, 20-May-2024 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — ThinkStrategy Capital Management, a prominent investment firm, today announces a comprehensive legal victory as all regulatory charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have been fully dismissed. This significant legal outcome vindicates Chetan Kapur, the firm’s founder, and highlights the firm’s unwavering commitment to lawful and ethical business practices.

For over a decade, ThinkStrategy has not only provided exemplary returns to its investors but has also adhered to the highest standards of regulatory compliance and operational transparency. Despite these commitments, ThinkStrategy faced a series of allegations from the SEC that have now been proven to be unsubstantiated.

“The dismissal of these charges is a testament to the strength of our legal position and the unjust nature of the accusations we faced,” stated Chetan Kapur. “This victory is not just for ThinkStrategy but for all investment firms that uphold the principles of fairness and integrity in the face of baseless allegations.”

The allegations, initially posited by the SEC, suggested regulatory missteps by ThinkStrategy which were demonstrated in court to be completely without merit. Extensive legal examinations and proceedings confirmed that the charges were influenced by improper motivations and a lack of substantial evidence.

This resolution comes after a prolonged legal battle that strained the firm’s resources but ultimately reaffirmed its reputation and operational resilience. ThinkStrategy’s legal team, supported by credible independent third-party testimonies, effectively showcased the firm’s compliance with financial regulations and its proactive approach to investor protection, especially during the financial downturn.

ThinkStrategy Capital Management is grateful to its legal advisors, investors, and clients for their support throughout this process. With these legal challenges behind it, the firm looks forward to focusing on its core mission of delivering outstanding investment performance and maintaining robust compliance protocols.


Kansas Pro Se Whistleblowers Place Johnson County Family Court Judge in Federal Lawsuits and Under Misconduct Allegations

KANSAS CITY, Kansas, 2024-Jan-3 — /EPR LAW NEWS — According to federal and county court documents, District Judge Burmaster has been accused of manipulating domestic violence protection orders in a biased manner that favors female petitioners in her courtroom. The judge allegedly exhibited prejudice against a Kansas pro se father in one particular case, to such an extreme extent that it resulted in unlawful detentions, unjustified findings of contempt of court, and the removal of the father’s child custody rights. These actions taken by Judge Burmaster prompted the father to file two separate federal civil rights lawsuits against the judge in United States District Court for the District of Kansas, under the name Escalante Vs Burmaster. 2:23-CV02471 and 2:23-CV02559. Both lawsuits progressing and the first has a schedule conference on January 24, 2023 and a trial begins. The lawsuits center predominantly on an 18 month period of time beginning July 08, 2023, in which its alleged a fraud protective order was placed by Burmaster and procured from opposing counsel Chris T Wilson.

Further, in December 2023, criminal charges that had been filed against the father for allegedly violating a fraudulent protection order were suspended. It is believed by the plaintiff that the judge was attempting to keep the father incarcerated in retaliation for bringing attention to her improper handling of such cases and biased decision-making through the whistleblowing lawsuits. If the allegations made in the court filings are substantiated, they portray a serious abuse of judicial authority and violation of the father’s civil rights to an impartial trial and due process under the law. Additionally and separately, two men’s criminal matters stemming from purported violations of Judge Burmaster’s civil protection orders have stalled – one since March 2022 – due to questions surrounding the judge’s issuance of orders in those underlying cases. Concerns of gender bias, fraud procurement of protective order petitions, unlawful retaliation, and improper judicial conduct remain ongoing regarding Judge Burmaster’s handling of domestic violence protection order cases in his Kansas courtroom. The Kansas father Knoche, is almost a year and half under a claimed false criminal violation of a protective order and that can be seen as questionable in bad faith from prosecution with the failure to prosecute the father over now. 18 months straight. His case is riddled with bad candor by prosecutors and it was initiated by a Burmaster civil order. Docs in the criminal case state the exchanging of ex parte evidence during scheduling conferences was occurring by the prosecutors.

The lawsuits aim to hold Judge Burmaster accountable for his reported manipulation of protection order procedures that stripped a father of his legal rights as parental retaliation for challenging her authority. The outcome of these civil cases could set an important precedent regarding the impartial administration of justice and protection from retaliation for those who lawfully expose potential judicial misconduct. Both the integrity of the courts and the civil liberties of those involved in family law cases may hinge on the resolution of Escalante Vs Burmaster.

Via EPR Network
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Οι αρχές της Τοσκάνης απαγόρευσαν ρητά στην Κατερίνα να πωλήσει τη βίλα Guidiccioni

ΛΕΜΕΣΟΣ, Κύπρος, 14-Ιουλίου-2022 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Ο Χένρι Μπέρτσον, Ειδικός σε θέματα Συμβουλευτικής της HBC, πιστεύει ότι το Επαρχιακό Δικαστήριο Λεμεσού θα διερευνήσει όλα τα γεγονότα που σχετίζονται με την απόπειρα της χήρας του ολιγάρχη που δραστηριοποιούνταν στη βιομηχανία άνθρακα Ντμίτρι Μπόσοφ να αποκτήσει τον έλεγχο των περιουσιακών στοιχείων του συζύγου της. Πρόσφατα η κληρονομιά του μεταφέρθηκε στους γονείς και τα παιδιά του αποθανόντος επιχειρηματία. Έχοντας δοκιμάσει άλλους τρόπους για να αποκτήσει τον έλεγχο της τεράστιας επιχείρησης στη βιομηχανία άνθρακα και της περιουσίας του συζύγου της, η Κατερίνα Μπόσοφ κατέθεσε μήνυση στο Επαρχιακό Δικαστήριο Λεμεσού, όπου είναι καταχωρισμένη η πλειοψηφία των περιουσιακών στοιχείων του μεγιστάνα. Σύμφωνα με την HBC, η Κατερίνα έχει ήδη παραβιάσει τη νομοθεσία πολλές φορές στον αγώνα της για την απόκτηση του ελέγχου της κληρονομιάς.

Μετά την αυτοκτονία του Ντμίτρι Μπόσοφ τον Μάιο του 2020, η Κατερίνα Μπόσοφ πρόδωσε την εμπιστοσύνη των συγγενών του και ηγήθηκε του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της εταιρείας συμμετοχών που δραστηριοποιείται στη βιομηχανία άνθρακα Sibanthracite, η οποία ιδρύθηκε από τον σύζυγό της. Η HBC θεωρεί ότι στόχος της Κατερίνας ήταν να αποκτήσει τον έλεγχο της εταιρείας Alltech, που είναι καταχωρισμένη στην Κύπρο. Αυτή η εταιρεία κατέχει την κυριότητα της εταιρείας συμμετοχών Sibanthracite, της οποίας η αξία υπερβαίνει το 1 δισεκατομμύριο δολάρια μετά το θάνατο του ιδιοκτήτη της. Για να υλοποιήσει τα σχέδιά της, η Κατερίνα ενέπλεξε στην υπόθεση ακόμη και έναν συμβολαιογράφο. Ωστόσο, τα σχέδια της ματαιώθηκαν από τους γονείς και τους λοιπούς κληρονόμους του επιχειρηματία. Η ριψοκίνδυνη Κατερίνα απομακρύνθηκε από τη διοίκηση της Sibanthracite.

Σύμφωνα με πηγές των ΜΜΕ, η διαμάχη για τον έλεγχο της κληρονομιάς του Ντμίτρι Μπόσοφ συνεχίστηκε για αρκετά χρόνια. Έχει καταστεί σαφές ότι ο ολιγάρχης είχε αποκτήσει την περιουσία του πολύ πριν από τον γάμο του με την Κατερίνα και, αυτή, δεν είχε κανένα δικαίωμα να διεκδικήσει τον έλεγχο των επιχειρήσεων και της ακίνητης περιουσίας του. Επιπλέον, αναλύθηκαν αποδεικτικά στοιχεία σχετικά με νομοθετικές παραβιάσεις που διέπραξε η Κατερίνα κατά την επιδίωξη απόκτησης του ελέγχου της κληρονομιάς. Σύμφωνα με την HBC και τα μέσα ενημέρωσης, αυτό μπορεί να οφείλεται σε παρουσίαση ανακριβών στοιχείων από τον συμβολαιογράφο στην απόπειρά του να κάνει μια συμφωνία με τον ανακριτή.

Η ιδιαίτερη προσοχή από την πλευρά των αρχών επιβολής του νόμου που διερευνούσαν την υπόθεση υποκίνησης αυτοκτονίας σε συνδυασμό με την κατάσχεση μετοχών, ανάγκασαν την Κατερίνα Μπόσοφ να μετακομίσει στην Ευρώπη. Εν τω μεταξύ, τα ταξίδια που κάνει είναι χαρακτηριστικά των κομψών «συντρόφων» επιχειρηματιών από την Ανατολική Ευρώπη: Νίκαια-Μονακό-Μιλάνο. Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία της HBC, αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκεται στην Ιταλία περιμένοντας το Επαρχιακό Δικαστήριο Λεμεσού να εκδικάσει την ανταπαίτησή της για το μερίδιό της στην Alltech. Ταυτόχρονα, η Κατερίνα προσπαθεί να επηρεάσει την κοινή γνώμη στην Κύπρο παριστάνοντας την πολιτική πρόσφυγα.

Τα σχέδιά της για απόκτηση του ελέγχου των περιουσιακών στοιχείων του Ντμίτρι Μπόσοφ απέτυχαν και στην Ιταλία. Οι αρχές της Τοσκάνης απαγόρευσαν ρητά στην Κατερίνα να πωλήσει τη βίλα Guidiccioni, την οποία αγόρασε ο σύζυγός της το 2019 για τον ίδιο και την κόρη του, καθώς η Κατερίνα δεν καταλέγεται μεταξύ των ιδιοκτητών. Όπως είναι γνωστό, ο Ντμίτρι Μπόσοφ δεν άφησε διαθήκη. Ο ειδικός της HBC πιστεύει ότι η Κατερίνα έχει επιβαρύνει τη θέση της για απόκτηση άδειας παραμονής στην Ευρώπη, καθώς έχει δυσαρεστήσει τις τοπικές αρχές με τη συμπεριφορά της. Ως εκ τούτου, το κυπριακό δικαστήριο παραμένει η τελευταία ελπίδα της χήρας του μεγιστάνα. Ωστόσο, οι ειδικοί της HBC είναι βέβαοι ότι όλες οι ενέργειες της Κατερίνα Μπόσοφ από την ημέρα του θανάτου του συζύγου της είναι ευρέως γνωστές στο κοινό. Επομένως, η ικανοποίηση της αξίωσης της Κατερίνας είναι πολύ αμφίβολη.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Le autorità italiane hanno bloccato i tentativi di vendita non autorizzata di Villa Guidiccioni a Lucca, in Toscana

Le autorità italiane hanno bloccato i tentativi di vendita non autorizzata di Villa Guidiccioni a Lucca, in Toscana

LUCCA, Italia, 13-Lug-2022 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — La società di consulenza HBC ha reso noto che le autorità italiane hanno bloccato i tentativi di vendita non autorizzata di Villa Guidiccioni a Lucca, in Toscana. La villa è stata acquistata nel 2019 per 4,5 milioni di euro dall’oligarca russo del carbone Dmitry Bosov, che l’aveva intestata a proprio nome. Un anno dopo si è suicidato.

La vedova di Dmitry Bosov, Katerina, ha fatto diversi tentativi di vendere Villa Guidiccioni senza trasferire il diritto di proprietà dopo la morte del marito. Tuttavia, il comune di Lucca non ha consentito l’operazione. Inoltre, è sorto il sospetto di un tentativo intenzionale di effettuare una transazione non autorizzata.

Nel 2020, Dmitry Bosov, proprietario del più grande produttore di carbone di antracite del mondo, Sibanthracite, è stato trovato da sua moglie Katerina ucciso a colpi di arma da fuoco sul territorio della loro villa fuori Mosca. Aveva una pistola Glock in mano. Un anno prima aveva acquistato dalla ASL l’edificio dell’ex ospedale di Carignano, noto come la cinquecentesca Villa Guidiccioni. In seguito all’acquisto, era stato concordato con le autorità lucchesi un piano decennale di ricostruzione della Villa e del parco circostante. Bosov avrebbe vissuto personalmente nella villa, insieme alla figlia. Attualmente la ricostruzione è sospesa e l’edificio è abbandonato.

HBC dichiara che, dopo la morte del marito, Katerina Bosov ha fatto diversi tentativi per ottenere il controllo della sua attività con l’aiuto di un notaio di fiducia. Ma questi piani non sono stati realizzati.

Pochi giorni fa, il caso si è concluso. Come scrivono i media, l’eredità è stata trasferita ai genitori e ai figli dell’oligarca defunto.

Allo stesso tempo, la polizia sta indagando sul caso del suicidio del re del carbone e gli investigatori hanno qualcosa da chiedere a Katerina Bosov. La reputazione della Bosov è contro di lei. Giornalisti indipendenti hanno scritto dei legami di Katerina con un fornitore di servizi di escort d’élite e della sua dipendenza dalla cocaina. Si ritiene che la conoscenza con il suo futuro sposo sia avvenuta a una festa di oligarchi russi a Monte Carlo e sia stata ben pianificata.

Per questi motivi, HBC ritiene che la partenza di Katerina per l’Europa, dove sta cercando di trasferirsi in un luogo di residenza permanente, non abbia motivazioni politiche. Non è altro che il desiderio di evitare problemi con le forze dell’ordine. Allo stesso tempo, i suoi tentativi di vendere la villa italiana secondo una formula illegale potrebbero impedire alla vedova dell’”antracite” di ottenere un passaporto europeo.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Limassol District Court will investigate all the facts related to the attempt of the coal oligarch Dmitry Bosov’s widow to win control over her husband’s assets

Katerina Bosov

LIMASSOL, Cyprus, 13-Jul-2022 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Henry Bertson, HBC Consulting expert, believes that the Limassol District Court will investigate all the facts related to the attempt of the coal oligarch Dmitry Bosov’s widow to win control over her husband’s assets. Recently his inheritance has been transferred to the parents and children of the deceased businessman. Having tried other ways to establish control over her husband’s coal empire and his property, Katerina Bosov filed a lawsuit with the Limassol District Court, where the majority of the coal king’s assets are registered. According to HBC, the list of law violations committed by Katerina in the struggle for inheritance is already overlong.

After Dmitry Bosov’s suicide in May 2020, Katerina Bosov betrayed his relatives’ confidence and headed the Board of Directors of the Sibanthracite coal holding, founded by her husband. From the HBC’s point of view, her aim was to win control over Alltech company registered in Cyprus. This very company owned the Sibanthracite holding, which was worth over $1 billion after the death of its owner. To implement her plans, Katerina even involved an interested notary. However, these plans were thwarted by the parents and other heirs of the businessman. The venturesome Katerina was suspended from managing Sibanthracite.

According to media sources, the war for Dmitry Bosov’s inheritance continued for several years. It has become clear that the oligarch had earned his fortune long before his marriage to Katerina and she had no rights to claim for business and property. Moreover, evidence of law violations committed by Katerina in her pursuit of inheritance was analyzed. According to HBC and the media, this could have been a misrepresentation of the notary and an attempt to make a deal with the investigator.

Close attention on behalf of law enforcement agencies, investigating, in addition to the seizure of shares, the case of incitement to suicide, forced Katerina Bosov to move to Europe. Meanwhile, her routes are still typical for glamorous “girlfriends” of wealthy businessmen from Eastern Europe: Nice-Monaco-Milan. According to HBC data, she is currently in Italy waiting for the Limassol District Court to hear her counterclaim for her share of stock in Alltech. Simultaneously, Katerina is trying to influence public opinion in Cyprus, posing as a political refugee.

In Italy, her plans regarding Dmitry Bosov’s assets failed as well. The Tuscan authorities strictly forbade Katerina from selling the Villa Guidiccioni, purchased by her husband in 2019 for himself and his daughter, since Katerina is not among the owners. As is known, Dmitry Bosov did not leave a will. The HBC expert believes that Katerina has complicated her way to obtaining a residence permit in Europe by displeasing local authorities. Therefore, the Cypriot court remains the last hope of the coal king’s widow. However, the HBC experts are sure that all Katerina Bosov’s actions since the day of her husband’s death are widely known to the public, therefore, the satisfaction of Katerina’s claim is very doubtful.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Cole & Van Note Announces Mon Health Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Monongalia Health System, Inc. on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with Monongalia Health System, Inc., your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
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Cole & Van Note Announces Sedgwick CMS Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address:
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Cole & Van Note Announces SAC Health System Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of SAC Health System on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with SAC Health System, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address:
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

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Cole & Van Note Announces FPI Management Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, California, USA, 2022-Mar-05 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of FPI Management on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with FPI Management, your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address:
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

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Cole & Van Note Announces Logan Health Medical Center Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, CA, USA, 2022-Mar-03 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Logan Health Medical Center on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with , Logan Health Medical Center your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its  website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address:
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

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Cole & Van Note Announces Meyer Corporation Data Breach Investigation

Oakland, CA, USA, 2022-Mar-03 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Cole & Van Note, a leading consumer rights law firm, announces today its investigation of Meyer Corporation, U.S. on behalf of its consumers/clients, arising out the company’s recent data breach. According to the company, the private information of a massive number of people may have been stolen in the hacking of its information network. It is currently unknown how many people have had their information used for criminal purposes.

If you received a notice of this alarming data breach and/or have transacted in any way with Meyer Corporation, U.S., your information may already be in the hands of cybercriminals, making your urgent attention to this situation very important.

Cole & Van Note is ready to discuss your options and can be contacted at (510) 891-9800, by email at or through its website by clicking below:

Cole & Van Note has been successfully handling consumer and employee rights matters since 1992. The firm has recovered compensation for millions of individuals and stands ready to help you get paid for your losses.

Attorney Advertisement. Our previous results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome.

Full Name: Scott Cole
Organization Name: Cole & Van Note
Phone: (510) 891-9800
Email Address:
Facebook Page
LinkedIn Page

Via EPR Network
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Final dismissal by the US Court of Digi Communications NV litigation in the US

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Jan-2021 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — In connection with the claim brought by certain US citizens against the Company, RCS & RDS S.A., RCS Management S.A., DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft, and its subsidiary, i-TV Digitális Távközlési Zrt. (the “Defendants”) in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia – Alexandria Division, which we have previously disclosed in our periodic reports, the Company would like to inform its investors and the market that, on 24 November 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued an order granting the motion of the Plaintiffs Appellants to voluntarily dismiss the case with regards to i-TV Digitális Távközlési Zrt (the last remaining Defendant in this case).

All claims by all Plaintiffs in the matter have now been rejected and dismissed by the district court, and all potential appeal claims as to those dismissals have been rejected or dismissed at the appellate court. Plaintiffs are time-barred from any attempt to resurrect the claims, the statute of limitations on each claim for each Plaintiff having expired. The case file has been closed at the district court, and the judgment in favor of Defendants is a final judgment.

The Company welcomes this much awaited final solution regarding the US litigation.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New online course deeps into the principles of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) activities

AMSTERDAM, 9-Dec-2020 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — In December 2020, Social Links, in partnership with – the German private investigative agency, is launching an Academy that explains the principles of OSINT activities. It expounds in detail the methods of extracting information from a very wide number of online sources and clarifies the principles of analyzing this information. The course constitutes a series of videos on the application of more than 900 Social Links Transforms for Maltego software – a widely used solution in the areas of law enforcement and cybersecurity. The online course is available by subscription and included in the package for customers who order Social Links Box, a full-fledged cyber security and threat intelligence unit solution.

Due to lockdowns and mass migration of people to the Internet, 2020 is officially recognized as the year of digitalization. This trend has also been picked up by companies that are increasingly resorting to the Internet not only as a communication tool, but also as the main source of open information, which they ultimately rely on in their business decisions. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) – originally born as part of intelligence and homeland security, is a set of methods and tools for working with the analysis of open data. OSINT has always been fundamental in intelligence and business (up to 90% of the valuable information on which decision-making is based can be obtained through open sources). Today, the technology is successfully used by companies of various scales, allowing to reduce specific risks to almost 100%. Social Links academy is prepared by the head of the agency and the lead trainer of Corma – Jörn Weber. He spent many years working in the German police and retired with the rank of Kriminalhauptkommissar (Detective Chief Inspector). He and his team now support corporate security departments and brand protection teams from international clients with the successful execution of their investigations. Jörn Weber has been teaching OSINT technologies for many years and has gained vast practical experience, not only in the investigations themselves, but also in the transfer of his skills and knowledge. He devoted a significant place in the Social Links OSINT Academy courses to general approaches to working with data, analyzing real cases, and building an investigation strategy.

“For 6 years, we have been working with the leading OSINT specialists, platforms and clients, which allows us to use their knowledge and experience to develop Social Links services. Everything we do in one way or another is based on the experience of this collaboration and we understand the importance of proper automation of data collection and analysis processes more than anyone else. The only thing that no OSINT service can do is to teach an investigator’s way of thinking. Such a mindset coupled with the right tool is the key to successful investigations, so it is extremely important to get a theoretical basis from an experienced instructor, which is undoubtedly Joern Weber,” says Andrey Kulikov, CEO of Social Links.

The course is available by subscription and included in the package for customers who order Social Links Box, a full-fledged cyber security and threat intelligence unit solution.

SOURCE: EuropaWire